I took it this morning, from my window
I like Iron Maiden and also like to play "Wasting Love" but its damn impossible to sing (gets too high pitch for me), Dickinson's voice is so unique.
Your a singer, ok
If you want to have a challenge, try to sing the end of the song "aces high" from Iron Maiden You know what I mean if you play it hehe.
You are joking arent you? Aces HAAIII !!
I already said that he is a great voice. For me, there is no way to sing like him,
except if some heavy stuff fall on to my foot.
I listened all three of them. As you pointed, its a good bassline.
I think you are a bass player. Beside of electric guitar, I am
trying to play bass also. At a very basic level, just to fill
the necessary parts of my home recordings.