The online racing simulator
#1 - vane
getting indicators on wheel buttons
to get indicators/hazard lights on wheel buttons. firstly go into lfs>data>scripts and put the attached indicatorleft.lfs, indicatorright etc into it. next go into lfs and go into options>controls>ALT+ then in alt+12 write /run indicatorleft , in alt+11 put /run indicatorright , in alt+10 put /run indicatorhazards then in alt+9 put /run indicatoroff, now after this set it to say them with the controller button you want, now your indicators should work, if they don't post here.
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indicatorlfs - 500 B - 175 views
Wouldnt it be easier to do it using Logitech Profiler? Thats what ive done.
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Wouldnt it be easier to do it using Logitech Profiler? Thats what ive done.

Not everyone uses the profiler. The profiler is crap. I've had FF cut out on me many times in the middle of league races because of the profiler. Ever try running an hour at FE Green in the LX6 with no FF in the wheel? Horrible, I'll tell you.
Profiler do that ? 0o Never happened to me
I used the Profiler basically every day for the last 2 years and I never had any problems, either.
Well, considering you dont need scripts or profiler, you could just use LFS.

Go into ctrl+f8 for example, then type in the box /press 7 then assign a wheel button to it

Scripts are easier though, its what i use and love ***thanks android!***
I've never had any issues with the profiler either, but it would be useless for people who don't have Logitech wheels.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've never had any issues with the profiler either, but it would be useless for people who don't have Logitech wheels.

LOL, yeah, we do tend to just assume Logitech controllers.

BTW, I'm on a MOMO. Don't know if that had anything to do with the profiler cutting out the FF. It happened a couple of times, at least once with said LX6 in a league race, so I scrapped it years ago and haven't used since.
It's been updated since then. Never had problems with it. I never did understand the 'profiler is crap' view.
My G25 hasnt had any probs with it atall, nor my crappy one b4 that.
Maybe this could be in the improvement section, maybe you should be allowed to change those options?


I suppose you can at least warn you are entering pit lane.

I use an EBest combo, wheel and peddle set. It plugs into any and all games consoles, and has USB for PC as well. Comes complete with handbrake lever, sequential shifter lever and many many more toys.
#13 - vane
how do yu use the profiler to get indicators on wheel? i have DFP