We are planning to have a SAE style Time Trial, but I can't find any cone only LYT for the event x( if someone could upload some or even make some, we plan to have this event before Febraury... plz Help!!1
i would be very thankfull if someone have a good layout with cones, we were looking for layouts but we only find things with barriers or crazy obstacles(wich are fun but not aproppiated for the event we're planning).
I tried to do some lyts but i dont fell they are very good, and the time trial thingy is next week(anyway i will keep on trying to do something good, maybe i come up with something).
Well, thanks in advance.
PD: oh, we are from the Chilean Community of LFS (www.lfs.cl) im one of the admins( out of two :P, racer556 isnt one but he is helping me with this and we're team partners ^^ ). It's just a little forum by now, since we aren't a lot of players (just 40 or 50 active drivers, and half of them and a bit more are demo players).
I tested them out, I didn't get well de FE one, the Aston is not what I was looking for (It's a great and fun lyt tho :tilt, but the AuX one is kinda perfect...
I created those LX4 layouts for the competition (with a bit of help from Victor), so if you're looking for similar layouts to those, I have a couple more in this thread: