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LFS Setups / Colours X10-X30 Fix
(99 posts, started )
#1 - Ian.H
LFS Setups / Colours X10-X30 Fix
Hi all..

Here's a simple util to convert X10 setups and colours to X30.

It'll list the src->dest file updating and report how many files were updated and how many deleted. By default, no files are deleted.

NOTE: Patch X30 is required to be installed before running this util.

BACKUP: Remember to backup your 'Settings' dir before running this util, just incase.


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#2 - nikka
Thanks! 10/10
#3 - Bean0
Thankyou, very useful

Quote from Ian.H :PPS: Any reason why .7z files aren't possible to upload?

It's been asked for a couple of times in threads but probably missed by Victor, not sure if a proper Improvement Suggestion thread was made though.
Hmm, when I run it, the program ends straight away.

Im using Vista if that helps
Quote from niall09 :Hmm, when I run it, the program ends straight away.

Im using Vista if that helps

me to
Awesome work Ian, this is going to be very handy for many of us.

Just a quick Q, though, if I may... Do you have to direct the DOS prompt to the location of this utility first?
Quote from niall09 :Hmm, when I run it, the program ends straight away.

Im using Vista if that helps

Apparently i'm too stupid to run it
/me is an idiot, can't seem to get it to work.

Better explanation for the people who don't know what to do?
Help me to
waaaah, it has deleted all my Sets in "settings", and there aren´t all Setups in "setups".
The auto-delete could be removed from this nice tool, i lost around 100 sets

A really nice tool, but add to your first Posting, that it will delete the old files.
Open up a command prompt (Start --> Run type "cmd" (Without quotes) in XP, or hit the start button and type cmd in the Vista start search bar.

Navigate to the folder where you downloaded x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe, using the "cd" (Change directory command)

When in the correct folder type

x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path="\path\to\your\lfs\root\dir"

Where the bit in quotes is your path to your LFS root folder (e.g. C:\User\LFS)

Hit enter and it should run
Quote from mcintyrej :/me is an idiot, can't seem to get it to work.

Better explanation for the people who don't know what to do?

Sry, german here

Make a Backup of your "settings" Folder (LFS\data\settings)
Start-Button (bottom left)
Run (Ausführen)
enter cmd
Now you opened your old DOS-Console, now navigate to the exe.
(Just put the .exe to C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR-USERNAME, then you don´t need to navigate through your hdd with the DOS-Console)
Now type: x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path=Path\to\your\LFS
(in my case: x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path=G:\LFS )
Now it runs a few seconds, and your Sets are changed to X30.

I hope you can understand it
Quote from niall09 :Open up a command prompt (Start --> Run type "cmd" (Without quotes) in XP, or hit the start button and type cmd in the Vista start search bar.

Navigate to the folder where you downloaded x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe, using the "cd" (Change directory command)

When in the correct folder type

x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path="\path\to\your\lfs\root\dir"

Where the bit in quotes is your path to your LFS root folder (e.g. C:\User\LFS)

Hit enter and it should run

How do we do that?
Like: cd D:\
for example?
Sorry lads, no idea if it works on Vista or not as I'll be avoiding that OS for as long as possible.

You don't have to start the DOS prompt in the dir of the util.. you can specify it as: "C:\whereever\you\downloaded\the\file\to\x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe" --path="\path\to\lfs" etc.

I modified my registry a long time ago to give me a 'Command Prompt From Here' option in explorer / 3rd party file explorers making that task simple (plenty of info on the net for anyone wanting to add that option for future usage too).

Sven.. I don't know what happened there.. I ran several tests here that didn't cause any problems.

Is there something perhaps "weird" about your directory names?

And a silly question, has it really lost that many setups, or are you comparing number of files that were in your original 'settings' dir compared to what's now in your 'setups' dir? The original 'settings' dir contained both colours and setups, which are now separated. This util process both file types and moves them to the new relative dirs. Just making sure.

If this has screwed things over for you, would you be prepared to run a couple of tests for me if I PM you an update? (test updates won't actually rename / delete anything, will just display info I can use for debugging).


Quote from Fabri91 :How do we do that?
Like: cd D:\
for example?

To change dirs, you just need to enter the dir name. If you have the file in 'D:\downloads' for example, from the DOS window, type:

cd \downloads


Quote from Sven Menkhoff :Sry, german here

Make a Backup of your "settings" Folder (LFS\data\settings)
Start-Button (bottom left)
Run (Ausführen)
enter cmd
Now you opened your old DOS-Console, now navigate to the exe.
(Just put the .exe to C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR-USERNAME, then you don´t need to navigate through your hdd with the DOS-Console)
Now type: x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path=Path\to\your\LFS
(in my case: x10_to_x30_setup_fix.exe --path=G:\LFS )
Now it runs a few seconds, and your Sets are changed to X30.

I hope you can understand it

Thanks, I got upto the stage where it was all in CMD but I had my x10_to...etc in the wrong place.


Works a treat, Thanks a lot Ian, your a lifesaver!
Quote from Ian.H :Sorry lads, no idea if it works on Vista or not as I'll be avoiding that OS for as long as possible.

Running Vista here, works without problems.
Quote from nikka :Running Vista here, works without problems.

Cool! Thanks for then confirmation


Good old DOS-times
Mind pasting the script, I have perl installed
Thx for the app
Suzuki Landy
Thanks for the tool, Ian (I'm still at work ATM though).

I think with the patch, it's time to tone down the setup list anyways, so I'll just change manually. I really only have a handful I use regularly of the thousands in my setup list.

Hint, at least for me, my FE Green sets work beautifully in many many other tracks. FE Green set at all Fern Bay, Most South Cities, Aston North, KY National, etc.
Quote from herki :Good old DOS-times
Mind pasting the script, I have perl installed

heh yup.. didn't seem much point in opening my C++ IDE to hack together something this simple (and I don't know any regex in C++)

Here's the script. Excuse it not being the tidiest, was a quick hack for myself really, but decided to post it.



PS: herki.. I'm wondering whether the bug Sven has posted about is something to do with locale settings, although would seem strange considering the code. If you test this (backup first ) and notice a similar problem.. could you restore your backup and run it again and redirect the output to a file and PM it to me please? Obviously I'd like it to be bug free for everyone, not just a few
Quote from mrodgers :Thanks for the tool, Ian (I'm still at work ATM though).

I think with the patch, it's time to tone down the setup list anyways, so I'll just change manually. I really only have a handful I use regularly of the thousands in my setup list.

Hint, at least for me, my FE Green sets work beautifully in many many other tracks. FE Green set at all Fern Bay, Most South Cities, Aston North, KY National, etc.

I'm the same in reality, I maybe have 10 setups I use (for the limited selection of cars I choose to drive). I was going to do it via a few rename calls in DOpus, but decided I'd be lazy and hack a script together to completely automate it


Can't you just create a batch file to do this?

ren "XR GT TURBO_*.*" "XRT_*.*"


LFS Setups / Colours X10-X30 Fix
(99 posts, started )