LFS Setups / Colours X10-X30 Fix
(99 posts, started )
Quote from MAGGOT :Could the XRG problem be releated to the fact that the XRG files are named 'XR GT' and the XRT 'XR GT Turbo?' It might be getting confused somewhere in there; maybe the XRT string is being applied to the 'XR GT' files too?

It shouldn't do.. it grabs all chars up to the first '_' in the filename and then strips the spaces from it. XR GT_TURBO would fail as a valid setup name, so issues should be expected if that was the case, but I doubt this is common

I think it may have simply been tied in with the regex bug I had checking the entire path rather than just filename.


why did it haft to freaking mess up all my sets and skins!! now i have no sets and no skins!!!!!! and the program wont work for me!!1
Just ran the util; AWESOME!

I have a bunch of 'RA_' files left over, though. Might need to add that to your checks, Ian.

Great util, saved me loads of time.
please somone help me!
Quote from Ian.H : Sven.. I don't know what happened there.. I ran several tests here that didn't cause any problems.

Is there something perhaps "weird" about your directory names?

And a silly question, has it really lost that many setups, or are you comparing number of files that were in your original 'settings' dir compared to what's now in your 'setups' dir? The original 'settings' dir contained both colours and setups, which are now separated. This util process both file types and moves them to the new relative dirs. Just making sure.

Sorry for don´t knowing that.
That´s it, there are my missing ~100 Files

Thank you Ian, great work on that tool

A few Files endet in "setups" like _GTR_NAME.set and i don´t know from which car they are. But that don´t really matter, cause most sets are there and i have no idea how to find out from which car they was. Perhaps somebody who made a backup could reproduce that.
#56 - DC2
Thank you worked fine here
This version works fine with me, the first gave that s/// error.

Only thing left is a RB4 set, but that has the set extension in capitals (.SET)

I get "Could not get car code for RB4", even when I manually change it to .set (without caps)
#58 - ste_
Thumbs up from me Ian, thanks man!
Quote from Sven Menkhoff :Sorry for don´t knowing that.
That´s it, there are my missing ~100 Files

Thank you Ian, great work on that tool

A few Files endet in "setups" like _GTR_NAME.set and i don´t know from which car they are. But that don´t really matter, cause most sets are there and i have no idea how to find out from which car they was. Perhaps somebody who made a backup could reproduce that.

No probs at all. Apologies the bug has caused the setups to be named in a broken fashion, that's really not very good on my part

I've decided to scrap this console version. Really don't know what's causing the randomness in renaming issues. I've swapped this now for a full GUI based version (available in post #1). It also copies the files now rather than renaming with a checkbox option to auto-delete the originals.

Again apologies to people with issues of now broken setup names


Quote from Ian.H :Again apologies to people with issues of now broken setup names

Kind of you to say, but you didn't include the backup warning for nothing
Quote from AppiePils :Kind of you to say, but you didn't include the backup warning for nothing

Unfortunately that was an edit.. I hadn't originally (I took it for granted people would, but wrongly so).

I hate buggy tools and I know every tool has 1 bug at least, but that was pretty bad.

If people can keep the brokenly named files and bare with me, I'll code another tool to read the data from the setup file to get the car name and auto-fix the breakages I caused.

I'll try and get this done either tonight or tomorrow


Just checked LX4, LX6, RB4, FXO, RAC, FZ50, FXR, FZR, MRT, FOX, FO8 and BF1 didn't work and the files for those car disappeared. It also appeared to delete the FBM set I had made (only thing I didn't have a back of).

I'm going to go and manually copy a few across, a good thing really as most them were useless anyway
Ty very useful..for those who wonder how to do just browse your lfs folder and click fix it will export all your sets from settings folder to setups folder!
Thank you

Clever dick indeed!
Great Work Ian, this is a natural easy life maker

Love it, 1120 sets fixed by you, so so thank you
Awesome job !!
Thank you very much !
Quote from Ian.H :Hi all..

Here's a simple util to convert X10 setups and colours to X30.

It'll list the src->dest file updating and report how many files were updated and how many deleted. By default, no files are deleted.

NOTE: Patch X30 is required to be installed before running this util.

BACKUP: Remember to backup your 'Settings' dir before running this util, just incase.



wouldnt be writing a simple batch file much easier than coding an app?

anyway nice, thanx , but unneccessary in my eyes ^^
thats what i was waiting for, thanks !
Thanks for this mate.

Works a charm!
ahm :P

I have installed the new patch in another LFS directory then where i have the settings...

How do i do it then?

BTW whats the drifference from the "old" setups to the "new" ones?

EDIT: NVm saw the difference now :P
Who's the man?!
Thanks.Came in handy!
Very nice tool helped alot, but i got some sets and colours that didnt got renamed and moved to the right place..

It where some BF1, FO8, FOX, FXR, FXO, FZ5, FZR, MRT, RAC, RB4, UF1, UFR, XFG, XFR, XRT, XRG.

Dont know why they didnt get changed, but there are quite alot that didnt.. But else, handy tool and very helpfull..

Thanks for the effort mate

LFS Setups / Colours X10-X30 Fix
(99 posts, started )