The online racing simulator
Quote from Thunderhead :
Takata '06

That car being one of my favorite on the grid (and the yellow /w green wheels), I know it well, and have seen it in person.

The green you have used is wrong. It is really more of an emerald green with a pearly look. I'd recommend using this color: #004A2D / R:0 B:74 G:45
Quote from Tweaker :That car being one of my favorite on the grid (and the yellow /w green wheels), I know it well, and have seen it in person.

The green you have used is wrong. It is really more of an emerald green with a pearly look. I'd recommend using this color: #004A2D / R:0 B:74 G:45

Thanks for the advice.
Will do.

Edit: Better?
Attached images
Quote from HellBoy99 :uh huh...

That may be the least constructive post ive ever seen my posts in the "what music are you listening to now" thread help people more...If your going to post at least put something to help him in.

On topic:

Try it on a black car, and instead of layering it at the bottom try at the top (may not work but is techinicly more realistic).

Side note: Try and get gimp? ive never used it having photoshop but people say its nice
MUCH better
Try to get a graphics program and some white fluff on a car is not a skin!

(that betta?)
a replica of a nissan skyline gtr, hope ya guys like it


greetz caoz
Downloaded, since I like that livery and your skins are great, but for a good 20 seconds there, I thought there was a nasty watermark over the whole .jpg or I`d got a corrupted download.....
nice! C40Z
my new xrr skin
I was gonna make that but yours is soo much better than mine will ever be.
I made a version similar recently, it's in this thread somewhere.

C40Z, your skin owns my attempt. Keep up the good work.
Quote from beefyman666 :I made a version similar recently, it's in this thread somewhere.

C40Z, your skin owns my attempt. Keep up the good work.

Meh. I liked your one too.
thx guys

@beefyman666 your pennzoil xrr skin also really nice dude

greetz caoz
very first skin
skin of colin mc is
ford focus wrc 2002
lfs car
come again?
Quote from joaopaulopt :HI
skin of colin mc is
ford focus wrc 2002
lfs car

Let me trans late...

Hi, I would like a Colin McRae Ford Focus WRC 2002 skin for XRT.

Anyways wrong section, try the skin request section.
Or (slim chance) he has a Colin McRae skin and he forgot to do something... like upload it.
lol u emo lol, shes fairly sweet! cant wait 2 see ure actual skins lol
Quote from Jensek :
My first skin... it is more of a test than anything. Just seeing if I can get it working and all that. Now to start working on actual skins.

Any chance of you releasing that? I like it, I'm emo
lol whats the deal with emo anyway its just a car skin its ok i like the skull with bones on the hood.. 6/10
lighten up fellas, just joking
Based on Rob76's skin for FZR (which i love), i made one a 'copy' for XRR. Posted Rob76's too.

Hope its okay, Rob, PM me and i'll remove the skins.
Attached images

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )