Right, been racing for 3 hours with the x31 patch.
Feels great!
Really love how the overall feel evolved, great work.

I already drove without without throttle cut/blip with my g25 before the x30 patch, so i race just as i do in the real world.
Feels spot on, and i seem to do it right for lfs also, since the clutch stays 'cold'
However, i have 1 or 2 notes / points of interest.
clutch clamping on lx6 seems too low, feels like a worn out clutch, without the grapping power.
Engine inertia / flywheel also feel a bit on the heavy side now, current * 0.75 should do the trick
Revlimitter.. not sure.. the revlimitter on my previous mx3 racer and my new scooby are more abrupt and harsch, you really want to change gear before you reach it

I think it fits right between the new lfs limitter and the old pre-x30 patch.
Also, i think the smaller singleseaters could use more of a sweetspot in the revrange, with power peaking at 500 or 1000 rpm below revlimitter.
Since these engines usually don't have adjustable intake manifold lenght thingy's they are tuned for a specific rpm range.
So the torque should have a segnificant peak at half the revrange, or if it's a highrpm engine at about 2/3 of the revrange.
Last note, not really x30/x31 related, but a easy fix for upcoming patch Y none the less.
The gear whine is great in the cars that have it, however, i only hear 1 type of whine.
lfs currently has the whine of the active gear, so it corresponds to your engine rpm.
So the whine from the gearbox section that connects to the engine is present.
The gearwhine that is absent, or at least not audiable is the part that corresponds to the final gear.
So that should be a whine which gets higher in pitch, as the overall speed of the car increases.
You can hear it clearly in my scooby, and race cars obviously have it a lot more because of the straight cut gears and the absence of any form of sound dampning
Should make a really nice improvement if that's implemented.
Hmm, this post got bigger than i intended.. hehe.
Hope this post helps a bit in lifting the experience up another notch .