#1 - Dru
LFSevents Hosting
Quote from TFalke55 :quick question: what happened to LFSHostingEvents... there are no further updates...

LFSevents is no longer being used by this league.

We have all the results in a basic format on this following link

UF Baby-R Results


Quote from TFalke55 :OT: quick question: what happened to LFSHostingEvents... there are no further updates...

Unfortunately the organiser of this series couldnt be bothered updating things despite the time taken to get it ready for the series and the time spent explaining how to do all the stuff that they should be doing but ive been doing for them therefore it is not being updated.

If the organisers wish to use the site, its there, Dru knows how to use it and knows where i am if he doesnt know, basically they've left everything for me to do, he hasnt touched a thing (or delegated the tasks) despite my reminders to add the missing bits onto the site. Apparently the idea behind the project is lost on the organisers of this series, its intended to make their life easier by doing a good 75% of the work for them (Typically the complicated stuff, which they got wrong in 3 out of 4 of the rounds last time, the race points & standings), i've done EVERYTHING you see on that website, all they need to do is add a little news if they wish, but mainly upload the MPR files and the jobs done, but this seems to be too much to ask. If i wanted to run around finding these details then i'd have done a site purely for that and enter it all in manually, instead ive spent 6+ months coding something that caters for pretty much every series LFS can do, from 1 car & 1 standings type, to mixed classes, multiple divisions, mixed points rounds, as many races per round, as many rounds as you want, and leave it to calculate the standings relevent to the structure of the series you've just created. The alternative was html and doing it all by hand, instead im trying to make a site for the community to use free of charge, i've given up my time to help save their time, but apparently thats not enough and the reason the site isnt up to date is because i cant be arsed because im not competing anymore!

So, to get the record straight, as the sites welcome message explains, its there for the organisers use, its not a personal 'do all the hard work for us' website, im not a slave despite what they may think and the only reason the first few rounds are there is for my own sake of having live data i can check everything works, but as I have too much work on with various projects im not running round doing things someone else can and should (assuming they want it to :shrug be doing particularly if the organisers cant be arsed doing 2 2min jobs they've regularly been reminded about.
Why is it not up to date? Because i've stopped running round doing their tasks.
Does it mean it'll never have the info added? Thats their call, but it wont be kept up to date by me, maybe i'll complete it after xmas but its highly unlikely it'll be any sooner.

Considering their teams website comes entirely from my hard work, they have their own private forum to do as they please on, they have access to a site built largely because of their incompetence to add up points last series which can only save them time running this one properly, and all of this is done with no money, no catches, no demands etc in exchange i have to wonder why i bother really, particularly when it gets to the point of passing the blame of their inability to upload X number of MPR files after a race on the 1 person thats spent the last 9 (?) months working on stuff for them.

So yeah, Dru's right, its all my fault.
Oops, Dru accidently deleted this post, i'll just stick it back up for clarification on his lies.

Quote from TFalke55 :OT: quick question: what happened to LFSHostingEvents... there are no further updates...

Unfortunately the organiser of this series couldnt be bothered updating things despite the time taken to get it ready for the series and the time spent explaining how to do all the stuff that they should be doing but ive been doing for them therefore it is not being updated.

If the organisers wish to use the site, its there, Dru knows how to use it and knows where i am if he doesnt know, basically they've left everything for me to do, he hasnt touched a thing (or delegated the tasks) despite my reminders to add the missing bits onto the site. Apparently the idea behind the project is lost on the organisers of this series, its intended to make their life easier by doing a good 75% of the work for them (Typically the complicated stuff, which they got wrong in 3 out of 4 of the rounds last time, the race points & standings), i've done EVERYTHING you see on that website, all they need to do is add a little news if they wish, but mainly upload the MPR files and the jobs done, but this seems to be too much to ask. If i wanted to run around finding these details then i'd have done a site purely for that and enter it all in manually, instead ive spent 6+ months coding something that caters for pretty much every series LFS can do, from 1 car & 1 standings type, to mixed classes, multiple divisions, mixed points rounds, as many races per round, as many rounds as you want, and leave it to calculate the standings relevent to the structure of the series you've just created. The alternative was html and doing it all by hand, instead im trying to make a site for the community to use free of charge, i've given up my time to help save their time, but apparently thats not enough and the reason the site isnt up to date is because i cant be arsed because im not competing anymore!

