(12 posts, started )
I made myself start to remake my FOX version of this skin for the FBM.

So far I've got everything but the hardest part done, too tired to do any more right now.

I reckon I will fail at being able to line up the bull on the back end, just like I did with the FOX. Still I'll give it my best shot.
Attached images
Hehe skinning that part of the car is suicidal!
#3 - Rish
it'll look sweet, and its always good to push your limits! good luck
looking good beefy! Don't go much on Red Bull liveries though...
#5 - joen
Yup the dorsal part is going to be a PITA, but looking very nice so far
by the way, the bull on the dorsal is really easy so don't stress. Mine was all in one piece, apart from the teeny tip of its tail. The only bit to match up is the oval, which is a piece of cake. Now doing it on the FOX however, that's a whole different can of worms... ugh.
Thanks for the words guys. The FOX was a right burger to line up and just looking at the FBM, it looks even worse.

I'll see how it goes in a little while when I try finish it off.
where did you get your template for the FBM, or are you just using the default one and adding your colors on top. if you had a kit, like the Master Skinnerz kits, with the wireframe, lining things up is a lot easier. but I don't think they have one out for the FBM yet. Check that, they do, I just found it. I know what I will be doing today. but it does not have the wireframe.
#9 - Rish
Quote from NoPistons :but it does not have the wireframe.

yes it does! check again, its not always at the top of the list!
EDIT: hmm, i might be wrong! i thought i'd downloaded the skinnerz kit but i havent, i've got a wire frame someone made, give me a min i'll find it
Master Skinnerz pro kit for the FB< has got a wireframe. It was put at the bottom of the layers to keep the file size down.

Select the wireframe layer, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+] to bring it to the very front (if your using Photoshop).
#11 - Rish
i knew it was there somewhere
yep, it sure is there. very cool. I can't imagine skinning a car without it, or the Master Skinnerz kits. looks like I have some work to do! other than learning to drive that twitchy car.

(12 posts, started )