#1 - Zimmi
Connection to "Master Server" failed
Hi LFS-Fans,

since saturday I have problems getting connected with the Master Server of LFS.

In former times there were no difficulties at all. I guess it depends on the routing mechanism of my local provider NEFkom (comparable with German Telecom).

My System is running well, dispite this failure. I can also connect to the internet and teamspeak and so on... no probs
I have no firewalls, and I have nothing changed on my running system !

Its really strange because I never had problems with my connection to Master Server in the past !!! But for example yesterday and today at about 18 o'clock the connection to master server worked perfectly.

Its seems that my provider has temporarily problems with its routing. The last few days I managed to analyse by connecting to masterserver and you can see below that the packets are getting trapped in a circle till TTL getting down.

So is there anyone out there who has an idea ???

Please help !

Here my logged data:

Aktive Verbindungen

Proto Lokale Adresse Remoteadresse Status
TCP brother-ef04290:1025 localhost:18350 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:18350 localhost:1025 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1426 cs78177157.pp.htv.fi:32226 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1428 83-169-162-199-dynip.superkabel.de:4479 HERGEST
TCP brother-ef04290:1429 a83-132-183-48.cpe.netcabo.pt:20011 HERGESTELLT

TCP brother-ef04290:1431 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1432 cc305895-a.assen1.dr.home.nl:3675 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1437 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1444 HERGESTELLT
TCP brother-ef04290:1506 82-44-126-169.cable.ubr01.mort.blueyonder.co.uk:


Routenverfolgung zu 82-44-126-169.cable.ubr01.mort.blueyonder.co.uk [
69] über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 48 ms 48 ms 45 ms DSL01. []

3 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
4 45 ms 45 ms 46 ms g1-0.core01.nue01.cogentco.com []
5 48 ms 48 ms 48 ms p4-0.core01.muc01.atlas.cogentco.com [130.117.1.
6 53 ms 52 ms 52 ms p14-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.117.1
7 54 ms 53 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
8 53 ms 53 ms 54 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
9 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
10 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
11 275 ms 221 ms * t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
12 53 ms 52 ms 52 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
13 53 ms 54 ms 54 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
14 53 ms 52 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
15 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
16 52 ms 52 ms 54 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
17 53 ms 54 ms 54 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
18 52 ms 52 ms 52 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
19 53 ms 52 ms 57 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
20 54 ms 52 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
21 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
22 54 ms 52 ms 52 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
23 54 ms 53 ms 52 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
24 53 ms 54 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
25 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
26 52 ms 53 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
27 53 ms 56 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
28 53 ms 53 ms 52 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1
29 53 ms 52 ms 53 ms t3-2.mpd01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [
30 53 ms 54 ms 53 ms ten13-0-0.core01.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com [130.1

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.

illepall illepall illepall
Dunno if you figured this out but.... at the moment it says you are "Online at: www.german-gamers-club.de#2" ---- Did you fix your problem? Or is it just luck that you connected
It was luck! As my team-mate Zimmi said, it happens occasionally since saturday. Sometimes the connection can be established, sometimes not. Before saturday, no problems occured.

It's a strange thing, that internet works as usual, but only the connection to the LFS master server fails every now and then.
Come on, guys! Does nobody have an idea?
#5 - DrBen
have lag problems, too
as i already read in some thread i cannot remember anymore:

it came to me from one day to another -- or, lets say from one year to the other.

Last year in mid-december i installed patch q on both: my desktop and my notebook. it worked perfectly well at the time.

when i came back from christmas holidays and tried to connect to any server like the day before yesterday i now have that very weird problem:

i connect to a server (like our teamserver '*drt*racing 2' ) i cannot stay online for more than some laps or even just some seconds. This happens not only on our servers but on every server i tried the last couple of days.
The best result was being thrown off the server after at least finishing a 5 round race on as-nat,, when racing on one of our teamservers.
The green connection bar just rises, and rises, and *puff* i'm out of the race, off the server (any server, as explained above).

Question is, how can i trace back the problem??
I already tried a lot to rule out any influence my actual hardware could have on the gameplay. As noticed above, both of my boxes have exactly the same symptoms. What drives me mad is that at least my desktop has not had any changes, neither in soft- nor in hardware, since i left my place for the holidays. --and i usually don't do study-work when running the windows-install. Windows' only justification is for playing lfs

Maybe my net-connection is the weak part in the chain??
It wasn't till the day before yesterday, though.

Any suggestions?
phone your isp and ask if there having routing problems
#7 - Zimmi
I got an answer from my provider by mail !!! The upstream provider of my local provider had difficulties with their routing. I hope the connection problems are solved now !!!

It seems that the problems has nothing to do with LFS
#9 - DrBen
thanks for your suggestions
Thank you all // Danke noch mal für Eure Auskünfte

well, the situation is slightly complicated, since i have acces over the university network. And getting DSL only for LFS is no real justification i guess, to pay over 25 Euros more per month, just for internet access. I now pay about 7,80 Euros/month for university network (~70k, unlimited usage and generally good ping ((~30ms))).