So, to get the record straight, as the sites welcome message explains, its there for the organisers use, its not a personal 'do all the hard work for us' website, im not a slave despite what they may think and the only reason the first few rounds are there is for my own sake of having live data i can check everything works, but as I have too much work on with various projects im not running round doing things someone else can and should (assuming they want it to ) be doing particularly if the organisers cant be arsed doing 2 2min jobs they've regularly been reminded about.
Why is it not up to date? Because i've stopped running round doing their tasks.
Does it mean it'll never have the info added? Thats their call, but it wont be kept up to date by me, maybe i'll complete it after xmas but its highly unlikely it'll be any sooner.

Considering their teams website comes entirely from my hard work, they have their own private forum to do as they please on, they have access to a site built largely because of their incompetence to add up points last series which can only save them time running this one properly, and all of this is done with no money, no catches, no demands etc in exchange i have to wonder why i bother really, particularly when it gets to the point of passing the blame of their inability to upload X number of MPR files after a race on the 1 person thats spent the last 9 (?) months working on stuff for them.

So yeah, Dru's right, its all my fault.
Finger slipping Dru?? accidently deleted it twice?
3rd time, if there requires a 4th then:
1) I PM everyone this post, should see that everyone reads it that way.
2) You find yourself a new website & forum, im not giving you free hosting, website & whatever AND having my freedom of speach revoked while you lie to everyone about what i have/havent done!
3) I hit 'reply' and post it again, and again till you leave it in place.
Is anything i've said a lie? Yet your happy to lie to them to save face, just like your happy to cheat, abuse the rules, modify the rules to suit yourself, and hide when running this supposedly fun series.

Its your call.

Quote from TFalke55 :OT: quick question: what happened to LFSHostingEvents... there are no further updates...

Unfortunately the organiser of this series couldnt be bothered updating things despite the time taken to get it ready for the series and the time spent explaining how to do all the stuff that they should be doing but ive been doing for them therefore it is not being updated.

If the organisers wish to use the site, its there, Dru knows how to use it and knows where i am if he doesnt know, basically they've left everything for me to do, he hasnt touched a thing (or delegated the tasks) despite my reminders to add the missing bits onto the site. Apparently the idea behind the project is lost on the organisers of this series, its intended to make their life easier by doing a good 75% of the work for them (Typically the complicated stuff, which they got wrong in 3 out of 4 of the rounds last time, the race points & standings), i've done EVERYTHING you see on that website, all they need to do is add a little news if they wish, but mainly upload the MPR files and the jobs done, but this seems to be too much to ask. If i wanted to run around finding these details then i'd have done a site purely for that and enter it all in manually, instead ive spent 6+ months coding something that caters for pretty much every series LFS can do, from 1 car & 1 standings type, to mixed classes, multiple divisions, mixed points rounds, as many races per round, as many rounds as you want, and leave it to calculate the standings relevent to the structure of the series you've just created. The alternative was html and doing it all by hand, instead im trying to make a site for the community to use free of charge, i've given up my time to help save their time, but apparently thats not enough and the reason the site isnt up to date is because i cant be arsed because im not competing anymore!

So, to get the record straight, as the sites welcome message explains, its there for the organisers use, its not a personal 'do all the hard work for us' website, im not a slave despite what they may think and the only reason the first few rounds are there is for my own sake of having live data i can check everything works, but as I have too much work on with various projects im not running round doing things someone else can and should (assuming they want it to ) be doing particularly if the organisers cant be arsed doing 2 2min jobs they've regularly been reminded about.
Why is it not up to date? Because i've stopped running round doing their tasks.
Does it mean it'll never have the info added? Thats their call, but it wont be kept up to date by me, maybe i'll complete it after xmas but its highly unlikely it'll be any sooner.

