18 Wheels of Steel series = Alright if you are bored and like driving fairly slow.
Each one varies in 'goodness'.
Across America was the first one which was average, then Pedal To The Metal which was the one which could be heavily modded.
Then along came Convoy which was slightly different from the first two. Then after that came Haulin' and American Long Haul which are pretty much the same.
The truck game to look out for is Rig n Roll. It's not out yet but it's said to be multiplayer which could be quite cool.
Careful, you might get whacked if you come to America.
I know every time I walk out the door I see gangsters chasing each other around in cars from the 1930's, their tommy guns pointed out the windows and yelling at each other in Italian.
A quick Google and it didn't find any Rig n Roll 2 or 3. There's only 1 and it's not out.
You sure you're not on about Hard Truck 1 & 2? They're made by the same people.
I've read somewhere that it has been sent to Intel for testing. I thought you were taking the piss thats its been in development for about 6 years, but just read it on the site.
We'll wait and see when it turns up. None the less it's looking good.
lol I've been following the trucking games on truckpol, many people are pissed off with waiting for it... apparently they have only just finished the game's story mode and world environment (buying trucks, route mapping etc), graphics look nice but I don't think I would buy it when it eventually comes out.
Truckpol was where I read it I think. I'd probably still get it just for the multiplayer factor, aslong as it's not just 'a race in the middle of no where' like a lot have said on there.
Failing that, Euro Truck Sim looks alright. Just a shame they haven't modeled euro trailers, instead using the 18WOS series, changing the wheels and adding an extra axle.
Went to wiki and it gave no answers, went on to make my own research
the Rig'n'roll you talk about is being made by Russian studio Softlab NSK, and published by 1C. Russian name for the game is "Dalnoboyshiki" (Дальнобойщики 3) which literary translates as "Truckers 3"
The first part of the game was translated as Hard Truck : Road to victory
The second game is difficult to understand
Дальнобойщики 2 screeny here http://upload.wikimedia.org/wi ... 09%2C07%2816-48-08%29.jpg
if you look at the background of this picture - you can see the R'n'R logo which is present in the game almost everywhere...
like here - at the top of the menu http://www.i2r.ru/static/543/imgs/simul/snap001.jpg
it had a lot of files inside called RnR and STILL it's called Hard Truck outside the ex-USSR coutries, and it was called Rig'n'Roll in the official manual for the game...
the third game of the series will be called Rig'n'Roll...and it's not out yet
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Shadow of Chernobyl was in development for 6 years too, and it's one of the best games I have seen... I really hope RnR will repeat the sucess of Stalker
That one was best of series, it had ton of bugs of course, but it was good as there were no silly gameplay coolness stuff, just truck that you had to drive and goods to be delivered.
Also longest routes were quite long, that was nice. At least I think it was that one that I did play years ago but it does not run in XP anymore