#1 - Dru
Round 6/7 Information (Important)
Round 6 Aston Club Reverse Entry List
Round 7 South City Town Entry List

Number Racer LFSusername
#3 J.Stonestreet james12s
#4 S.Baker Bean0
#5 J.Parker Dru
#6 T.Corken Swiss_Tony
#8 J.Green Jakg
#10 M.Pesonen Blackout
#11 N.Rocha fujiwara
#12 R.Salama sokke
#20 A.Whittaker Adam5K1
#23 D.Foster zero-down
#26 R.King Richy
#27 Y.Mikk -nightfly-
#32 R.Hoiting Hotmail
#33 M.Hoekstra badeend
#37 J.McIntyre mcintyrej
#43 A.Kirschetorte StableX
#46 S.Hill Psymonhilly
#53 S.Hopkinson SamH
#55 T.Falkenberg TFalke55
#67 N.Mul niels1
#76 G.Baksay Gergely
#88 C.English mr_x
#95 M.Pust Burn
#99 A.Zadro Thunderhead
#100 S.Lees Celtic100
#111 M.vanDongen SpikeyMarcoD

The list above represents the 26 racers who are actively competing in this league.

As a result of the numbers dipping below the 30 mark there is no need for pre-qualifying to continue.

For the remainder of the championship, (Round 6 at Aston Club Reverse and Round 7 South City Town) there will be no pre-qualifying.

We will continue with the format of short qualifying session and qualifying will start at 20.00 GMT.

The race server will remain open until qualifying starts. On the day of the races the race server will be password protected with a password that will be circulated by PM this will be the password for all of the day. Please do not distribute it to non-racers.

As we only have 26 racers in the above list we will allow the final 4 positions to be filled by any driver who signs up for the final 2 rounds in this post.

To qualify for this signup you must have either taken part in a UF1 Mayhem Race or UF Baby-R Fallout Race, or be signed up on the reserve driver list and/or be approved by the Admin staff.

Best regards,

woot... good stuff

shame about the drop outs but more racing guaranteed for me... thankyou dropouts
Hmmm pitty Dru, I liked the way it was excatly. The prequali made me go in some kinda mental state...... or was it bcus I smoked some roll ups....

Hmmm dunno butta I will miss the prequali.
the thing about the prequal would probably have needed a two division system, and not only the "ski-jumping-style" to be succesful. I liked the idea of havin a pre-qual aswell but when everyone is racing the chance that everyone is happy is higher.

for may-hem cup 2 (or how it will be called officially) the UFOC team will find a good solution, I'm sure.

OT: quick question: what happened to LFSHostingEvents... there are no further updates...
What the hell [HR] nightfly racing???
Where did that come from?
It used to be called [HR]ThunderSpikes?
#7 - Dru
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :What the hell [HR] nightfly racing???
Where did that come from?
It used to be called [HR]ThunderSpikes?

could not remember the names

I'll get that editted
Dru, I am withdrawing from this championship. It has been great fun racing the little Bby-r's but I just don;t have enough time to practice for leagues and such right now.

All the best with the rest of the league ~
#9 - Dru
Quote from niall09 :Dru, I am withdrawing from this championship. It has been great fun racing the little Bby-r's but I just don;t have enough time to practice for leagues and such right now.

All the best with the rest of the league ~

Ok mate, thanks for supporting it - good luck with your other racing
Quote from Dru :could not remember the names

I'll get that editted

btw again...I'm a privateer (#27Y.Mikk -nightfly-)
I am marked as a member of hit and run but there is no such thing from the start of babyR. So count out [HR]Hit'n Run...I'm a privateer
#11 - Dru
Quote from -NightFly- : btw again...I'm a privateer (#27Y.Mikk -nightfly-)
I am marked as a member of hit and run but there is no such thing from the start of babyR. So count out [HR]Hit'n Run...I'm a privateer

Every different team, whether it be a 1 car entry or 2 car entry has gone into the Constuctors Championship.

The privateer cup is currently not being recorded as most people in in have had team mates at some point or other and hence are no longer privateers.

But fear not, we will have something later on before the final round to tell everyone the standings.
(badeend) DELETED by Dru
#12 - Dru
Anyone tried the Baby-R with Patch X30 yet??

Around FE Club I'm about 2 seconds slower

Also I managed to burn the clutch out in only 4 laps......
Then went to South City Town for a few laps, was quite slow but did no clutch damage in 20 minutes of racing - whats the hour race gonna be like if Y is actually out
We havent tried it yet, at least the UFR on X30 testpatch. We did however tried the patch. We all think the clutch is briljant.
You need to get used to it.

But what are we doing for the race this upcoming Thursday, on X30 patch or normal X ??.
well its not clutch damage its clutch heat so they do cool down and grip again
It was posted above i think that its a test patch so from that i gather we race on X and not X30, and switch to Y if its released while league is still on.

I however expect several testpatches now and prehaps a releas on 21 DECember (all official releases seem to have been on a friday).
#17 - Dru
Quote from james12s :well its not clutch damage its clutch heat so they do cool down and grip again

do yuo know how long it takes to cool dowen once it slips??

minutes - and minutes without drive is effectively a retirement and/or a danger to be out on the race track...
you dont have to stop, just treat is nicly and it doesnt take long, though that doesnt neseserilly work for total overheates but when they start treat them a bit better and they cool down, but it still isnt clutch damage
Have a snooze
If you overheat your clutch you might as well have a snooze at the wheel. You have to let off and shift so earily that you will not be very competitive. I think once everyone is used to it it will be ok though, because everyone will be taking it easier. Lap times will be slower for awhile I bet. We tried lots of cars last night and the UFR seems to be the easiest to overheat the clutch:-) You even have to let off on bumps or you get some slip and heat!
the fact of snoozing at the wheel is totally untrue
and anyway in an enduro everyone would have the same problem and especcially cos it is an enduro you could afford so stop for a miniute to let the clutch cool
Is too!! Is too!!
Quote from james12s :the fact of snoozing at the wheel is totally untrue

If I say it, it is a fact beyond question!! Mere mortals like you shouldn't question my omnipresent being!!
Repent, Repent your words to me or feel my wrath
??? oooook lol, i think it depends on how you look at it, but i must admit i havent driven the ufr with the clutch overheat
Quote from james12s :??? oooook lol, i think it depends on how you look at it, but i must admit i havent driven the ufr with the clutch overheat

We drove some laps with it last night and it was by far the easiest to overheat. You have to be so careful!! Because once it starts to go it is really hard to bring it back without loosing a bunch of time.
I like it though it adds a whole new demension to the racing.
I like it too but I do think it should be a server variable for server admins to use or not, as the case may be........

on the UFR we all made it to the 4th lap on the new SO track and then the clutch was gone...... LOL

I then took 4 laps going about half speed before the clutch was even down to a level that I was going to be able to get round .......