The online racing simulator
BUG REPORTS : Auto Updater (with Vista)
I hear there can be some problems using the Auto Updater on Vista, if you are not logged in as administrator or have not run as administrator.

The problem is that Vista thinks downloading and running an exe is suspicious behaviour - though of course that is fine in this case.

But these can sometimes be solved by giving it permission for next time, or something like that.

Anyway, any problems you have with the auto updater, please describe them here. And remember to say if you are using Windows Vista!

Also explain how you solved the problems, if you were able to. Thanks!
Not really a problem, but my self created FBM.lfs got overwritten, though I guess that's a general problem with updating LFS. Not sure you can do anything about that. No problems otherwise
#3 - DeKo
yeah, the autoupdater from x > x10 downloaded the patch fine but threw me up an error because i hadnt ran it as an admin. Just running the patch from the folder it downloaded to and giving it permission installed the patch no bother though. Its only really a problem with the UAC.
Quote from DeKo :the autoupdater from x > x10 downloaded the patch fine but threw me up an error because i hadnt ran it as an admin. Its only really a problem with the UAC.

Same here, i could download the patches throught the auto updater but they'd never install and just throw me some error messages.

Turn off the UAC and it downloads and installs fine.
i got no problems with autoupdater, but i use some kind of "workaround" the UAC without disabling it: i use TotalCommander in general and edit the properties of the start-link to be run as admin. with that every app you start from the TC run with admin rights. so i didn't get the errors when installing the patch. so no probs
ref vista autoupdate
i have 3 systems here 2 with vista 1 with copied vista hehe
the 2 with full real vista update ok but the copied vista has the same fault so it could be a prob cos its a copied vista not a real full vista if ya no what i mean
#7 - DeKo
Quote from paul88 :i have 3 systems here 2 with vista 1 with copied vista hehe
the 2 with full real vista update ok but the copied vista has the same fault so it could be a prob cos its a copied vista not a real full vista if ya no what i mean

You probably just have UAC disabled on the 2 real copies. It definetely isnt a pirated problem.

Also, im using vista x64, how does x86 handle the UAC stuff?
#8 - r_b_l
Every time I update to the new patch (X10->X30->X31->X32), the "Window while connecting" is reset to YES, even if I used NO before... Is that a bug or normal behavior?

And no, I don't use Vista, Linux and WINE here
It is normal behaviour, because many firewalls will detect that the LFS.exe has changed and thus start blocking it again. That can result in the firewall window appearing in the background while LFS is maximised and it would then look like LFS froze, while in reality it is just trying to connect but being blocked by the FW.
Every time I try I get the message "Cannot open the restarter program"
Running Vista x86, UAC Disabled, and tried running as administrator, even though I have my system set up to give me (user) full admin rights.

EDIT...sorted...thanks to THIS post on another thread!
Well, that is your fault for deleting the restarter program, lfs_restart.exe

I have no idea why people insist on deleting that file for no reason.

Anyway here it is, the exe inside this attached zip file should sit in your main LFS folder.
Attached files - 17.9 KB - 372 views
Maybe it would be a good idea to hide the lfs_restart.exe somewhere in the data folder structure, like data\misc or something.
Quote from Scawen :Well, that is your fault for deleting the restarter program, lfs_restart.exe

I have no idea why people insist on deleting that file for no reason.

Anyway here it is, the exe inside this attached zip file should sit in your main LFS folder.

Ah...but I didn't delete it!
(I just didnt copy it across when I made a back-up folder to install the test patch!)
I have an idea for improvement.

When auto updater is downloading new patch, game should display a changelog.
Update prosses could be more interesting then
Look at the attachment.
Attached images
Quote from Amynue :I have an idea for improvement.

When auto updater is downloading new patch, game should display a changelog.
Update prosses could be more interesting then
Look at the attachment.

To be any use, a changelog would have to be in lots of different languages...who is going to translate every time a patch is released??
I know that most people speak English anyway, but it still wouldn't be fair for EVERYBODY!
Quote from Bladerunner :To be any use, a changelog would have to be in lots of different languages...who is going to translate every time a patch is released??
I know that most people speak English anyway, but it still wouldn't be fair for EVERYBODY!

Descriptions of trening missions are in English......better English than nothing.
Yesterday i instaled my New VISTA, fully updated.

if i run LFS, it shows "Could not create English file", then i can't activate LFS, error BUT everytime i start VISTA i must run LFS using right key of mouse and pressing "Run as administrator" (i'm only one using of my computer) Then GONE "Could not create English file"
and i unlocked my LFS S2

I think it is VISTA bug everytime i start i must run LFS as administrarot It's not a problem for me

i replyed this thread because i think that i'm not only one who have this little problem with VISTA
I got an error too, in Vista Ultimate 32bit. Could not open "X30 to X32.exe".

Ran LFS as administrator, downloaded again and it worked fine.
This aren't really bugs, nothing wrong with LFS, simply UAC
I had a similar problem, though when it said it couldn't open it I quit LFS and went to the LFS directory and manually opened LFS_PATCH_X30_TO_X32 which patched it fine . I guess it's just UAC proving annoying

*refers to the Apple Mac UAC ad*
#21 - hda
auto updater worked flawlessly

running vista x64 sp1 rc (v668), uac disabled as always.
Worked fine for me!

Don't know what type of Vista etc. I'm using though, sorry!
#23 - hda
right click on "my computer" and pick properties.

a screen like this should show up (at least if your running vista). it's pretty self-explanatory, windows edition being well, your windows edition and system type will be either 32 or 64 bits.
Attached images
couldn't save the setup file
I had this problem with the x31 patch aswell...
When I tried updateing thru the automatic updater in "List Of Hosts" it had an error saying it couldn't save the setup file, it tried again and it still couldn't save the setup file...

I found that when I right-clicked the "Live For Speed" shortcut and clicked "Run as Administrator" it saved the setup file and installed fine.

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit and I am an Administrator.

I think the problem is that my LFS directory is in C:/Program Files which is a protected directory. The people not having the problem probley don't have it in C:/Program Files.

I added pictures (It may help)
Attached images
#25 - hda
irt Jamesisinthehouse12

oh yeah i forgot to mention that, the uac doesn't allow some folders to be written without asking the user if he REALLY wants to do so, even if it's an user with administrator privileges.

that's why uac is the way to go, even if i understand that scawen can't just assume everyone will know how to solve the problem in case of a patching failure due to the uac.