The online racing simulator
can i make my own skin on s1 ??
(6 posts, started )
can i make my own skin on s1 ??
im wondering if i can make skins on s1 becuz i reli want 1 if not i will have to update to s2 soon please tell me
#2 - Gunn
Yes you can. It works the same way as S2. Skin making has been possible in LFS for a very long time now.
thanks man how do i add them im happy that i can add them
Draw the skin like the default skins, and save them using the name format xxx_yyy.jpg, where xxx is the car code (XFG, FOX...), and YYY is the name of the skin

Pop it in your \data\skins folder, and select in game using the garage, under the tab Colours.
its not like the way we name setups is it? like XRGT_setup. didn't we use that format back in the S1 days? or am I completly off?
mod close threat please ive learned now

can i make my own skin on s1 ??
(6 posts, started )