Setup confusion!
(20 posts, started )
Setup confusion!
You know how it is: you have zillions of setups that you've downloaded from wherever, you finally find one that works great for a combo ... then you get to a race and you look at your setup list and you go "sweet Jeebus there are hundreds of them - what was my favourite called again?"

I have one or two small suggestions.

What I would like is this: a "hide" or "highlight" button, next to the new/delete etc buttons on your setup menu. This way you could either hide the sets you aren't using (but don't want to delete) or highlight (with bold or a different colour) the ones you do use, so that next time you enter your garage you see a bunch of setups you are comfortable with. Actually, come to think of it, perhaps simply having a "highlight" or "favourite" button would remove the need for a hide function at all!

Also, perhaps a filename system similar to skins could ease a driver's confusion (in this case, my own ). Obviously you all know that a skin that starts with "UF1_" is only for the UF1000, and even though it's in the skins folder with all those other car skins, it won't show up when you're picking a skin for your XRT because it starts with "UF1_". If setup files could be named in a similar way, i.e. "BL1_filename", only sets for the track you're at (Blackwood GP in this case) would show up. If you've got a bunch of them, you can then highlight your favourite ... this would be good for me as I have yet to come up with a setup naming/renaming strategy that I can actually recall the next day

This would require all of us to rename the sets we already have (or at least the ones we want to use), but a logical way to manage setups would certainly be appreciated :up:

Questions/comments/lunch orders welcome :up:
#2 - Munza
I know how ya feel with having alot of setups as i got alot of drift setups for FZ50 and XRT, then alot of diff track setups for BF1

So what i do is if i've got time,i go through my drift setups.. do a few laps, then i rename them to say "Drift 1 G" So this represents Drift Setup number 1 Good

then say Drift Setup number 2 is awsome i will rename it to "Drift 2 A"

or if i want a specific type of setup say for long style drifts, or for speed drifts i'll change it to Drift # Long or Drift # Speed etc

hope this helps in some sort of way
I do rename setups similarly, but sometimes it's a while before I get back to a particular car, so I usually forget what I did in the meantime. I play a couple of other sims and I don't spend as much time playing LFS as I do the others ... plus I haven't been racing LFS online much lately ...

OK fine, I'm just lazy!!
#4 - bal00
Oh yeah, I know that problem. You pick a car you haven't driven in a while and bam...30 setups and none of the names sound familiar. When I tinker with sets I usually make a new one in order to not mess up an already good one, so I end up with sets named hotlap1 through hotlap13.

Highlighting setups wouldn't really help, I think, because if you don't name them properly (track + lap time for example), you probably won't remember to highlight them either.
What I would find useful is a small info box along with each set containing maybe how many laps you've done at which track and possibly the best lap times. Probably hard to implement, but keeping track of good sets is really difficult right now, unless you actually write down the names somewhere.
#5 - AdamW
Ha, you think it's hard? Try playing on my screen - 27" standard def TV. You can't even READ the names of the setups. Or just about anything else, really.
I lately started giving them more expressive names than "test1", mostly in the format

<track>,<config>,<race/quali> - <version or other info>

so a race set on Aston National would look like this: AS,Nat,R - v1, although it would be a good advice not to simply use version numbers as you tend to forget the differences very quickly, resulting in you always taking the "newest" set. I rather give it info like +wing or soft or the amount of laps you can drive with it, etc. etc. etc.

It would be very nice if we could assign setups to different track configs and then have a small filter at the setup selection screen, like "show all - show track only - show track/config only".
#7 - IDUI
Perhaps some sort of drawer system; to have folders for each track(maybe with a possibility to create even more such folders). So where we have the setup names we have track names that when clicked on lead to a new page where you have sets for that track, or changes that track- selction list into a set- lection list. Would that work? These could be created in LFS/data derectory also? And in order to sort the "what did I think of this set last time" issue perhaps just a notes option, in addition to the sugested "highlights" or some other labeling system.

Of topic: Just an idea for skins: is it possible to have the "chose skins page" be replased with a drop down menue right there on "garage page"? That way one can look at the skin selection live while switching from skin to skin?

I think Scawen will look into such solutions later on. That would surelly lead to optimal/logical solutions to all of todays "bugs". But it's always fun to throw out ideas.
Oh yeah, I think the "note" option is probably the most wanted addition to the setup screen. Then I even wouldn't mind if we have all setups at one place, just that little extra space to add info would be great.
I would like to be able to drag+drop my setups into a category list, like instant messenger groups work.
I'd like the fastest lap driven (by myself) to be automatically associated with a set, because I recall laps and lap times much better than obscure set names. Also, after no driving a combo for a long time and coming back to it, it would give a cue as to what each set is capable of.

Oh and proper, complete set management would be cool too
I agree
I would like to see an option like N2003 where you can modify a setup and an asterisk appears and you can change it as much as you like until you save it. Also would be nice to have just the setups for a particular track and car appear when you are using that someone mentioned ,a folder system. sparadise
What about subfolders in the set folder?

Subfolders per car, and then make subfolders within the car's subfolder for your settings.

Same for skins as well
Usually when i save my sets i write something like:

so1srt1r1 ... t2 t3 so that the highest one is usually my favourite for that track and car. (so1sr is the track (southcity sprint 1 rev) t1 is setup number and r1 is the revision number. For example t2r1 and t1r1 are 2 completely different setups, t1r2 and t1r1 are 2 different evolutions of the same setup.

However imho there should be the possibility of divide setups in different subfolders.
Some good ideas here Some better than mine, but I won't say what they are
It's good to see support for a logical setup system though, whatever form people prefer :up:
+1 for it!
i realy want to be able to comment on my setups by putting notes to it!
i also realy want to see the fastest lap times with the setup.
its just cool to put a note to the setup like: "race setup - 23laps with 80%fuel 24laps = puncture" whatever i just want to put notes on it...and like for the qualifying setups it would be good with the times im waiting for something like this the whole time already and i would be very happy if sth like this comes out in near future!
What i usually do to find my favourite set is write best next to it or put in capital letters. Also go on to the inferno racing team site and get [d9]'s replay of a 1.22.91. Then watch it and after you have watched it press test drive from a rare 1.27 i got to a quite usuall 1.26 and rare 1.25 u can go flat out with his/her set try it.
You bumped this dead thread for that?

+1 for notes in the setup file
+1 for notes and folders

EDIT: Oh, and how 'bout a 'reset to default setup' button, for when you need to start from scratch and forgot to create a new file? Doh :doh:
Quote from Not Sure :NO U

+1 for notes in the setup file

+1 for that aswell, would be very usefull and help me knowing with of the 30 FOX/Bl1 set I should use...

Setup confusion!
(20 posts, started )