The online racing simulator
G25 config (NOT the usual "Halp me plaz!" Thread)
Ok, here goes. New G25. I know how to config it.
My questions (and statments) are as follows:

GTRs - (FXR, XRR, FZR) - do you drive with the shifter+clutch or paddles and auto-clutch? And in both, throttle blip on downshift on or of?

In what cars do you lot use the shifter? I find myself only using the shifter for TBO and Standard road cars .

The statement - whenever I drive with the paddles (with auto-clutch), I reconfigure the pedals so I use the CLUTCH as a brake pedal. I change the brake pedal to be the clutch, since Ill only use it for getting off the line. I find I have a much more confortable position using the acelerator and clutch for left foot braking.
And anyone got a way to quickly reconfigure this back to the standard - some way to make "single-seater" profile with clutch as brake, and a "road car" profile to make the pedals be normal again?
My configuration:

Paddles [auto-clutch: yes, thr.cut: no, thr.blip: yes]:
- BF1 (theoretically, as I never ever actually drive it)

Sequential [auto-clutch: yes, thr.cut: no, thr.blip: yes]:
- Big GTRs
- FO8 [thr.cut: yes]

H-Gate [auto-clutch: no, thr.cut: no, thr.blip: no]:
- Everything else

Regarding automatic clutch/brake pedal reconfiguration, you can do that with scripts. This should be a good starting point on how to use them.
big thanxs - how do you do the reconfig in the case of seq gears? I change the shifter from H to seq (the hardware bit), but then LFS recognises it as 3rd and 4th gear only. If I do alt+G to change it to "sequencial gears" - it disables the shifter altogether. So I gotta remap the 3rd and 4th position to be "Shift up and Shift down". way too much fuss - any simpler way to do this (btw, gonna check teh script linky now, thxs)
HUGE thanxs - its now working properly. Everything reconfigures automatically as I load the cars up.

Same old adage - when in doubt, READ THE ****ING MANUAL.
Sorry for being dumb.

NOW - to attone for my idiocy, here are my files:

What do they do?
They reconfigure your G25 (only tested with this wheel, use other wheels at your own risk) to automatically use sequential, roadcar, or flappy-paddle gearboxes (f1style), in the following manner:
  • Road Cars:
    • Manual Clutch, H-Gate shifter, no Downshift blip, no upshift cut. YOU do everything.
    • Wheel paddles on the LEFT is for lights, wheel paddle on the right is the horn.
  • Sequential Gearboxes:
    • Leftmost pedal is BRAKE, rightmost is throttle, middle is clutch (for a more confortable position for leftfoot braking)
    • Auto Clutch, Shifter in "Back and forth" mode. you MUST put the shifter in back n' forth mode for this to work.
    • no Downshift blip, no upshift cut.
    • Wheel paddle on the LEFT is lights, rightside is horn.
  • Flappy-Paddle Gearbox:
    • Leftmost pedal is BRAKE, rightmost is throttle, middle is clutch (for a more confortable position for leftfoot braking)
    • Shifter NOT used, wheel paddles used in "left to downshift, right to upshift" standard configuration.
    • Auto Clutch, no Upshift cut, YES downshift blip (Formula 1s automatically downshift blip for the driver).
What car does what?
(basically, all the GTR's - big and small, plus fox and mrt)
FO8, BF1 - Flappy paddle
All others - Road Cars.

How to install?
Unzip contents into /lfs/data/scripts


How to use
Do nothing - when you exit the pits with the car, theres a small message on the top notifying you what gearbox you got, and a reminder to set the g25's degrees of rotation in the profiler. It automatically sets the "controller wheel rotates Xºs" slider for you - to equal the car's wheel rotation.

How to edit? / Dont like your choices / Your brake pedal change is TEH SUCK!!111!!!ELEVEN!!
Go into /lfs/data/scripts, open either paddle.lfs or sequential.lfs or road.lfs (whichever you wanna edit) with a moronic, barely-usable, barely-worth-the-name text editor called notepad, and edit away. Everything is commented and easy to understand. If you have an IQ higher than notepad, you can edit it with no problems.
Attached files - 4.9 KB - 158 views
#5 - P1lot
Scripts are the way to go
I didn't want to be tied to one method for a car, so I programmed a button to swap mode (even during a race)
Here's my script to disect ( I have 3 controllers, hence high numbered buttons)
Attached files
Shift - 720 B - 146 views