The online racing simulator
InitialD mod (see page 2)
(51 posts, started )
InitialD mod (see page 2)
Anyone here up to help me make an initial d mod for the game? any way we can change actual car names?
I don't think so. There a few nice AE86 skins around here though.
that sucks...

we could always write the name of the vehicle on the picture of the vehicle.. might be ghetto but it would work...

is the nightmod finished for all tracks?
No idea. Have a look around
Quote from dreamcastninja :that sucks...

we could always write the name of the vehicle on the picture of the vehicle.. might be ghetto but it would work...

is the nightmod finished for all tracks?

Shouldn't a demo racer be supposed to only have one track ?
Quote from ATHome :Shouldn't a demo racer be supposed to only have one track ?

ooooo that's gotta hurt
He asked for the cars. He has the XRT, XRG and GTI. Theirs an XRG initial d skin for the XRG, and you can convert that one to the XRT if you like. The shapes of the cars and the tracks can NOT be edited.

intial d is crap btw
unless the demo racer decided he wanted all his screen names to match and a different name for his game.
LFS is Racing Simulator. Its for racing. Not for changing car names!
Quote from Lible :LFS is Racing Simulator. Its for racing. Not for changing car names!

He can do whatever he wants, wether you like it or not. dreamcastninja, its only possible to change the name of the car in the car selection screen IIRC. The files are in the pic folder i think.
Quote from dreamcastninja :unless the demo racer decided he wanted all his screen names to match and a different name for his game.

??? Not sure what you mean. Why don't you use your S2 registered name just so we know you arent using the crack.
because I can do what I want and don't have to prove myself to bozos like yourself on the internet.
"Would it be possible to output commands from LFS chat into my windows command line?"

plus you don't seem like you are very bright to begin with...
Sounds like some-one's been crack'n
#16 - Jakg
Quote from dreamcastninja :because I can do what I want and don't have to prove myself to bozos like yourself on the internet.

the people that develop the game own this forum, you might as well run up to their house and shout "Im usingg a crack!"
Quote from Jakg :the people that develop the game own this forum, you might as well run up to their house and shout "Im usingg a crack!"

let them decide what to do then, this "he might be using a hax0red version of teh lfs" is getting old. try to relax, people!
i'm glad at least one of you has more sense then most of these 12 year olds on here...
#19 - shim
im surprised he didnt ask for a mountain pass aswell.. :P
every single thread in this forum seems to now contain people going overboard talking about cracking. please, report it to a admin or something, hitting up the person in the thread achieves nothing except ruining the forums .

re the initial d skins

XRG - ... /Takumi/XRG_PR4takumi.jpg
XRT - ... /Takumi/XRT_PR4takumi.jpg
XRR - ... /Takumi/XRR_PR4takumi.jpg
... UF1 - ... s/Takumi/UF1_FASTTOFU.jpg
You have some serious issues people. The guy simply asked for help and you immediately start flaming him and bring up the whole "he's using a cracked game topic". What on earth is wrong with you? Who cares if he's using a cracked game? I don't and neither should you. I wonder how many of you guys use licensed software (starting with windows)?
"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
#22 - Jakg
Quote from SkyNet :You have some serious issues people. The guy simply asked for help and you immediately start flaming him and bring up the whole "he's using a cracked game topic". What on earth is wrong with you? Who cares if he's using a cracked game? I don't and neither should you. I wonder how many of you guys use licensed software (starting with windows)?
"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

i dont use any illegal software. I did use a version of office that came from a shady area, but i uninstalled it.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
So wanted to post what I had written, but thought better of it at the last moment. I'm not sinking to the level of "The Tit B". If anyone wants to read what I was going to post, feel free to PM me
Whilst I agree we do sometimes go overboard when suspecting crack could the dipshits who are posting use at least one brain cell and work out that posting 'I use a ****ING CRACK COS IM A ****ING CALL LOOOOSER cAn I HaVE A moD?' are kind of giving themselves away.
Quote from letitb ::arge: Whats wrong with you people.... who cares if he has a cracked s2... i have a cracked s2 but wat are you gonna do about it....
every single software on my computer is either downloaded or burnt from the original copy... and what are you gonna do about it....

stop turning every single topic into a F*****G arguement about if there using a cracked s2 or not... what you F*****G legit hippocrate peple deserve is a nice clap across the head to bring u all back to earth :slap: ....

ur life is a not a fairy tale.... grow up...
u are gonna F***K up somwhere in ur life and not just once... alot...
then ull find out life isnt a F*****G fairytale...

what i rekon they should do is ban all u little 13, 14, 15 yer old children who dont know shit about shit....

What's wrong with us? We support the guys who make S2 because we think it's worth the 24 pounds (however many AU dollars that is). People around here tend to get shat to tears by punkarse kids rocking up, announcing they've got a cracked version and then asking for more free stuff. If you're too cheap to spend your pocket money on it then well done, pat yourself on the back. This isn't M$ or EA or some other faceless corporate demon you're stealing from, it's 3 guys who have made LFS their full time job, and who spend time here at the forums communicating with their supporters, which is more than can be said for a lot of software/game companies.

We can't do anything about your cracked S2. If you want to take money from the 3 devs who gave up everything to bust their arses and put this thing together and do something unique in the gaming world, well good onya, fight the power brother. Someone else might ban your ass forever though, which would be no great loss if you're gonna steal LFS and go off like some psych patient who's off his meds ... and ffs you're from Australia, write in bloody English.

And tristan, just post it

InitialD mod (see page 2)
(51 posts, started )