The online racing simulator
BUG REPORTS : Blackwood Track
(48 posts, started )
Quote from ajp71 :^^Was the centre filled with a colour and it driving fine? If so my guess is the black part of the tires was in fact dark blue (very cold).

Im not stupid. The tyres were poped ( i said that ). They were still de-flated.

EDIT: Pic, Had to be taken from another computer, After repairing the tyres, i also cant move (Hence i cant press F9 while over the pit thing) So i pushed myself.
Quote from Jet_ CZE :I got huge fps drop every single lap when I am passing the 2nd split before avon bridge (usually 70-60fps, there only 30fps + it lags a bit).

Just a thought, but if you're using transparency AA in your graphics settings, then there's a lot more work to do in scenes where there are many trees around. In your first shot, it's basically just trees- which may account for why you experience such a dramatic fps drop.

I usually just use plain old AA, and I have no troubles at this spot on the track.
This shadows, also happen in the pit area.
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Using the FOX on BL1, incar view, when you go over the new long rough grass it comes through the bottom of the car.

Its not much but rather disconcerting having Grass rattle your in the nuts at 120mph.

Certainly made me jump anyway
(Zimmi) DELETED by Zimmi : is not a Blackwoodbug, its at all tracks, sry
Quote from birder :Using the FOX on BL1, incar view, when you go over the new long rough grass it comes through the bottom of the car.

Its not much but rather disconcerting having Grass rattle your in the nuts at 120mph.

Certainly made me jump anyway

Same with the FBM. But then again, you're not supposed to go on the grass anyway.
Quote from Linsen :Same with the FBM. But then again, you're not supposed to go on the grass anyway.

Found a cure, i got the wife to belt me in the crotch with some long grass from the garden at the same time, so now its mega realistic
Quote from Electrik Kar :Just a thought, but if you're using transparency AA in your graphics settings, then there's a lot more work to do in scenes where there are many trees around. In your first shot, it's basically just trees- which may account for why you experience such a dramatic fps drop.

I usually just use plain old AA, and I have no troubles at this spot on the track.

oh youre right! I switched it to multisamle transparency and no problems now! thank you very much
btw never thought that such a stupid thing can completely kill the modern dx10 hardware
Tyres in the exit of first chicane are very easy to drive through at least with TBO class. Some people even seem to do it on purpose, usually gaining couple of tenths and seldom losing any time in the process.
Apart from the shading oddities seen at the barriers of the pitlane exit at T1 there's also the problem with the racing line - I'm using X31.

Tip for others hunting racing-line and/or mapping errors:
Set "Rubber Lay" and "Rubber Dark" in your cfg.txt to higher values so the line is easier to see.
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The 'anti-cutting' tires at the chicane are disapearing from the spectator view, see screenshot.
Quote from Riders Motion :The 'anti-cutting' tires at the chicane are disapearing from the spectator view, see screenshot.

I'm sure that's because of your graphics settings. Turn the LOD sliders all to the max and I bet they'd be there.
Quote from Cue-Ball :I'm sure that's because of your graphics settings. Turn the LOD sliders all to the max and I bet they'd be there.

Dude... I run all the LFS settings to the top. I'm just usin 2x AA + AF but I'm really using all the bling-bling sliders to the max, maybe someone can try and see if it does it for him/her too?
I was in demo about 10 min ago pulling out of the pits and something slings me backwards and i get stuck ni the wall.....odd

excuse the language at the end..And i didn't mean that i hated the demo like i said..

im [¿R] Scooby
#42 - Kaw
Quote from Riders Motion :Dude... I run all the LFS settings to the top. I'm just usin 2x AA + AF but I'm really using all the bling-bling sliders to the max, maybe someone can try and see if it does it for him/her too?

No tyres here neither.
Quote from sinbad :Another one occurs whilst watching cars enter the pits with the TV camera.

:O... Thats not good...

Nice catch
I dont know if it were in previuous versions but i X32 i found probably a texture bug - the poles I threw down were shown only over the fence and only i I changed view to "TV camera"
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BUG.spr - 23.5 KB - 278 views
I might add that there is also a problem with smoke - when viewing T1 from TV camera, the smoke is seen only above the fence and it is invisible through it.

Imo that's a common problem in LFS when handling transparency - for example painted lines on tracks(pit exit/entry lines and so on) aren't consistent - sometimes disappear when are seen through the visor on singleseaters. Of course those lines sometimes pop-up too close to the car to begin with, regardless of maximum lod setting...

Edit: attached two screenshots
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Blackwood racing line
The racing line on the 2nd to last turn before the finish/start line is rather angular.

Also in general, the racing line on Blackwood seems to have become much narrower together with the rest of the track. I cleared the path by removing the .trs file and set the AI to practice using the GTR cars which are rather wide and in comparison to the racing line created by the same cars in X10 the result is much narrower and less smooth/more angular. Kind of like what happens when faces on a polygon have been brought closer together but the UV mapping hasn't been changed to compensate or the vertices darkened are oddly spaced.

The cfg.txt I tested under both versions had:
Rubber Lay 0.60
Rubber Dark 1.00

However the line on X33 was considerably darker which sort of backs the vertex colouring theory above.
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#47 - JTbo
After long straight there is such dark shadow like areas near outside walls which are not shadows and I could not spot that those would been reported.
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#48 - xt
-A hanging in the air laptop in the pits at 1st garage.

-multiplayer at car park - all was bouncing, then me and other guy switched server and i was seeing him bouncing, and he was seeing me bouncing (x39 with all available demo cars)

BUG REPORTS : Blackwood Track
(48 posts, started )