The online racing simulator
#1 - Gizz
TM RGT pro clutch help/advice (regedit gurus)
i need a bit of help here with the RGT...

i want to set the progressive levers to look left and right, sounds easy i know, BUT each lever is on a separate axis!!, so i carnt set it to "look heading" in the axis menu because it will only take 1 axis...

in the buton's menu, you cant choose a axis ....

so i need to combine the to lever axises to 1 axis, for some idiotic reason tm didnt incorperate this into the softwear, LFS is near un editable so i have now choice but to do it from the wheel side and not LFS (unless you guys have a idea)...

so is there a way of combining 2 axis into one via regedit or somthing???

any help would be grate

ta folks
Just spotted this thread.

I've got one of these, but i've never tried to set the paddles to look right/left. A quick check of the manual says it cant be done in LFS (see below)

But I'll have a think and a bit play around see if i can come up with anything.

Edit: Right, i've had a look. Unfortunately i don't have the pedals so i can only test things in 2 or 3 axis mode. And its simple to set view in 2 axis mode, but i can see where the problem is. The only thing i can suggest is taking the thing apart and being a bit crafty with the wiring. Or, if you have an old or spare wheel/pedal set plug that in and use the pedals from that. Or if you really wanna get adventurous, buy one of these Cut the RJ11 plug off the TM pedals and wire them into that little gizmo.

Hope that helps.
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#3 - Gizz
thx for the reply mazz.....

i contacted TM and asked them say it cannot be done , and a regedit will not help either, ive split and combined axis's before through regedit but aparently no go on the RGT.

i thought about using scripts within LFS but that wouldnt work either would it???

as you say if you canot soft edit the axis it may have to be a stripdown job, any more ideas flying about?

shame cus so farm im happy with the wheel
Not really, i've spent most of my working life hitting things with a hammer till they either fix themselves or fall apart. So anything vaguely connected to software/computers or even just thinking alot is a bit of a black art to me. It's all witchcraft yunno best left to those strange little grey men who still live with their mothers and never leave the house.

The best advice i can give is in my previous post, find yourself a screwdriver and have a bit of a poke around.
#5 - Gizz

are you the guy who serviced my heating system?????

there has to be a way!!!!, surely someone else on here has this wheel???