The online racing simulator
Need to go faster
(28 posts, started )
#1 - JTbo
Need to go faster
Tell me why my car is like snake at desert when I try to go faster?

I can get within 1 second at Aston Club Reversed, but in Blackwood car seem just not to like from corners.

Me thinking that it is my driving to blaim?

How fast you can go with that set?
Attached files
JTbo_BL1_LX6_12094.spr - 612.1 KB - 263 views
LX6_tester.set - 132 B - 1037 views
My first impressions

After watching the replay:
- You're not using enough track
- You're not particularly smooth and kinda wobbling around all the time

After trying myself:
- Holy crap that set is awful, no wonder you're all over the track

Sorry, can't help you more than this right now, but really, I think the set should be binned. It's so quickly changing from understeer to oversteer and back again it's not funny anymore.
Got 1:21.23 in first 5 laps, ran out of fuel and can't be bothered now. The set doesn't somehow feel optimal or good for the track. A bit twitchy.
Attached files
Blackout_BL1_LX6_12123.spr - 295.8 KB - 199 views
Tried a bit more now. Got down to 1:21.43 after ~8 laps in your set, but it was a chore so I stopped bothering. Tried on of the teaminferno sets and got a 1:20.90 on lap 3, down to a 1:20.24 on lap 9. Granted, the inferno setups aren't particularly stable to begin with, but they're a lot more predictable than your set.
#5 - JTbo
Problem is that at Aston Club rev that set works really well, never had experienced this kind before, as always there has been only need for one set

Which part of track I should use more? I'm terrible afraid of kerbs, those are spin o matics with any set that is even remotely quick so those I like to stay clear of :P
Last corner. The others aren't that important, but the last corner makes a huge difference.
I don't know bout you guys, but every other car besides XFG feels awfully strange on Blackwood, i don't know why really.. It just doesn't feel natural, while Reverse is a different storry.. sorry kinda off topic but i wanted to see if someone else maybe feels that...
#8 - JTbo
Quote from AndroidXP :Last corner. The others aren't that important, but the last corner makes a huge difference.

I try to look that, that is very difficult place as tail tends to get loose, corner before that is one that I feel I take too easy but maybe it is just a feeling.

Well, I have opportunity to build yet another su
Tricky car to handle. Haven't driven much this combo and gave it a go.
The setup seems to work for race. The tires seem to take some time to get their heat up. The gearing seems just fine but i'm not much of a mechanic .

My time with your setup 1.19.94 after 11 laps run out of fuel and this was my first go. So getting used to the track/setup after 6 laps so after that the times are ok.

Hope this helps

Ps. Checked your replay. Couple of pointers if you may. T1 braking too late, T2(after the long straight) turning in a bit too early -> turn becomes a bit too sharp try to make it smoother and maybe T5(second to last corner, downhill braking) i think in this one too you might be turning in a bit too early. Other then these seemed fine.
Attached files
Jouman_BL1_LX6_11994.spr - 583.1 KB - 194 views
#10 - JTbo
I did lower rear tires pressure a bit, did more laps and I got also bit quicker lap, but still tail likes to be different part with front.

T1 is really annoying, if I go normal way I run out of space to next turn, if I go deep in and accelerate straight to chicane I tend to loose lot of time, maybe dorifto style needed?

New question, can this car be driven like I try to, that is brake first accelerate trough corner? And if it can be, does anyone drive like that and has set for me?
Try this setup I got from Axus (one he is still working on) I like it quite alot

Quote from Boris Lozac :sorry kinda off topic but i wanted to see if someone else maybe feels that...

you obviously spent too much time in demo at some point and your brain has irreversible XFG BL1 pattern syndrom so its no longer possible to be normal again at one point I thought this to be incurable myself, but have found that large doses of LX6 have gone along way to curing the problem but like any addiction I still have to manage it because I find it very easy to slip backwards again
Maybe there should be a blackwoods anonymous consoling group here somewhere
Attached files
LX6_New_Blackwood2.set - 132 B - 953 views
Quote from Glenn67 : you obviously spent too much time in demo at some point and your brain has irreversible XFG BL1 pattern syndrom

In my case, on demo server, but licenced.. What can i do, our demo server is always full with people from my country and it's cool to race with them and learn them some tricks.. so yea, it could be that..
Simply you need to really concentrate. Try to remember the more track you use - More turn in and faster through bends = More speed = Faster times. Also keep practising and watch the leader, and concentrate on his lines, try and be smooth with the wheel/gears/throttle and brake controls. Keep exploring different lines, trying to find every possible split second you can find. Try various setups, (Infereno), and don't listen to people who say the setup only counts for 10%, you HAVE to suit the setup if you want to go fast. You need to know what the car is going to do and how to respond to the car in various ways. If you are really struggling I will be willing to give up some of my free time and help you. (Especcially blackwood, im always winning on there! ). Hope this post helps you, and another thing always keep confident, and don't let things around you distract you!

Kind Regards,

Quote from Boris Lozac : In my case, on demo server, but licenced.. What can i do, our demo server is always full with people from my country and it's cool to race with them and learn them some tricks.. so yea, it could be that..

There is nothing wrong with that I've got two S2 Licenses and have done a total of 56,000km on both but have done at least ten times that in demo I get as much enjoyment out of meeting new people and helping them out as having good racing. Also for my timezone it was the only way to actually get a race in a road car alot of times

That's why I could recognise your situation so easily

The last few months I haven't had much time for LFS and when I do I am really enjoying taking the LX6 for a spin usually I end up in a server with one or two others only but the LX6 is such a pleasure to drive I could drive it all by myself and still be happy lol
#15 - JTbo
Quote from Glenn67 :Try this setup I got from Axus (one he is still working on) I like it quite alot

Glenn, you are nasty, you did spill oil on track

I did try to drive as normally as possible with that Axus's set and saved spr with some comments named to oil, then I did try to drive as bad and abusive manner as I could manage with my set and saved that to nooil.

