S2 Track maps?
(6 posts, started )
S2 Track maps?
Are there track maps available of all the S2 tracks? I know you can see them in the program, but I was looking for something that could be printed out or saved as a picture for taking notes and such.
Somone made an awesome guide for all the cars and tracks a few months ago, I apologise as I can't remember who it was. Problem was that it was 5 smallish images, Here is an A3 size guide suitable for print.


Thanks to whoever made the original
I think you mean maps like this:

The S1's are on the lfs website, but no S2 tracks yet. I have a few S2 maps in PSD-path format if you want, but only from the longest track configs.
In S1 I had a setup page to remember what set to use on what track...

Now I did one for S2, haven't put in the setups yet though but maybe you'll find it helpful...


S2 Track maps?
(6 posts, started )