The online racing simulator
Anyone mess around in the carpark?
I think it would be fun to join the carpark stage online and have a little descruction derby. I tried this last night. There was one server hosting this track and one guy logged into it. I join and tried to get things started but he thought it was more important to try and get over the fence, over and over again. We never got to race around and and play chase. Anyone up for it?
I suspect so, but for many it would have been a real carpark and there would have been someone else in the car
Check out the demo servers if your interested occasionally with this. You can still connect to demo if you are licensed S2. I know there were always people messing about in the carpark when I was still demo. Maybe they still do?
I thought I'd finally found a use for my old Micra..till I realised you was talking about ingame

Banger racing used to be soooo much fun Essentially it was what you describe, but lapping around basically a big circle while doing so. As I recall it was quite popular 2-3 months ago.
i was messing around in a carpark last night... oh wait that wasnt car related
Ha ha ha. You nasty birds!
Quote from joeynuggetz :Ha ha ha. You nasty birds!

Hey now, my reply was totally serious!!!! I can't help it if those guys can't keep their minds out of the gutter!!!
Quote from mrodgers :Hey now, my reply was totally serious!!!! I can't help it if those guys can't keep their minds out of the gutter!!!

I wasnt in no gutter
Oh dear...
Back on topic: i'm in for some fun on the car park.
I made this custom banger layout couple months ago, unfortunately I don't have a decent upload rate for hosting a dedicated server. Here's how it looks like..
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BL3_banger.lyt - 2.3 KB - 212 views
#11 - shim
a few nights ago i had a full house, i changed me server to the carpark for a change, was rather amusing for a bit.. gets boring quickly tho..
#12 - Jakg
Quote from Rtsbasic :I thought I'd finally found a use for my old Micra..till I realised you was talking about ingame

Banger racing used to be soooo much fun Essentially it was what you describe, but lapping around basically a big circle while doing so. As I recall it was quite popular 2-3 months ago.

we had uf1ks running round the skidpad, that probably worked better, all the other cars are tooo stable
Is this the Post for Dogging? I heard it was. Something about fun in carparks?
Quote from shim :a few nights ago i had a full house, i changed me server to the carpark for a change, was rather amusing for a bit.. gets boring quickly tho..

I tend to agree, destruction derby is fun once in a while, yet it gets bored really quick. There's not much satisfaction you get by crashing and rolling... flying or etc.... just a few laughs though
Quote from xapexcivicx :Oh dear...