eSport-Racing presents tonight LIVE
The sixth run to the international eSport Touringcar Masters, LIVE from Westhill.

All Infos HERE.
Bawbag isn't racing anymore? lame.....
Last race, he had problems with connection, thought to be a UK-wide problem.
This race he had problems with his PC, as far as I know.
He will still join the rest of the races, I believe.
yap, bawbag had huge PC problems yesterday :/ I hope he is back for the last two races with working PC and good action on the track again.
#6 - fapex
Poor Ray... and Chris and Peter and Jesse .... so: this race wasn´t good
Vykos, I just wanted to ask about email activation because I registered on the etm website but I didn't receive an email. I've checked my junk mail and everything, nothing there
activated you. hotmail gives us problems always... sry for inconvenience.
No problem, thanks!