Thus i have asked for help in our internal forum, now i got the hint that this problem is network-centric

Thank's guys,
i will keep you up-to-date of what's happening


no i'm really not a doctor! My nick tells a different story
after not getting sufficient feedback from university net...
just did what the op did before and initiated a traceroute to the machine what i think is the masterserver.
It goes like this...
Quote :
heiko@diddel:/usr/src$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 * * *
2 ( 5.071 ms 4.688 ms 7.054 ms
3 ( 5.763 ms 5.971 ms 5.993 ms
4 ( 4.869 ms 12.268 ms 12.371 ms
5 ar-kiel3-po6-0.x-win.dfn.de ( 13.063 ms 22.712 ms 12.545 ms
6 ( 14.923 ms 16.426 ms 14.162 ms
7 hbg-b2-pos1-0-0.telia.net ( 15.153 ms 17.512 ms 15.794 ms
8 hbg-bb2-pos0-1-0.telia.net ( 14.316 ms 20.659 ms 15.396 ms
9 ffm-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( 25.075 ms 30.048 ms 43.292 ms
10 ffm-b2-pos2-2.telia.net ( 36.466 ms 27.863 ms 34.639 ms
11 ge-6-14.car2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 31.444 ms * 37.357 ms
12 ae-0-51.bbr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 25.326 ms ae-0-55.bbr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 23.912 ms 25.576 ms
13 as-0-0.bbr1.London1.Level3.net ( 47.807 ms 45.355 ms 40.412 ms
14 ae-0-15.gar1.London1.Level3.net ( 40.657 ms ae-0-17.gar1.London1.Level3.net ( 44.818 ms 41.814 ms
15 ( 41.342 ms ( 45.769 ms ( 42.366 ms
16 cro-tele1-pos.telewest.net ( 43.977 ms 46.635 ms 48.442 ms
17 pc-62-30-242-25-bn.blueyonder.co.uk ( 44.333 ms 52.554 ms 50.868 ms
18 pc-62-30-242-58-bn.blueyonder.co.uk ( 48.027 ms 44.509 ms 45.000 ms
19 ubr01-mort.blueyonder.co.uk ( 65.000 ms 42.727 ms 47.324 ms
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * *
23 * * *
24 * * *
25 * * *
26 * * *

this is where i {ctrl-c}'ed the traceroute

and yes, i am usually a GNU/Linux user
But i sure am not a network expert so i cannot extract any meaning from the traceroute output.
Could you perhaps take a look at it, please?

so long

a tracert gets lost in blueyonder's network, and the master server doesnt reply to pings. but if you get into the blueyonder network then we can assume its not a in between (whats the right word for that?) network fault like before
I'm using Blueyonder broadband and I am having trouble connecting to master server quite a lot. I also get a lot of "guest timed out" messages on the server i have running. It seems that Blueyonder is at fault for some troubles. Again!
Guests timing out are more likely to be local issues, rather than routing issues at BY. Out of interest, which DNS servers do you have listed? I recently found that one went out of scope / died / something else, and I had to do a release and a renew on my router to get a full set of DNS servers back again.

Sadly someone went through the cable later that day I'm still waiting for a permanent fix on the cabling atm
Traceroute cannot be considered a reliable troubleshooting tools since it relies upon ICMP just like ping, and that protocol can be disabled easily. There are far more complex and reliable tools to analyse Network Traffic, ranging from the quite simple TCPView from Sysinternals to the more complex and useful sniffer Wireshark (formerly Ethereal), both of which are free can run on a Windows box along with LFS, although especially using Wireshark there could be a performance hit.
If possible, I would set up a linux box in the middle to analyse traffic with two ethernet cards (assuming you use a router and not an usb adsl modem) bridged with ebtables and analysing network traffic with iptraf (for a quick reference) and Wireshark to have the complete packet capture available, along with some of the usual network troubleshooting stuff, but since you only have control over a very small piece of the whole chain you may not come up with all the information needed. Just for example, taking a line from the previous netstat:

TCP ...... .... SYN_GESENDET

A SYN has been sent, and that's the first part of a three way handshake to establish a TCP connection. After that, the connection would go into ESTABLISHED (ERGESTELLT) state. No answer, however, was received. But you cannot know if the host has received it and issued an answer that was never received by your computer or if the SYN issued by your local computer got lost before getting to destination unless you can put your hands on the remote host... you just know that the handshake is incomplete and thus
the connection isn't established. However a packet capture could give some useful information about casual disconnections. It depends.
A quick visit to sectools.org should give you plenty of info about network tools, along with sysinternals.com for some windows utilities. I would also suggest to try some form of comparison with other realtime online games to see if there's some kind of pattern.