The online racing simulator
How To Blip...?
(37 posts, started )
#1 - Jakg
How To Blip...?
I'm now using manual clutch, and so i need to blip myself, however as i try to Heel-Toe i always fail...

I have my foot on the brake and pivot my foot at the top to the accelerator, so that i can blip while tapping the clutch, however it's always the bottom of my foot that ends up on the corner of the pedal, and i can't compete a lap without my foot hurting.

I'm using a G25, if that helps, and i'm using a standard office chair and so am sitting at about a 45 degree angle to my pedals, but i can't really "fix" that. I also usually drive in socks or bare feet, is this gods way of telling me that i need to wear shoes?

OT - Do i need the clutch on the FB02 for downshifting?

I will be good at this eventually, but with only a few hours ever driving a manual this will take a lot of practice to get used to :X
Did you check out that thread sometime back with videos of people's feet? I think spankmeyer started it in General Racing Talk. Perhaps that could shed some light, or at least serve as material for hidden fetishes.

EDIT: Ah no - it was in the current subforum: ... amp;highlight=videos+feet
1) Put on thick socks
2) Try making a G25 pedal mod so that the brake pedal is a little nearer (by putting spacers between the pedal arm and metal plate)
#4 - Jakg
Seems that i just need to stop being a wuss, or wear some shoes then *shrugs*
#5 - Gunn
I've never seen the problem with heel toe on the G25. Use whatever part of your foot works for you. There are no rules. I've got huge feet and have never had a problem from day 1 with the G25, though I improved with practice. The real task is to apply even brake pressure throughout, the blip itself is the easy part IMO.
#6 - psdf
Lawl, all it takes is some practice and patience. If it hurts, you're doing something wrong. Just find whatever position that works.
Quote from Jakg :I'
OT - Do i need the clutch on the FB02 for downshifting?

Quote from Jakg :Seems that i just need to stop being a wuss.....


Quote :.....or wear some shoes then *shrugs*

I don't know the spacing between the pedals on MOMO vs. G25. I have a MOMO with extra pedals connected for clutch. I'm new to it, as I just got it connected up last weekend in preparation of the patch.

I can't heel-toe because of the spacing between brake and pedal. I have to rotate my heel around way too much to reach. Or, if I try to hit it by curling my ankle and use the side of my foot, it falls between the pedals.

I tried with a pair of moccasin slippers and it helped a bunch. Full out shoes would just be to large and cumbersome for game controller pedals. In fact, with the slippers, I only wear one because even they are too big to hit the clutch with. The 2 pedals on the old set I'm using are too close together for me to wear the moccasin on my left foot.

Here's what I use....

Seriously, they are similar to below, but not as much "fuzzy" on the insides.....

I'm able to reach the throttle just fine by either rotating my heel around, or rotating the side of the foot down to the pedal. I just plain old stink at heel-toe now. No excuse for not being able to reach anymore.
I'm going to learn blipping after Christmas. For now I'm still playing X10 because of league races. I have the G25. I've noticed that some players have their pedals "upside down", mounted on the wall or something, but I've never seen precisely how they do it.. anyone got a linky or some tips? Is it much better than the normal way?
I was having similar problems, mainly because when under braking the brake was lower than the accelerator. This meant I had to 'twist' my foot backwards in order to blip the throttle, which became painful after a while.

I made a quick pedal mod to make the brake and throttle pedal heights more akin to RL and have been pleased with the results. I decided not to move the brake laterally as I have large feet, but you could easily achieve this by adding a metal plate.

Take a look:-

Hope this helps..
Quote from Gnomie :I'm going to learn blipping after Christmas. For now I'm still playing X10 because of league races. I have the G25. I've noticed that some players have their pedals "upside down", mounted on the wall or something, but I've never seen precisely how they do it.. anyone got a linky or some tips? Is it much better than the normal way?

With pictures and everything
#12 - JJ72
Try your "middle leg"
I'm not sure if his middle leg is long enough
(Gnomie) DELETED by Gnomie
#14 - Gunn
C'mon you guys, stop dicking around.
Don't worry Jak, I'm with ya on this one. I really need some practice at it, too. I'm planning on rigging up a quick pedal mod sometime over the x-mas break, though, which should make it a little easier. The biggest change for me is going to be learning to brake with my right foot. I don't know how you guys do it, it's so...weird.
Quote from Gunn :C'mon you guys, stop dicking around.

Damn...if I had space in my sig :P

On-topic, I read in the Four Wheel Drift book for GPL that socks were better than shoes back in 1998
(BlueFlame) DELETED by BlueFlame : doublepost
Quote from MAGGOT :Don't worry Jak, I'm with ya on this one. I really need some practice at it, too. I'm planning on rigging up a quick pedal mod sometime over the x-mas break, though, which should make it a little easier. The biggest change for me is going to be learning to brake with my right foot. I don't know how you guys do it, it's so...weird.

Nobody should be braking with their right foot to begin with, watch a video of Walter Rohl or some such, they initially press with their left foot, and then when they decide to downchange, their right foot comes over to the brake pedal.

Edit : Infact, i am getting my left and right mixed up
Well if you look here ... SgEj4&feature=related you can see clearly that it's easier, because the pedals are mounted upsidedown, so the most pivotal place is at the bottom of the throttle pedal, not at the top.
Quote from BlueFlame :Why do people talk about HEEEL and toe, like this? Even a G25's pedals aren't that far apart, if i put my foot inbetween 2 pedals, i can press them both down, I do only have a 2 pedal box tho, but still, so push down on the accelerator enough to give a throttle blip, i don't need to turn my right foot diagonally to do this, i can do it almost parallel to the pedals.

I agree with you. Hence the fact I only modified my pedals to have the throttle and brake at the correct level under braking. I am happy with the lateral position of the pedals how they are.
#20 - Gunn
Quote from BlueFlame :Nobody should be braking with their right foot to begin with, watch a video of Walter Rohl or some such, they initially press with their left foot, and then when they decide to downchange, their right foot comes over to the brake pedal.

Edit : Infact, i am getting my left and right mixed up
Well if you look here ... SgEj4&feature=related you can see clearly that it's easier, because the pedals are mounted upsidedown, so the most pivotal place is at the bottom of the throttle pedal, not at the top.

Plenty of racing drivers brake with their right foot including some F1 drivers. Others alternate, and some only with their left. Watching a few videos won't give you a comprehensive story.
Quote from Gunn :Plenty of racing drivers brake with their right foot including some F1 drivers. Others alternate, and some only with their left. Watching a few videos won't give you a comprehensive story.

read the edit please
#22 - Gunn
I brake with my left foot on the autocross track if I just need to loose a little speed. The gas is never lifted off. If I need to downshift then I brake with the right foot so I can rev match.
I dont use clutch when downshifting... should this even work?

I brake with my left foot, change gear, and then blip the throttle to match the revs.
You'll get used to it, don't worry, it's just a matter of days . At first it's really weird, but after a bit of practice it feels cool, i mean, it just adds some more to the immersion. I was using a clutch for a few weeks around august , but stopped to use it because I was too slow with it, + i didn't have an H-Shifter ( which I still don't have, but as teh patch is getting closer so does the temptation to finaly finish my joystick-to-a-shifter project which has been left unfinished right in the middle months ago :-x ). Hopefully with upcoming patch(es) lfs gets to a state where ppl using manual clutch & H-Shifter will be faster than ppl with auto clutch & button shift.

How To Blip...?
(37 posts, started )