The online racing simulator
LFS lan party?
(8 posts, started )
#1 - Mako.
LFS lan party?
Hmm, I was wondering something... if lets say, Me and a couple friends wanted to do a team endurance race, and we all wanted to have the computers at my house, how will this all connect to LFS servers? Right now, I have 2 computers connected to a router, with no server or network between em. I want to make a server rig, and network the thing, and upgrade my router/modem for better examples that dont loose the connection so damn much.

So lets say, the wireless router has 3 slots for cable connections. We hook everything up.... will my friends have to reactivate their S2 because of different IP? Will we all be able to connect online? I have fast broadband, but will this slow the speed and make us all lag?

Also, should I worry about tripping a breaker with 4 PC's on in the room? I dont have that many power sources...

also, if I install S2 to the second comp that I OWN, will I need to get another license to play online with it? I think not as long as my other one is not logged into LFS, but can someone clear this up?

Non-edit: The real question is also, can I use one account to play VS( like local server or something?) at the same house?
Me and S14 Drift went around Leifde's house for a Moo.Meet Up.

We had our PC's plugged into his router with no problems at all.

We didn't have to unlock S2. We didn't lag. We ate a lot of sweets. I drank a lot of 7Up. No problems at all.

Edit: Just saw your edit. What's VS?
#3 - Mako.

ok that's great then! Because I want to put together a team for next years 24hrs of Kyoto!

I will have a G25 by then, so a DFP is already going to someone who is willing to get S2. After this, it should not be that hard to find a third guy! lol
Quote from Mako. :
also, if I install S2 to the second comp that I OWN, will I need to get another license to play online with it? I think not as long as my other one is not logged into LFS, but can someone clear this up?

That is exactly like you described it: You can play with the same account on two PCs in a local network (LAN party e.g.), BUT you can only play online with one of those PCs at the same time.
#5 - Mako.
ok.... that helped thanks.
Quote from Mako. :versus

After this, it should not be that hard to find a third guy! lol

#7 - Mako.
what? For the 24 hour race team of course!
What part of this great nation might you hail from?

LFS lan party?
(8 posts, started )