The online racing simulator
(287 posts, started )
Yesterday, I drove a race with AI drivers with XFG on Blackwood, but after 3 laps my clutch was overheated, and I couldn't drive the car anymore.After a restart => same problem, The AI's seems having no problems with the clutch but I can't drive not more than 3 laps (keyboard steerring and automatic clutch).The only way to spare the clutch is to drive very carefull and use the gears very carefull but that cost me 4 sec. per lap :-(
You have to lift the throttle while shifting. And how is that a physics bug? :geezer:
Quote from HeerBommel :Yesterday, I drove a race with AI drivers with XFG on Blackwood, but after 3 laps my clutch was overheated, and I couldn't drive the car anymore.After a restart => same problem, The AI's seems having no problems with the clutch but I can't drive not more than 3 laps (keyboard steerring and automatic clutch).The only way to spare the clutch is to drive very carefull and use the gears very carefull but that cost me 4 sec. per lap :-(

Post a replay. The only time I've burnt out the clutch whilst actually driving round the track has been to see if it's possible. It doesn't exactly demand massive respect in order to keep it cool enough. Just don't have your foot to the floor and the engine redlining when the clutch re-engages. Lifting costs a bit of time in the TBO class because the turbo needs to spool up again, but in the NA cars you don't lose much at all, certainly nowhere near 4 seconds per lap at Blackwood.
Quote from AndroidXP :And how is that a physics bug? :geezer:

What Else ??It's not difficult to burn your clutch, do a little test => Drive XFG, make a pitstop, finish the pitstop and drive away in second gear (keyboard steerring), before the end of the pitlane your clutch is gone !!!!!!!!!!
Please HeerBommel this is not a physics bug, you have to understand that you need new gear ratios especially if you drive with autoclutch (like I do), try to pull out of stop in 3nd gear IRL (that would be your current LFS 2nd gear more or less) @ 6000RPM and tell me how it smells
Enjoy this new patch, now you have a lot to test and more to learn!
Quote from JTbo :Actually I'm happy with current behaviour at this point, until Scawen does new engine model for some future patch that comes after Y.

I'm quite sure you will be happy with whatever changes they throw in. If you were required to run 10 times around your house before playing LFS, I'm sure you would gladly do it.
Could people stop talking about the Patch here. Make a different thread this is for IMPORTANT BUG REPORTS. Thanks.
Quote from STenyaK :Which means you do not use the kick-clutch drift technique... i'm a crappy drifter so i use it often (more often than handbrake in fact).
I haven't tried though (broke a finger the other day so i've only been able to test the new patchs with keyboard ).

Actually, from what I remembered, pro's use the clutch-kicking technique more than the handbrake.
Quote from HeerBommel :drive away in second gear (keyboard steerring)

Do the same with a real car and report back...
Well I don´t know if it is a bug, but I have problems shifting the last gear. Especialy I have this problem with the FOX.. All other gears are ok but to shift the sixth I have to press the paddle several times...
Quote from Breizh :Do the same with a real car and report back...

Once I had to drive 5 miles in second gear (shifter cable broke) on city streets with plenty of stop lights. The clutch held out just fine, although I admit I wasn't trying to race.

As far as burnt clutches go, when I was getting my CDL another student appeared to be unable to learn how to use the clutch and overheated the poor thing to the point that it would start slipping just driving over a highway overpass.

Also, with unsynchronized transmissions it's easy to shift without the clutch, just lift off the throttle a bit to take the load of the gears, shift into neutral, then blip or cut the throttle to match RPMs. I'm not sure if most manual transmissions in race cars are synchronized or not however.
oops,i love the new physics,it's closer to real.

but there's still a big problem: "Formula Drift"

F1 can drift for a long time and a long length

here is the spr
Attached files
yueyue_KY3_BF1_2.spr - 65.5 KB - 265 views
so what? a real formula can't slide sideways?
It will sure loose all it's DF and then be completely uncontrollable but there is a long way in front of us for such detailed aero model... it might not come even in S3
Quote from kaynd :so what? a real formula can't slide sideways?
It will sure loose all it's DF and then be completely uncontrollable but there is a long way in front of us for such detailed aero model... it might not come even in S3

real formula can drift,Kubica even had a long drift in Chinese GP 06

but the formula car can drift too long,hopefully it will be better in S3,

BTW,if the car don't slide,it feels good!
Not sure where to post:

Is it correct, that auto shifter in a street car applies the clutch faster than manual?
#241 - AJS
Quote from EeekiE :It's as if the engine is very very light or has no flywheel. It's feels to me like some paperclip crankshafted engine which has no inertia or inner friction to deal with lol.


First thing i tried with the new patch was "Shift-Lock" with the XRG.

3rd gear 6000 RPM press the clutch shift to 2nd and then just kick the clutch without to heel and toe at all.

Nada Zippo niente. The rear wheels didnt lock up at all.

Try this in real life or better not. On trackday I locked up my wheels once when i didnt get heel and toe 100% right and that was far from being as brutal as my try in LFS.
When go out from pits (boxes or garage or what you want to say it) and
If you turn soon and touch the wall, the car it spun and ejected 10 meters away

The GTi and tourism in general, are very unrealistics, because the sensations and the reactions of the cars are more tipically from a wet way than a dry way. Is extremely easy to make Oversteering without handbrake inclusive at 60km/h
I've found a weird bug...I was messing around with new test patch and ran across this. However I managed to save a replay... LMK if you find anything wrong with this. I'm not sure if it's been experienced before or not. I cant see why this would only happen on my PC, but you never know. Maybe this should be looked at by the DEVS, Dont ask me what made me do this but I was bored and looking how the car acts to when you dont hold the clutch in and I was hoping it would jump start but I was like WOW MY PC is messing up... And this time I know I'm not messed up, this is happening.. LMK whats the deal with this.
Attached files
Mike G25_BL1_XRT.spr - 4.8 KB - 282 views
Quote from Napalm Candy :When go out from pits (boxes or garage or what you want to say it) and
If you turn soon and touch the wall, the car it spun and ejected 10 meters away

The pit walls and dividers have been doing this since S2 was released I think...
Quote from dougie-lampkin :The pit walls and dividers have been doing this since S2 was released I think...

Got auto banned on the P!!nk server today because of that
Blackwood pit stable walls are still quite agressive, found out as accidentally touched one a bit.

Replay attached.

Also from year 2006 video from same issue.

I guess these are only useful for reference to patch Z or something.
Attached files
epic_fail_leaving_pits.spr - 442.4 KB - 236 views
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Those are related, engine shutoff is to exclude car from physics calculations to save cpu time, but it seem to have effect of temp cooling also.
(ussbeethoven) DELETED by ussbeethoven
Maybe it's on other tracks to, but i discovered your car gets repaired when you drive into an out-of-bounds section on South City (including clutch and tires).
Quote from ussbeethoven :Does it save that much CPU time? It might not be a very important thing, but sometimes it was handy in practice session to let overheated tyres cool down in pits for a few min. while e.g. going on the toilet.

Press I when you're back from the toilet?
Quote from Breizh :Press I when you're back from the toilet?

Obviously, but as your car was out of the physics, the tires didn't cool down, that's the problem...

(287 posts, started )