Ready-To-Render kit (free)
(973 posts, started )
Quote from DevilDare :oh ok anyoen hel us out?

Yes maybe, when u are "Inside the camera" press numpad 0, then press shift+f and u can "fly" around like a FPS game nearly, hope u did get it.
Quote from jonaz lindberg :Yes maybe, when u are "Inside the camera" press numpad 0, then press shift+f and u can "fly" around like a FPS game nearly, hope u did get it.

nope, i can "fly" around but it doesnt render it the way i set it.

snd plus the possibilities are really low, there must be another way.
Quote from DevilDare :nope, i can "fly" around but it doesnt render it the way i set it.

snd plus the possibilities are really low, there must be another way.

press ctrl+numpad 0 before u render it, then it will show up
Could somone upload this to rapidshare or filefront? I dunno why but i can't download from mediafire

Edit: No problems. Working OK now.
To move the camera, first select it by right clicking. It turns pink.
You have coloured arrows to move horizontally and vertically, also to zoom in and out. (1st Pic)

To rotate the camera, click the green circle in the button bar (circled in red on), the camera will now have coloured rings around it to adjust rotation. (2nd Pic)
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its the same each time
Thanks alot, this is great!
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My first try... yea, it's not that good.. but it was only ±5 minutes work..

Nice program
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Hey, Bean0>Thanks but i dont get how can u do something like that: (look at attachment) (bad)

I mean i can set how i want it to look on the second window, because thats where the rendering takes its all info from yeah? but when i set the camera to what i want and hit render button it will render the normal position like-(see attachment 2)
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Quote from zeromussov :My first try... yea, it's not that good.. but it was only ±5 minutes work..

Nice program

nice first try
Quote from DevilDare :Hey, Bean0>Thanks but i dont get how can u do something like that: (look at attachment) (bad)

I mean i can set how i want it to look on the second window, because thats where the rendering takes its all info from yeah? but when i set the camera to what i want and hit render button it will render the normal position like-(see attachment 2)

I have no idea how to use Blender, but at a guess, try moving the one that is giving you the render output (One next to front left wheel).
Quote from beefyman666 :I have no idea how to use Blender, but at a guess, try moving the one that is giving you the render output (One next to front left wheel).

uhm i already tried that, all you can do with that camera is zoom and height
It was just a guess. Like I said, I know sweet FA about Blender.
well how do u put the reflective glass floor?!
Thats what I want to do too
Quote from DevilDare :Hey, Bean0>Thanks but i dont get how can u do something like that: (look at attachment) (bad)

I mean i can set how i want it to look on the second window, because thats where the rendering takes its all info from yeah? but when i set the camera to what i want and hit render button it will render the normal position like-(see attachment 2)

The camera you have just moved...make sure it is selected (pink) and press CTRL+Numpad 0 to set as the active camera.
The little triangle above the camera becomes filled to mark which is active.

In your screenie, the active camera is the 2nd from left, I presume you want the one on the right.
Quote from Bean0 :The camera you have just moved...make sure it is selected (pink) and press CTRL+Numpad 0 to set as the active camera.
The little triangle above the camera becomes filled to mark which is active.

In your screenie, the active camera is the 2nd from left, I presume you want the one on the right.

so hard to explain.... Ignore the pink camera, i want my car to be rendered like in the second window (on the right) however, when i set the car like i want it too and hit render it will just render the normal position, dont know how to make it clearer or should i leave second window because it doesnt matter how you set it. if so than how can i make my car look like the one i showed you, if i use middle mouse button to rotate around and leave it where i want it it will still render the normal god damn position
The rightmost camera in the first pic, right click it to turn it pink, then hit CTRL+Numpad 0 to set it as the active camera.

I really don't see how I can explain it simpler
Quote from Bean0 :The rightmost camera in the first pic, right click it to turn it pink, then hit CTRL+Numpad 0 to set it as the active camera.

I really don't see how I can explain it simpler

lol yeah thanks, you wont believe me but it took that long for me to try and press NumLock on and then CTRl+numpad0 lol Thanks i got it now, should of got it earlier but never trie activating Numpad
re all

I was in the engine of my real car, so I couldn't answer fast enough to your questions.

