#1 - fapex
F1RST Racing´s X-Mas Event (22nd of December 07)
Hey Guys,

we of the F1RST Racing Team want to plan a fun event for the 22th of December 2007 and would like to have a full server and tight fights.
So we thought about an easy combo and terms which should ensure this.

So this is what we´ve planed:

Date: 22th of December 2007
Time: 18:30 CET
Track: AS Club reversed
Car: XRT (just the XRT, no class)
Quali: One-Lap quali
Races: 2x 20 min. races
Term for the 2nd race: the whole grid will be reversed

To be sure of great races and no stress 2 days before Christmas, we would like to make a restriction which means:

Everyone is allowed to apply for this event, but before adding the racers to the grid, we would like to check their lfsw profile and sort out racers which aren´t that active/experienced or known for unfair/very aggressive driving.


1 - 1ST » C.Krognes, Chriskart
2 - 1ST » S.Weingran, fapex
3 - spdoKiLl3r, CarstenH
4 - cyber|Miško, Misko
5 - 1ST » B.Bouma, Darkone55
6 - 1ST » J.Nieminen, RamboJorGen
7 - 1ST » M.Lehnert, Bratwurst
8 - [XFR]Xenoa, xenoa
9 - cyber|scipy, scipy
10 - cP|NIKI, N I K I
11 - [FM]troy, troy
12 - 1ST » H.Piiriste, lastpunisher
13 - Fusion.Kaw, Kaw
14 - spdoHuppis, Hawku
15 - n1 J. Silvo, J.s.S
16 - n1 J. Toikka, Psilok
17 - 1ST » M.Brunzel, maddin15
18 - 1ST » P.Mäekivi, priitmek
19 - Moo.Frenchy, Nathan_French_14
20 - n1 T. Kuhanen, Toni Kuhanen
21 - FREE SPACE <--------------------------------------------
22 - 1ST » P.Hum, Hummer
23 - FREE SPACE <--------------------------------------------
24 - ®Alex, Alex.l
25 - ®Worm, Worm
26 - [FM]Laudi, eimer_
27 - Kirill, Kirill.D
28 - Kei.O Siim, motary
29 - (\/) R.Mooney, Bawbag
30 - (\/) G Swan,sidi
31 - [dSRC] dodo.ger, dodo.ger
32 - cP DaveWS, DaveWS

Not sure:

- [tHR] rev, RevengeR
- cP Clownpaint, Clownpaint
- n!Jay, jay
- (\/) S.Franke, Rooble
- Alex Barbu, Scoop
- -[C]-J, MrSkill

So please apply this way:

In-Game name, LFSW-Nick
im not sure yet if i will have time either but if you could put me down there with krani that would be nice.

[dSRC] dodo.ger, dodo.ger
I'm in!

n1 P. Resman, Primoz
#4 - Scoop
Count me in

Alex Barbu, Scoop
#5 - Kaw
Im in! Sounds like goood fun

Fusion.Kaw, Kaw
Count me in, Razvan
I'm not sure when Ill get home from skiing, but if my memory is correct its gonna be dec 21. If its dec 22., I wont be able to make it. So count me in as not sure, will check the correct date soon.
#8 - J.s.S
I'm in. I believe I have the last examination of the autumn term on 21st so, dunno how much I can practice but I'll be there.

n1 J. Silvo, J.s.S
I shall be there. I love XRT a lot. And AS club is great track for it, ah how i loved to race there on old STCC servers agains old FXO's
I'm pretty sure that I will be there so count me in aswell!

n1 J. Toikka, Psilok
Thanks guys!

The more people the better, so tell all your teamies/friends/enemies
Not sure for me also please, sounds like a great event, but then again, I think i'll be declined for my touchy feely driving!!
Sign me up!

Im a big fan of the XRT

Edit: Oops forgot my info.

Moo.Frenchy, Nathan_French_14
#14 - Vain
I'll take part.

cP Vain, vain

Sign me up please.

TPC F.Kronvall, Kronvall
Put me down as a maybe! Not sure if I'll be sober on that particular day :drink:

(\/) S.Franke, Rooble
Write me down
#18 - troy
a whole grid of xrt's sounds fun, i would like to join if i can

[FM]troy, troy
Nice to see u that active. It´s gonna be a nice event i would say, keep it up signing so much, strong grid so far
I'm sorry but i found out there's a seniors party on that day so no racing for me. Sorry.
#21 - Dmt
Mitch, Dmt
cool, im free that day, count me in

Hey Papler Nice man!
I'm in,
®Alex "Alex.l" and ®Worm "Worm"
Holy shit, what a field :eye-poppi I'm actually glad I can't race that day!