I would like to see InSim flags for contact events so that we can track who has multiple car-to-car contacts over a certain period and either report the incident, or kick the driver. This will help eliminate barging tactics.
Suggested format something like:
struct IS_CON // CONtact (Player hit something)
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_CON
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
byte IdHit; // unique id of object hit
word Speed; // Speed delta
short AngVel; // Angle object struck at
If it is car-to-car contact, then a short algorithm to determine who hit the other from the contact angle and speed could determine who gets the contact packet.
As an aside, this could be used to create a Demo Derby mod if we also get Race Flags for damage done, i.e. an enum depicting damage to shocks, tyres, body, engine etc, and an int for determine amount of damage including disabling the target vehicle.
Suggested format something like:
struct IS_CON // CONtact (Player hit something)
byte Size; // 8
byte Type; // ISP_CON
byte ReqI; // 0
byte PLID; // player's unique id
byte IdHit; // unique id of object hit
word Speed; // Speed delta
short AngVel; // Angle object struck at
If it is car-to-car contact, then a short algorithm to determine who hit the other from the contact angle and speed could determine who gets the contact packet.
As an aside, this could be used to create a Demo Derby mod if we also get Race Flags for damage done, i.e. an enum depicting damage to shocks, tyres, body, engine etc, and an int for determine amount of damage including disabling the target vehicle.