The online racing simulator
I don't think so Wheel, that page has been that way since (pre?) S2 launch.
That has been on there for ages now.... old.
lol... Nevermind then. But, they should go back to using the old exhaust IMO.
Quote from Hallen :Ah, OK. I see now. No, I wasn't thinking the vertical tube/bar there could twist. It looks like too solid of a piece to be able to twist like that. I was looking for some way that it could move that way without twisting and obviously, that just won't work.

I still don't really understand how that whole system works. It seems that it is only a semi independent suspension. What independent movement it does have is not damped in any way it seems. But, I have already proven that I am not seeing how this system works very well.

Sounds like you got it to me. Roll is completely undamped and I don't know the definition of independant suspension but as far as I can tell any suspension system with a rollbar isn't 100% independant.

As to what this all means for LFS? We'll have to wait and see if there are any significant effects on making settups but the only point of this system I can think of is that you can go hard with the spring to keep the aero rideheight stable and soft with the bar for mechanical grip. So all depends on tyre and aero model really.
Wow- just had a look in the CMX viewer... Car looks wonderful! Great job Eric.
Quote from deggis :Just a flash from the past:

Y'know though I'm glad they released S2 regardless.

That's the coolest thing about Scavier. Most game developers give you shit-hot-looking screenies a year before the thing's even due for release, then delay the release for another year. Scavier give us practically finished games while they're still producing slightly iffy-looking screenies, and let us play it while they're finishing it.

When you think about it in those terms, it's a pretty 'king awesome way to develop software.
Kev, Valve sorta takes a similar approach, albiet with a more complete game, and then they sorta adjust the balance a touch, similar to TF2.

Speaking of which, TF2 tonight?!
just had a quick look at photos and cmx viewer and all i got to say is omg, sick work guys looks even better than i thought, nice one
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Kev, Valve sorta takes a similar approach, albiet with a more complete game, and then they sorta adjust the balance a touch, similar to TF2.

Valve are in quite a unique position. They make a lot more money out of their games because they're their own major distributor - they don't have to hand over massive cuts to publishers, and consequently there's less expense for packaging, shipping, etc. I imagine it gives them a lot more freedom, and a lot more cash to attract Bright Young Things to come and work there.

Actually, as much as I disliked Steam when it first arrived and still find it something of an irritant now, I like the fact that they provide a route to market for indie titles too (Actually IIRC Scawen did some work on Rag Doll Kung Fu). Although I don't know to what extent they're exploiting those guys, so my faith might be misplaced.

You're right though in that Valve don't particularly seem to care about deadlines, and I remember the CS:S release remained "beta" for about a year after HL2 came out, which was pretty funny. But Valve's stuff - when it does come out early - has more game-ruining bugs in it than LFS does. The only LFS one I can think of was the high-nose downforce exploit in the early S2 releases.

Quote from dawesdust_12 : Speaking of which, TF2 tonight?!

Maybe, just for shits n' giggles. But I am rather drunk: The only reason I'm not still on LFS is because I managed to spin the FOX three times in 2 sectors...
All i know is that if all other cockpits (fzr,xrt,fxr etc etc) look as nice as the FBM , i will stop racing all other sims i have . Ups , what am i saying on the LFS Forum . Hmm.... i ...... swear i ....... only drive LFS
I've just spotted a small bug in the CMX viewer, I think 'cloudy afternoo' should have an N on the end of it
Quote from ajp71 :I've just spotted a small bug in the CMX viewer, I think 'cloudy afternoo' should have an N on the end of it

Quote from tristancliffe :Bug: Cloudy Afternoo? (having loaded the viewer, and loaded the FBM)

Oh, I thought the 'afternoo' was supposed to be like that to fit it in.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Y'know though I'm glad they released S2 regardless.

That's the coolest thing about Scavier. Most game developers give you shit-hot-looking screenies a year before the thing's even due for release, then delay the release for another year. Scavier give us practically finished games while they're still producing slightly iffy-looking screenies, and let us play it while they're finishing it.

I didn't mean that. Just kind of before vs. after compare to show how fecking horrible, especially the old FOX/FO8 cockpits were.