The online racing simulator
BUG REPORTS : South City Track
(54 posts, started )
Saw this when playing online.

The new SO has a few of these issues elsewhere too. A dark shadow sometimes comes over the car where there shouldn't be a shadow. Like here in the pitlane:
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Quote from sinbad :I noticed that a segment of wall on the right only appeared once you got so far down the pit exit road (at Chicane Route), so you got a pop-up effect. Don't know if that's how it is for everyone, though.

Thats the first thing I spotted on SO6 as well. It happens with maximum LOD too.
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Maybe not really a bug, but my textures are not loading SO chicane route.
The track is all white and the cars tyres have a white stripe on the side instead of the brand of the tyre.
I already reinstalled the patch, but its still not working for me. I updated my video drivers 2 days ago, and i have no problem with any other track/combo.
anyone tips?
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Combined with FFB and 10fps, not welcomed by me lol

When I hotlap though, perfect!

Also, while I'm here, and on the subject, will lower-res SO ever be released for Y? My PC is just too old to run SO with more than 10fps lol

Try running with low res textures (in Graphics options) - this can improve frame rate on older graphics cards.

Quote from Atixt :Maybe not really a bug, but my textures are not loading SO chicane route.
The track is all white and the cars tyres have a white stripe on the side instead of the brand of the tyre.
I already reinstalled the patch, but its still not working for me. I updated my video drivers 2 days ago, and i have no problem with any other track/combo.
anyone tips?

Running out of texture memory? Try running at lower texture resolution and see if that helps.
not really a bug, but at the SO main straight one of the tribune is for my taste a bit too far away from the track. I wouldn't reserve a seat there
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Quote from Scawen :Try running with low res textures (in Graphics options) - this can improve frame rate on older graphics cards.

Thanks a million, I'm up in 40 - 50 FPS (more than I ever got) with a full AI field! And the texture quality doesn't really look any different.

Nice one
At the end of the highway, there's something wrong with this part of the track... It's not a really smooth...
Looks like a UV error
I think this is old, but doesn't seem it has been fixed. There is empty space under the barriers when looked from certain height.
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Not sure wether it is a bug, but I seem to get the wrong split times displayed on SO6 / FBM.

Lap time should be 1:06.09 but it says Split 1: 1:07.96, Split 2 (Lap Time): 1:42.58
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vincper_SO6_FBM_10609.spr - 73.6 KB - 300 views
Quote from Tungsten :Hello,

On South City Long, somes artefacts, very difficult to see on this images, but really here... (tests on 2 diffrents computers with 8800GTS and 6600GT... samething) :


I noticed those too in the game. Seem like they come off the wall.
Quote from Dmt :Hello, there is some deep hole :P

I would just like to comment on that and say that Chicane route is missing the barriers from that spot like Classic has. And that "hole" is only visible from cockpit view.
Patch X32 end of SO6 Pitlane - looks funky.
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LFS Patch X32 end of SO6 pitlane.JPG
Quote from vincper :Not sure wether it is a bug, but I seem to get the wrong split times displayed on SO6 / FBM.

Lap time should be 1:06.09 but it says Split 1: 1:07.96, Split 2 (Lap Time): 1:42.58

where do you see that?? I saw s1 : 31'47 - s2 : 34'62 - final 1'06'09
The textures squashed to 50% of their proper size at the side of the gantries at SO have always bugged me. I thought this might have been fixed in the new patch.
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hi, i maybe found a small bug

at the back of the pits at SO u can drive faster than the speed limit, but only on the parking lanes. When u drive closer to the pits u will get the penalty. Not a big problem during races but just not logical. (see attachment below)
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Quote from sharkboots :The textures squashed to 50% of their proper size at the side of the gantries at SO have always bugged me. I thought this might have been fixed in the new patch.

I've noticed some other mapping issues on SO also. Specifically, when running SO City Long Rev, right before you go under the freeway overpass there are some Castrol banners on the right. Several of them are cut off or mis-mapped. This is something you notice even when flying through that section of track during a race.
These may look minor, but are still noticeable while going fast through there:
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Quote from MarioX :These may look minor, but are still noticeable while going fast through there:

Ageed was just about to post this glitch/error
NOT A BUG, just a question

I tried racing online at redline racing last night for the first time since the latest round of patches, it was the FBMW at South City Chicane.
All of a sudden, my FPS is struggling to get over 30 whereas before at any other SO track it was very playable at 50+. Is this because of the latest texture updates in SO?
Quote from mrfell :All of a sudden, my FPS is struggling to get over 30 whereas before at any other SO track it was very playable at 50+. Is this because of the latest texture updates in SO?

I don't know what is at 'fault' but I've also noticed a huge FPS drop on SO6/R, especially when driving on the main straight and on the bridge.
It's even worse when spectating.
Obviously this is more noticeable on populated races.
As you say, fps drops when going through wider and more open parts of the track (there you can see further and more surrounding objects/buildings are on screen). Imo this is normal, especially considering increased polygon count and texture resolution in SO. Most of the buildings are quite highly detailed now and there are more(?) of them by the bridge.
I get this invisible block and/or missing texture at the end of the pits (chicane rev end of pits) This is the same on all configs that use these pits.
The invisible block is like a spring if you get too close to the wall it can bounce you away. You have to be very close and coming from a certain angle most of the time, although this block seemed to move very slightly after restarting exe a few different times but seemed to remain focused in that area
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This is minor, but it really needs fixing at some point, these light posts are all throughout SO, and they stick out like eyesores because they're bright red, and bright white, and have no texture on them at all, while everything else is nicely textured.

The red can stay, but it really needs a texture on the light.
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There's a bit of an issue when leaving the SO pitlane in the normal config (i.e., toward the overpass). If you scrape along the pit wall just before the line that marks the end of pit lane, there's a bump in the wall that causes massive damage to the car and shoots it sideways, even if you're only going very slowly.

BUG REPORTS : South City Track
(54 posts, started )