@ DevilDare:
You seem to have a camera activation problem.. It should activate for render the selected (pink) camera when you press ctrl+numpad0 but I noticed that I can't do it with my laptop. Do you have one? Blender does not seem to recognize emulated numpad keys...
The window on the right on your last screenshot with the FXR is not the "active camera" view, it's a common 3D view. To reactivate the active camera view, move your mouse pointer over the window you want to use and press numpad5 key.

Remember that the active camera has always a black triangle on it, the other have an empty one. The triangle is the best method to know what camera is the active one for render.

@ Dyllaann

To get a reflective ground is easy, I'll try to quickly explain how to do it, tell me after if an illustrated chapter must be added in the tutorial to understand easier.
  • Select the big circle that represents the ground in the 3D view
  • Press F5 to enter the material menu
  • depress "OnlySha" small button in the "Shaders" menu (need to expand it to see it)
  • Enter the "Mirror Transp" tab and press "Ray Mirror" button
  • Set a 0.2-0.3 value in the "RayMir" input. (this is the reflexion amount setting)
  • Press F12 and enjoy
Note that the circle will be no longer transparent in the renders.

@ LFSn00b

Actually I haven't tried to customize LFS models by inserting custom elements but it should not be hard.
  • Find a wheel which its file is blender compatible
  • Delete or move into another layer the default LFS wheels of the car.
  • put the 3d cursor (left-click) where a wheel should be inserted (don't need to be accurate)
  • perform a File>append (if the wheel comes from a .blend file) or a File>import and select the wheel file.
  • The wheel should appear at the 3D cursor. Fine position it with the manipulation tools.
  • Press shift+D keys to duplicate the wheel and re-position it for the three other wheel locations.
The last question is where to find custom wheels?


I'm glad to see that many people enjoy this kit, and like to insert a real background. So I'll try to find a good integration technique and post it later since it requires time.

My one...
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Thanks Bogey Jammer.

This is what I got with the mirrired/shiny surface - it looks great.

EDIT: I want to make my renders more complex, how do I add another car? :o
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Reflective floor looks greater than I expected :jawdrop:

To add another car is easy but messy.

If it's the same car you want to duplicate:
  • Select the first layer only of the scene by left-clicking on it. It will show the car only.
  • Select all the car parts by pressing "A" key (select all command). Check visually if most of the car look pink highlighted. Re-press "A" twice if not sure.
  • press "shift+D" keys to duplicate the car, and be careful, when you move the mouse, the copy of the car will move with it, FREELY. So to move the copy where you want but to keep it with the wheel touching on the ground, immediately press "shift+Z" to lock the Z-axis movement. It will avoid you to try to Z-level the car.
  • Position the copy of the car with the mouse and when satisfied left-click. During moving the car you can use the keyboard commands to rotate it ("R" key, then "Z" key to rotate it around Z axis) But I suggest to use the more comfortable manipulation tools.
If the car is not the same:
  • Select the car-to-duplicate 's scene
  • Select the first layer only of the scene by left-clicking on it. It will show the car only.
  • Select all the car parts by pressing "A" key (select all command). Check visually if most of the car look pink highlighted. Re-press "A" twice if not sure.
  • Move the car in another layer by pressing "M" key (just below the first one for example) to avoid a mess.
  • Press "ctrl+L" keys and click "to scene..." to copy the car to the other car final scene.
  • Select the destination car scene to show it.
  • The two cars should be in two different layers. Select the copied car layer only, select all its parts ("A" key), and make it single-user by pressing "U" key and clicking "object & obdata & materials & text". This operation unlink the copied car and now if you move or modify the car in one scene, the car in its original scene will not be affected by modifications.
  • Move the cars where you want with the manipulation tools.
Hope this will help
How to add the ground or the floor under the car? I still have black background
Everything should be in place, but to have a visible background, export your render when it's finished ("F3" key). The background is full transparent, so open the .png exported render with an image editor and add a background to it.

Ready-To-Render kit (free)
(973 posts, started )