(133 posts, started )
Please report any issues you find in the new Formula BMW in this thread.

Try to avoid duplicate bug reports.
#2 - Danas
Not a big one, but when you're in the cockpit of the new FBM, and you look to either side, you can see through the car a little bit. (see foto)
Attached images
Wazzup with Internet 2 LFS (game)
and LFS.net?
#4 - Alles
Quote from Danas :Not a big one, but when you're in the cockpit of the new FBM, and you look to either side, you can see through the car a little bit. (see foto)

thats not a bug. its with all formulas. the camera cuts into a body. so the mesh that is "cuted" by the camera isnt visible.
cant get fbmw to work as there is no script file, i need to go in the fox first, then change back to fbmw so that sequential script works, btw got a g25!!
#6 - SFL
The last two lights on the wheel that show rpm are most of the time lit at the same time. I guess they should light up at different rpms?

EDIT: They aren't lit exactly the same time but close enough to make the last light useless.
#7 - joen
I just ask
I guess because it's not a brake light but a rain/fog light?
Same in other open wheelers...
They are rain lights ...

The car does not have a speed limiter. Is this intentional?
Yes, the FBMW does not have a speed limiter IRL.
Fbm Bug!!
The sides are very high it has a huge blind spot. Can barely see the side even if i move the axis.
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :The sides are very high it has a huge blind spot. Can barely see the side even if i move the axis.

The real car suffers from exactly the same issue, it's not a bug in LFS and the limitation of modeling a real car in a simulation is you're stuck with the decisions the designer made even if some of the considerations (safety) aren't relevant in a racing sim./
Quote from Danas :Not a big one, but when you're in the cockpit of the new FBM, and you look to either side, you can see through the car a little bit. (see foto)

+ it does the same in bf1
One thing I noticed with the new formula BMW, was how much clutch you needed to shift and the time it took to shift between 4th, 5th, 6th gear..

(I tested out others and it wasn't like the new Formula)

I could see the shift time and more clutch needed for lower gears because there is a more drastic gear tooth change between the gear and your flywheel.. But once your in your higher gears just a few teeth will add ALOT more speed to each higher gear. Thus not needing as much clutch or time to get it into the next higher gear.
Don't use the clutch for upshifts then...
Yes, as in real life you should pull on the gear shifter and while still pulling, momentarily lift your foot off the throttle - the car will change gear quite instantly.
Quote from Scawen :Yes, as in real life you should pull on the gear shifter and while still pulling, momentarily lift your foot off the throttle - the car will change gear quite instantly.

yes because the clutch essentially is a flywheel break..

I really do like how the gearbox has more of a delay until your in the gear and how the clutch let into them.. I guess I just thought, you needed a bit more clutch then needed with higher gears, and took awhile to get the gears with closer gear ratio's.

Love the patch
#23 - SFL
Quote from ghost racer :yes because the clutch essentially is a flywheel break..

I really do like how the gearbox has more of a delay until your in the gear and how the clutch let into them.. I guess I just thought, you needed a bit more clutch then needed with higher gears, and took awhile to get the gears with closer gear ratio's.

Love the patch


The clutch isnt used in the fbm..
Not really a patch issue but a PubStats issue. The FBM isn't displayed in the PB output. Where the car should be it's blank!

The last couple of line from my PB PubStats output shows:

001 FXO 88510 5
500 XFR 106790 16
151 66980 41
Not a bug, but I'm curious about the setup options. I'm guessing that you can't adjust/swap the differential in a real FBMW in the way you can in LFS, among other things I imagine.
So........why aren't setup options chosen to follow the real cars/series' when every effort is made to make it identical in other ways?

(133 posts, started )