Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )

Poll : I Prefer To Have An Option Of

Digital Speedo, Needle Type
Needle Type
Digital Speedo
No Speedo
Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
Hi Guys,

I'v noticed that Digital Speedo has gone but I thought is it really a good move? New cars are actully having Digital Speedo's instead of the needle type. I was wondering, was it a step to try and get the game more realistic or am I the only one who uses them?

Anyway To get a guidence what people think, Please take the time to vote on the pole .

I love So6 + FMB combo Btw

#2 - MrEko
I think they should bring them back. Impossible to see if you have km/h on..
I hope to
#4 - DrDNA
Personally, I'd rather Scawen just make the numbers easier to read than bring the digital speedos back.
Quote from DrDNA :Personally, I'd rather Scawen just make the numbers easier to read than bring the digital speedos back.

Hmm... That's a point
yeah either digital speedo, or bigger numbers
It's good how it is now I think. The GTR's should have guages similar to the FOX's, would make it a bit more realistic.
Quote from beefyman666 :It's good how it is now I think. The GTR's should have guages similar to the FOX's, would make it a bit more realistic.

Yep, I think that would be a good idea. The thing i'v noticed on the FBM is that, You can't see the speedo at all.
Ok Mr Wright just for making me look a complete numpty i'm voting Needle Type only :irked:
#10 - DeKo
Quote from beefyman666 :It's good how it is now I think. The GTR's should have guages similar to the FOX's, would make it a bit more realistic.

i have a hunch that this type of thing will come with the cockpit updates planned for the GTR's. They have the road car interiors with a bit of steel tubing, when they get a proper racing car interior i can see this happening.
Quote from Mazz4200 :Ok Mr Wright just for making me look a complete numpty i'm voting Needle Type only :irked:

I prefer to be called matty to be honest . I don't see why this thread can personly affend you in any sort of manner. It's just a Thread which is drawing attension to a TEST patch. If you have noticed were all getting on with Voting and discussing, I wonder who's rattled your cage...

I'm willing to bet the cars that currently have Analog guages would have Analog if they were real cars. Very few cars have digital speedometers, especially as old as some of the street cars in LFS look. I side with the 'bigger numbers' option. The problem, though, isn't really the size of the numbers I don't think, it's just that the guage is so crowded right now, it's hard to make out exactly what speed you are going at a glance (which is important for driving in the pits!). I think just having speed readouts every 20 or 30 km/h could help those of us using metric measures.

Also, I'd like to see the race cars have a digital tachometer on the HUD (for those who use it) as it is more representative of the car.
Speedos are overrated anyways, I find the tacho a lot more useful.
Also, I'd like to see the race cars have a digital tachometer on the HUD (for those who use it) as it is more representative of the car.[/quote]

Isn't the Uf1, XFG, RB4, Lx4 etc road cars though? I can see where your coming from but I feel that we are being resitricted and forced to change options if you get me .
I am 100% for the return of the digital speedo. Just have an option for choosing analogue and digital like we used to. Each to it's own.
Quote from kurent :I am 100% for the return of the digital speedo. Just have an option for choosing analogue and digital like we used to. Each to it's own.

btw what was meant by "Digital Speedo, Needle Type" option?

Like it used to be, where we had an option of 2 settings
Quote from dmwright :...New cars are actully having Digital Speedo's instead of the needle type...

But LFS cars aren´t new cars.

I have never used digital, I play without viewing the cockpit and with virtual gauges.
Quote from dmwright :I prefer to be called matty to be honest . I don't see why this thread can personly affend you in any sort of manner. It's just a Thread which is drawing attension to a TEST patch. If you have noticed were all getting on with Voting and discussing, I wonder who's rattled your cage...


Erm, I had my tongue very firmly placed in cheek in that post, and i was referring to the other 'pole-less' thread you made.

Sorry if my odd sense of humour confused you, no malice was intended whatsoever.

But on topic, this has been discussed elsewhere and to be perfectly honest, personally i really don't care what kind of speedo the cars have. I was racing last night and i noted that the only time i looked at the speedo was in the pit lane (although i still don't know what 80kph is in proper money). On the track the only dashboard info i kept an eye on was the rev counter and the gear number thing.

So i'm easy, i'll take whatever the devs give us and concentrate on the fun of driving rather than setting PB after PB or win after win.
Quote from NitroNitrous :But LFS cars aren´t new cars.

I have never used digital, I play without viewing the cockpit and with virtual gauges.

Yep. I understand,

It's just how we all prefer different settings
Quote from NitroNitrous :But LFS cars aren´t new cars.

I have never used digital, I play without viewing the cockpit and with virtual gauges.

Neither are digital speedo in common cars!
The word is "analog". Sorry for the correction.

Not all real cars have digital speedometers. Only the high end cars, the lower end cars have analog gauges.

However, I wear reading glasses and I have a high res monitor which makes the numbers on the gauges small and hard to read. So, I think that the option we had with the original game was good enough. Whether real or not, you had the option of digital or analog, take your pick. If anyone is a purist, then use the analog, who cares, right?

But let's not forget that this is in the X31 patch only (unless I'm mistaken). The original hasn't been touched.
Fine with things the way they are now to be honest. Don't find them particularly hard to read, but they could be clearer. Wouldn't class it as a priority on the big list of things to fix/change

Voted Option Three.
Quote from Mazz4200 :Erm, I had my tongue very firmly placed in cheek in that post, and i was referring to the other 'pole-less' thread you made.

Sorry if my odd sense of humour confused you, no malice was intended whatsoever.

But on topic, this has been discussed elsewhere and to be perfectly honest, personally i really don't care what kind of speedo the cars have. I was racing last night and i noted that the only time i looked at the speedo was in the pit lane (although i still don't know what 80kph is in proper money). On the track the only dashboard info i kept an eye on was the rev counter and the gear number thing.

So i'm easy, i'll take whatever the devs give us and concentrate on the fun of driving rather than setting PB after PB or win after win.

lol, Im sorry for abit of an agressive reply aswell

I created the other one by mistake (missed out pole )- Been a long day

I usually use the speedo when, a quick glance through the corner, down the straight and in the pitlane . I think you can actully feel how fast your going at .

Looks like the pole is pretty close.

Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )