The online racing simulator
My driving force pro only turns 1/4. How can I get 900º?
Before I powered it, I turned 900º but now that is everything running, and the last drivers installed, it only turns 1/4, 90º, each side.
In LFS2 I get the "virtual" 900º by "physical" turning 90º.

Out of the game, it's still on the 90º limit.
I want my 900º!!
#2 - Noccy
make sure u have the latest drivers (4.60) from

then go in logitech profiler
device/game controllers/properties/settings
here u should be able to set u slider with ° of rotation among other stuff
Make sure it's on "Global Device Settings" too.

And DFPs don't go 90 degrees. They go 200. You have to think of it as the FULL rotation. 90 degrees would be 1/8 on each side (barely anything)
well, I have solve d it guys. It was the "global device settings", as xapexcivix said". Sorry, I'm very noob yet...