Soldier Of Fortune 2 players here?(Double Helix)
Hi, are there any players who play this great-limb-flying-first-person-shooting-game? I just love the game, and im not bad at it either so pm me or add me to your msn (in my profile, if u wanna play )
SOF2 was my favourite game to play online, i really got addicted to this Maybe i'll re-install it sometime
I used to play the demo like mad!, Low gravitty with only knife rocks.
#4 - Dmt
Nice game was , maybe I should also reintall it..
#5 - ebola
I played this game like mad online a few years ago. Absolutely great gameplay loved it!
Finally got round to reinstalling, and im glad i did. The first game i played was infiltration, and i was rubbish, but then moved on to team deathmatch and was topping the leadboard every round. The gameplay is just so fast paced I love this game
I used to play it quite a lot back in the day, only with the realistic damage mod though. Well I say realistic damage, but heads popped when you shot them, endless fun. There is a new one coming out very soon, but all the reviews say its awful.
well movies show me nice stuff, limb clipping massacre , ye SoF3 Payback. I'd love to see the MP mode
According the the reviews the only good part is the limbs flying all over the place. The gameplay is meant to suck, the single player is piss poor and easy, and the online is total wank. I think it got 6.5, and below 5 for most things except graphics on IGN.
I reinstalled SoF2 about 3 months ago, since it was one of those games that was great first time round......

Bloody buggery. It looks sooooooo bad, and plays pretty clunky. I can`t believe it`s the same game I loved ages ago. I uninstalled it around 30 minutes after playing it.....