For some reason, since yesterday i've been getting a CPU Fan Error when i start up...from the BIOS i would think, before it boots into Windows. Then it says press F1 to continue. The CPU Fan IS plugged into the right bit...where it says CPU Fan on the motherboard...although yesterday i was just tidying up my PC...and when i plugged the cable into the CPU FAN bit...only 3 of the cable went into the 4 pins on the motherboard (i think its 4)...then a bit of smoke started coming from the little bits of metal near the CPU FAN i quickly took it off...and carefully put it in again. But everythings fine now...did a quick check on any ideas about this CPU FAN error, also on shows the Fan spinning at 0 RPM...when its normally around 3000...
So i think i've broken the pins on the motherboard or something, even though everythings spinning. Can't i just plug it into one of the other Fan connectors on the motherboard?

So i think i've broken the pins on the motherboard or something, even though everythings spinning. Can't i just plug it into one of the other Fan connectors on the motherboard?