My nominations
Best Driver - Bawbag. Done a great job in Lx month.
Best Team - UKCT
Best League - BOTT for sure.
Best Public Server - Depends what your into. Conedodgers for my racing mood, and CLC for my cruising mood.
Best Skinner - Teaz-r for one man bands, and "design dudes" for group made skins.
Best Movie Maker - Squidhead. Even though his comments on other peoples movies can seem arrogant, he always proves a point. And he is good with movies. Basically, he is simon cowell but does movie's instead of music

Best Movie - Anyone of Don's slow-o vids. Very very nice vids.
Best Unofficial Add-on - either emergency services or LFSStrobe.
Best Texture Pack (Tracks) - Elektric kars recent hi-res packs. Includes tracks etc.
Best Texture Pack (Cars) - As above.
Best Forum Personality - Kev. Provides a great laugh

Best Forum Villain - wheel4hummer. He has the mood swings of a woman

Still a nice bloke though.
Best Forum n00b - Hmm, definetely has to be harjun. Some of the silly questions he ask's are hilarious