Forgive me, I just got out of a BabyR race (where I sucked!
) and read this thread.
For the record, Becky's been feeling worn thin since before we began developing the CTRA X-System, and there's nothing new about how she feels. The UKCT team and the X-Beta team, I think, kept Becky's interest and enthusiasm up during the development of the X-System. There was then, and is still, a lot of support and recognition of the effort that Becky's put in to LFS within the community.. so all of UKCT are grateful to all of you guys for your support, and I'm absolutely sure Becky is too.
My mum used to say "there's nowt as dead as a dead love". I think that's where Becky is, these days. It's not a reflection on any of us lot who hang about in the CTRA section normally.. I just think Becky's discovered a new place to be, where the crap doesn't flow and she can be 100% herself. She's not excited by LFS any more, and only seems to connect with it when there's crap to deal with.. so it's understandable, and I respect her for it.
Unlike me, I don't think Becky is as able to laugh stuff off. I tend to point and laugh at the people who make fools of themselves when they try having a go at me.. but I'm probably unusually aloof in that respect, and mostly I come across as attrociously arrogant. I'm a bit arrogant, but it's my defence mechanism and it means I can't be hurt. Becky's more normal, and more susceptible to hurt. Tis what it is
So with Becky's effective departure, the obvious question is: What's next for the X-System? Good question, glad you asked! Let's finish on a positive note...
The UKCT team are busy on the new version of the X-System. We've built the code for connecting to the server, and for talking to the MySQL database. We're just devising the project's capabilities and extensibilities and then we'll be beginning to work on the main body of the program logic.
It's a bit of a wheel reinvention in places, but in large part it will be all-new and the advantage is that we'll have a totally event-driven, OOP version of the software in C# that at least 4 of the UKCT programmers will understand intimately. Development of the new software through completion is scheduled over the Christmas holidays and should be ready to deploy early in 2008. It will include the X-Events system that we've talked about, and also the X-am system that you may or may not have heard about
The most important thing is that Becky's wish to be able to walk away from the software will finally be granted, and she will feel absolutely no pressure or obligation. We promised Becky this way back in the summer, but it's our fault it's taken us this long to make it happen.
The existing X-System will have to stay for the time being. I've recoded the X-System source today to accomodate the FBR and a new UF-BR class, but I'm unable to compile at the moment because of a problem with the mysql connector. For the moment, we're static until/unless I can figure it out.