Considering their teams website comes entirely from my hard work, they have their own private forum to do as they please on, they have access to a site built largely because of their incompetence to add up points last series which can only save them time running this one properly, and all of this is done with no money, no catches, no demands etc in exchange i have to wonder why i bother really, particularly when it gets to the point of passing the blame of their inability to upload X number of MPR files after a race on the 1 person thats spent the last 9 (?) months working on stuff for them.

So yeah, Dru's right, its all my fault.
#5 - Dru
You quite entilted to your freedom of Speech PAul, however publically critisising the league and calling the Admins and team running it Cheaters after one of your drivers was penalised thorugh the correct complaints procedure and also calling us liars is a step to far in my opinion.

I Have re-instated all your posts in this thread, because I fear that you will consistantly post these and other deflamatory remarks about ZWR and its members until they are not deleted anymorw.

I'm sorry I did not realise that other people were able to input data into I thought it was you and you allow. After you pulled out of the league I assumed that it would not get up dated, which it did not, so after missing round we may or own system.

On behalf of ZWR thankyou for you hosting the ZWR website and Forums and also setting up the the LFSevents and using the BabyR as a beta test.

However, we now move on to a new home,

Best regards,

Dru and the ZWR team.
tut tut, drew you made baby cry.
'however publically critisising the league and calling the Admins and team running it Cheaters after one of your drivers was penalised thorugh the correct complaints procedure and also calling us liars is a step to far in my opinion.'

I refered to your cheating by knowingly breaking the rules on numerous occasions, rnds 1 and 3 in particular, then modifying the rules after the event so you could punish rooble. I also refered to this ONLY in my THIRD attempt at posting a reply in regards to the lies you were spreading and then deleting when i tried to correct them. So yes you were blocking my freedom to reply to the thread, but because 1 (the last) contained my opinions on your unsporting manner of running this 'fun' league you claim thats the reason you go around deleting my posts?

• to deceive or mislead somebody, especially for personal advantage.
• to break the rules in a game, examination, or contest, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
• a dishonest or unfair trick.

So, with the correct understanding of the term 'cheating', was reversing into 4 cars from a safe location, and driving on regardless of the rules saying you cant and will be DQ'd, your failure to do so, and you being an admin and writing up the rules, you can honestly say they dont comply with the above? Hoiting did the same, drove Rooble off the track after making a stupid move which sent him into the gravel on the exit of the corner and he just drove past in complete ignorance. How is that not breaking the rules and gaining an unfair advantage? Your picking and chosing when to apply the rules, and on who you wish to apply them to, and you do so knowing you've broke the rules far seriously and chose to pretend it didnt happen, with not so much as a 'sorry' in the server or after.
There was no complaints made from round 3, and as per the rules:
4.1 You must protest within 24 hours after the race ended of any incidents which you were personally involved in.

4.2 To log a protest you must post in the UF Owners Club forum under the appeals thread and provide car numbers involved, lap number, time of incident and your point of view of the accident. We also ask that you submit a reply file also. The admin will review this incident and resolve it (including any issuing of penalties) prior to the next round.

Those are the rules, there were no complaints or even an appeals thread, and yet because it harms you, its against series rules, but when its you doing it to others its all harmless fun. You had the cheek to suggest rooble ploughs through people all the time and gets away with it, but the fact that you did actions which should see you banned from the series, thats perfectly ok??
So, do i want to take part in a series where the organisers drive outside their own rules, no. Rules are rules, you not only knowingly broke them at the time, but you allowed it to go unpunished. So, does that make you a cheater? Im afraid it does. If you dont want to be refered to as a cheater, either dont break the rules YOU write or dont make those rules.

As for not knowing you could do the stuff the site is designed to do, why did i take the time to show you how to do it on MSN if you werent supposed to be doing it??
#8 - Dru
ZWR would like to take this oppurtunity to thank personally thank Mercury for thier participation in this the UF Baby-R 'Fall-out' and the UF1 Mayhem cup.

As we now see from your post that you have 'officially' withdrawn from the league then we also wish you well for the future in what ever leagues you participate in.

Thankyou for your comments and support over these past 2 seasons, we will take any constructive critism onboard to make this a better league for the future and all future participates in any ZWR run event.

Best regards,

This thread is closed