The online racing simulator
Great FBM 02 Racing!
(19 posts, started )
Great FBM 02 Racing!
Well, after trying the new car now for a couple of days IMO it's a resounding success. It has fulfilled it's purpose as a great, close racing, open wheeler. I have attached two replays of races I don't think would be possible in a FOX. As close as the tin tops, but almost as fast as the FOX, and was great FUN! With the mistakes with gear changing and more stability under drafting it promotes closer racing. Anyone else think the same?
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jet 2 so6r.mpr - 149.7 KB - 284 views
jet so6r.mpr - 161.5 KB - 270 views
Quote from jasonmatthews :It has fulfilled it's purpose as a great, close racing, open wheeler.

Here's another replay which shows this.

Just had this race on the Redline server and it was my best yet with FBM.
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vers!!!.mpr - 1.9 MB - 266 views
i the fbm is great i was at a race at zion and me and some other guy was racing side by side with lines crossing each other for 1 whole lap we only hit each other once or should i say bumped each other and at the end one guy cam so close to me at the end like 1 foot apart 4 3rd place much better than xrt THX
(Bosse) DELETED by Bosse
yeah, well it was designed for 15+ year olds to put those talents on the track for close racing.
Quote from zeugnimod :Here's another replay which shows this.

Just had this race on the Redline server and it was my best yet with FBM.

Last lap drama and a nice finish.
I've had some incredible racing with it in the last few days, and made a few new friends online too.
I have raced it so much that i found if you even touch your car and make slight tap on your opponents car you lose control of your car. Depends on what steering wheel you use tho my wheel is made for formula racing.
FBM and SO6 is just perfect match, but you really need to have some balls to get most out of it. Especially on that twisty midsection you can shave off huge amount of time if you drive it like you have a deathwish. My balls ain't huge enough just yet so I'm sitting at 1:07:11 right now...
Quote from Crommi :FBM and SO6 is just perfect match, but you really need to have some balls to get most out of it. Especially on that twisty midsection you can shave off huge amount of time if you drive it like you have a deathwish. My balls ain't huge enough just yet so I'm sitting at 1:07:11 right now...

Are you the driver I was racing against today in J4F's server?

It's great fun in there! The new SO is a fantastic, fast circuit and like CRommi said, it's fantastic fun with the FBM!

I actually really like the new car!
Quote from Crommi :FBM and SO6 is just perfect match, but you really need to have some balls to get most out of it. Especially on that twisty midsection you can shave off huge amount of time if you drive it like you have a deathwish. My balls ain't huge enough just yet so I'm sitting at 1:07:11 right now...

Best time here is 1:06.98
Just had a few great races with SDI Alien on the RR server. One finished by a gap of just .02
Attached files
Photo Finish.mpr - 1.9 MB - 233 views
#12 - Mc21
FBM and SO6 is like a match made in heaven. Great combo. You gotta have some balls to get fast though
Quote from jasonmatthews : Anyone else think the same?

Yes, I like it too.

You have to think about your lines and search for genuine overtaking opportunities more than with any of the other single seaters (except maybe the MRT, but that as they say, is a whole different ball game! )

It's a good car for learning racecraft and it definitely had it's own niche within LFS.
Quote from dungbeetle :It's a good car for learning racecraft...

Just like the real life counterpart. I'm gunna watch some of these replays... Always like seeing some good racin'.
#15 - Woz
Normally I avoid the OW cars because it did not provide close racing. This car has changed that for me
Quote from nutty boy :Are you the driver I was racing against today in J4F's server?

Yep, that's me
I have to agree, this car is making racing single seaters much more appealing. Although the FOX was previously the slowest SS, it's still a bit of a hand full. This car is just great to drive, and makes close racing really entertaining. It's not too difficult to drive fairly quickly, but it will still take a lot of talent to get the most out of it. I've had some really great races with it so far, and I'm sure there will be many more to come
I'm really looking forward to the CTRA servers on patch Y. Not to complain but I'm ready for new combos other than FBM / SO6. FBM on As Cadet Rev is fantastic when driving alone, with a full grid of good drivers it will be just unbelievable.

It will be interesting to see the changes made to SS1 / SS2 to accomodate the new car too.
Aaaaw (dungbeetle) DELETED by dungbeetle

Great FBM 02 Racing!
(19 posts, started )