The online racing simulator
BUG REPORTS : Blackwood Track
(48 posts, started )
BUG REPORTS : Blackwood Track
Please report any issues you find in the new Blackwood in this thread.

Try to avoid duplicate bug reports.
I'm not sure if this is in the new patch, but I found a slight graphical fault at BLGP in the last pitbox, someone else will have to look as it could be just my PC..

but i thought i'd post just in case if you dont see it, its part of the building on the left, it vanishes at a certain point in the box
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LFS 2007-12-10 17-48-36-40.png
LFS 2007-12-10 17-48-39-60.png
#3 - wikis
What is that black thing? A shadow? or it's just something wrong with my textures?
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#4 - J@tko
Are demoers supposed to not be allowed reverse configs?
#5 - h0tz
The white line which goes across the lane near the pitlane traffic lights "flickers". It disappears when you are 5m (circa ) before it and comes back shortly after...
I found this:
Toolbox appears when you are close to it.
Attached images
Quote from AchimPL :Hi,
I found this:
Toolbox appears when you are close to it.

I'm not understanding what you mean, If you mean why it looks a little blury or jagged I'm guessing I have no clue, but I think it looks fine.

But I have a little bug to report but I so forgot to save the replay to see if it was a trick my eyes were playing on me or what. I was pitting at #12 or #13 and while I was waiting for pit to finish, I was looking at the left garage door in the back and it looked as if it were moving with the wind... Yeah I'm not sure if this is me or an actual bug. I drove up and down ever pit to see if this was in fact a bug but I didnt see it, so LMK if you see the same thing. I might need to go to eye doctor.
Quote from TypeRCivic :I'm not understanding what you mean, If you mean why it looks a little blury or jagged I'm guessing I have no clue, but I think it looks fine.


I might need to go to eye doctor.

You DO need a eye doctor, look at his three screenshots and you will see the toolbox disapearing on pic #2
Quote from Riders Motion :You DO need a eye doctor, look at his three screenshots and you will see the toolbox disapearing on pic #2

:eye-poppi HaHa...LOL I guess your right. So that confirms my other "BUG" report.
Quote from AchimPL :Hi,
I found this:
Toolbox appears when you are close to it.

What are your LOD settings?
Quote from wikis :What is that black thing? A shadow? or it's just something wrong with my textures?

I've also noticed some unusual shadows in the car park
Attached images
clear day.JPG
That floating tree is still, err.. floating, just after the second entrance to the dirt/rally track, before the bridge.
Attached images
floating tree.jpg
(TRAKTORISTA) DELETED by Bob Smith : not a bug report, go whine elsewhere
Quote from ajp71 :What are your LOD settings?

I'am using LOD = 1.0
This is happening only in that one garage, in others everything is OK.
Old Blackwood ? O_o
look closer (kingfishersa) DELETED by kingfishersa
Floating Tree
Quote from Electrik Kar :That floating tree is still, err.. floating, just after the second entrance to the dirt/rally track, before the bridge.

Looks like there maybe bushes in front of the tree.
Quote from Scawen :That is not possible if you install the patch properly. It must be saved into your LFS folder and run from there.

If it correct you will get a warning about overwriting files. The answer to that is "yes" or "yes to all".

I also had that problem. Had to make a proper fresh install of LFS X and then updated to X30 for it to work.
Quote from LRB_Aly :I also had that problem. Had to make a proper fresh install of LFS X and then updated to X30 for it to work.

Yep I Download LFS X and Updated to X30 and now is good.
Quote from J@tko :Are demoers supposed to not be allowed reverse configs?

Can we get confirmation on this please? I have tried to switch to demo and selecte reversed layouts, but it's a no go. Is the reversed layouts taken away from demo mode?
Yes they are.
Check out "DJDOKTOR". That person seemed to take the same route every time, so I'm guessing that the track wasn't installed properly for him/her.
Attached files
weird X30 BUG.mpr - 267.5 KB - 439 views
(Dillyracer) DELETED by Dillyracer
fps drop
I got huge fps drop every single lap when I am passing the 2nd split before avon bridge (usually 70-60fps, there only 30fps + it lags a bit). I think that causing the trees on the right side but unfortunately these cannot be turned off by the option draw trees. it started with x30.
see picture below
pc specs [c2d, gf8800gts 320mb, 2gb ram, res 1920x1200]
winxp pro, forceware 169.09
//edit solved -> multisample transparency AA
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@hectic: that's insane =/ He cant be cheating or he would be running good times =/

Im posting this here because i dont know where else to put it, And i found it on BL.

I was doing burnouts in an XRR till the tyres poped (like 2 seconds lol) Anyway, So they popped and i tried to repair my car in teh pit, It came up with changing tyres and shit like that, But when i pressed F9 afterwards, The "Inside" of the tyres were black (Meaning poped still) and only the outside was repaired (blue).
^^Was the centre filled with a colour and it driving fine? If so my guess is the black part of the tires was in fact dark blue (very cold).
The tires never get cold enough to be black inside, the blue only gets somewhat darker. Besides, right after they are changed they are a bright blue colour.

BUG REPORTS : Blackwood Track
(48 posts, started )