The CoRe Racing Team is proud to present...
"CoRe Racing - Our Everyday"
Produced by: Nolan "CoRe.BigTime" Scott
Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins) (71 MB)
YouTube Streaming:
For this and other CoRe or LOTA related videos online, please visit the "CoReRacing" and "LOTAMedia" YouTube channels!
The music might be a little weird for an American team but you just can't beat it.
"CoRe Racing - Our Everyday"
Produced by: Nolan "CoRe.BigTime" Scott
Hi-Res D/L version (requires DivX/Xvid plugins) (71 MB)
YouTube Streaming:
For this and other CoRe or LOTA related videos online, please visit the "CoReRacing" and "LOTAMedia" YouTube channels!
The music might be a little weird for an American team but you just can't beat it.