I find Axus's set very unpredictable, it seem to loose rear wheel grip totally on some situations and that happens without any warning what so ever, I seriously doubt that one could really race with such set Or maybe others feel just some more than I from wheel or someting.
I'm not going to start watching my speedo and to learn speeds for different places, could do robot that drives then. Besides shadow of my head blocks speedo anyway

Need to adjust my set a bit as last changes did introduce that much hated understeer from hell at mid corner, very annoying that is. With careful weight transfer I can choose if my car will under or oversteer very easily, so I do lot of steering with my pedals, maybe that is different compared to others too?
Attached files
JTbo_BL1_LX6_nooil.spr - 222.4 KB - 226 views
JTbo_BL1_LX6_oil.spr - 164.4 KB - 204 views
You're the one that doesn't race with FF? or is that Niels... anyway, there's no way i could drive LX without FF so maybe that's the problem?
#17 - JTbo
Quote from Boris Lozac :You're the one that doesn't race with FF? or is that Niels... anyway, there's no way i could drive LX without FF so maybe that's the problem?

I have FF, dfp in use and FF talks really well with my set, but not with that Axus's set.

Niels does not like FF, but he starts to get bit soft as he got G25

I'm using 900 degrees of steering, actually I like that is great, except for FF, that would like from lot less of degrees, but my car then spins left or right, won't go straight
#18 - robt
Probably doesnt help, but going along with what you said earlier, Aston club sets really dont work at blackwood, been there and done that with a championship i was in. it does seem to really upset the balance of the LX cars.
I found your set difficult to control at corner exits. It turns in easily using the full amount of the rear grip but when it is time to add more force by accelerating, the rear brakes easily.

As for your driving, I totally agree with Jouman even if I have 0% experience in LX6 @ BL but I have some in LX4 @BL and the lines are not much different.
Quote from Jouman : T1 braking too late, T2(after the long straight) turning in a bit too early -> turn becomes a bit too sharp try to make it smoother and maybe T5(second to last corner, downhill braking) i think in this one too you might be turning in a bit too early. Other then these seemed fine.

Anyway, if you want a fast setup, then you need the one from inferno posted above.
Otherwise you could try the set I made with yours as baseline. I did it mainly experimenting with LX6 settings, it is not really the kind of set I would use… For my sets i usually prefer a bit more understeer at corner entry and higher locking at the power side of the diff (oversteer at corner exit but not that much loss of grip by the spinning inside tire).
As for the set I have attached here, I tried to maintain the fast turn in characteristic and also reduce the rear tire grip loss at corner exit with throttle, while maintaining the same front/rear stiffness “distribution” (overall it has a bit less roll resistance).
Not sure if I made it or just got used to my set… but anyway I still find yours more oversteery at corner exits so there must be a difference.
Attached files
LX6_tester kd mod.set - 132 B - 959 views
Quote from JTbo :Glenn, you are nasty, you did spill oil on track

LOL stop being a girl you didn't give it a good enough try

I watched both replays and instantly saw you were going faster into the corners with axus's oil set, so it was giving you confidence on corner entry more than your set did, you just were driving beyond the limits of grip on corner exit because of increased momentum so clearly its a better set

If you want a shooping cart set I'll see if I can dig one up
#21 - JTbo
With Axus set there is more grip and stability on corner entry but at mid corner all that grip just seem to disappear.

I find my set having much more grip on corner exits, I can floor it right from apex, which is not possible with any other set I have tried, especially sets from Inferno are horrible to drive, it just snaps and spins without any warning

But there is also difference what is your display device, I find my set much harder to drive if I drive from monitor, but from projected picture my set is better, comparing this to Axus set that I did modify a bit so it won't snap just like that.

Now which set is better, one that in theory provides quicker laps but driver can make good lap for every thousand laps or set that is perhaps bit slower but driver can constantly be 1-2 seconds from theoretical best time?

But it really is not to set to blame, driver it is, damn lead foots I did born with
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practice your throttle control on the skidpan. try to drive round the small circles without spinning of sliding. this should help with throttle comtrol. (it helped mine)
Quote from JTbo :With Axus set there is more grip and stability on corner entry but at mid corner all that grip just seem to disappear.

Your set indeed feels easier to drive, I'll give you that and actually I tested yours and axus's again (haven't driven in awhile) and got similar lap times out of them both (best on both was low 1:20xxs and average of 1:21:00)

I have to say though I can get your set just as out of control as you did with axus's set so really I think your observations are abit biased as you know your set really well and dont know axus set all that well.

I'd sugest that the time your loosing is actually by slowing too much mid corner so you can floor it on corner exit with your set and you are actually driving your set well within the limits of grip mid corner rather than at the limit

With your set I tend to carry at least 5km/hr more than you on average through the corners and feather the throttle more on corner exit rather than just flooring it

I dont think your set is all that bad it just comes down to driver style I guess.

P.s. a little bit of drift on corner entry doesn't seem to hurt lap times in the LX6 infact it may even help
#24 - JTbo
I must try more later, my set is quite fresh really, I made that last Wednesday I think

That sudden spin is just what bothers me, certainly any car should give at least some warning before it goes, how to drive close to limit on car where you can't feel how close you are?
#25 - JTbo
Nice new patch did come then, practising bit different and more to learn :P

This time LX4 and South city chicane course, lap 5 was one that I think went quite ok, not very fast perhaps but I managed to make all corners without panic at middle of corner
Attached files
JTbo_SO6_LX4_4.spr - 287.4 KB - 226 views

Need to go faster
(28 posts, started )