The online racing simulator
Quote from Barn :perfect example of what the problem is!

to make the cluch last on XFG @ BL2 you can only drive laps that are 5 to 6 seconds off RACING PACE!

try and drive any faster and it's bye bye clutch.

you may as well tow a trailer behind you full of models advertising Kitten Gloves or something, because thats all xfg is good for right now

and here i was thinking lfs is a racing sim

But that is not the case, with current situation that is the racing pace with current XFG, you can't go faster so you can't be off the racing pace then.

It still does not mean that it is ok to be so, but as of now, XFG has racing pace of that slow, add trailer and it is slower

There is one racer in our team that races only at rally cross courses, I think he bought recently S2 for rally cross only, also he uses XFG, for him current situation renders LFS not usable, so I do understand the problem this brings.

But problem is not laptimes or such, problem is that you can't use full throttle almost at all on gravel surface.
Quote from JTbo :
But problem is not laptimes or such, problem is that you can't use full throttle almost at all on gravel surface.

but if the car is on gravel or any loose surface that should mean more wheel spin/less acceleration/less load on the clutch so why is it overheating?
When you jump and hit the ground with full revs, the clutch slips.
Quote from andybarsblade :but if the car is on gravel or any loose surface that should mean more wheel spin/less acceleration/less load on the clutch so why is it overheating?

Because car gets bit light on small bump, rpms do rise and there is more wheelspin, then car comes down and as car is travelling downwards and landing on ground it creates more mass that it would normally have (not perfectly true but enough good for this) tires stop slipping engine still on higher rpm clutch gaves a bit as it can deliver only so little torque, this then happens on and on quite many times per lap, even it is not huge slippage it heats clutch enough.

Sorry for any errors, tried to explain it simple and clear, which is hard for me
THIS IS AWESOME!, but its going to be bad because of all the B*TCHING about the xrt not being in there lol.
Quote from l1k3z0mg :THIS IS AWESOME!, but its going to be bad because of all the B*TCHING about the xrt not being in there lol.

Cant see any problem...after all, I have the XRT, and so have you! As was posted in various places in these very forums, the 'fix' for the non-appearance of the XRT is to be found HERE.
To be brutally frank, I think that this is a brilliant marketing strategy on the part of ScaViEr.. You only have to look at the demo servers, and see that the majority of demo users are to be found happily going sideways around BL1R..give them the option to get their 'fix' by buying the game...lots more pennies for the guys who actually do the work!!
In reply to MarioX; sorry, but after paying £150 ($300/€250) for a steering wheel with a CLUTCH pedal, I feel I have the right to whine if the clutch doesn't work properly
I have been known to tank my Swift (well known XFG clone ) along a certain country lane that has a loose surface with a few bumps on it, and have yet to notice my clutch slipping after a few kilometres!
OK..So I will admit that I have recently replaced my clutch, but that was after almost 160,000 kms of pure abuse
Mario,I agree with everything you said there!and your english isn't bad thats for sure!
now i know in the x30-32 the rpm cannot be more than 7.5-8000 rpm we can't go more ? and no options to remove the CT heating and let's rpm goin under 8000 rpm ? thanks..
Quote from Jamesisinthehouse12 :thanks, in game auto updater doesn't work...
It says "Couldn't Save" or something like that

Weellll, then it needs to be tested to give Scawen a hint how to fix it (cause it works foine for me and many others)
I didnt upload the file so everyone stops using the auto updater, I uploaded it only because of one guy having to install it on 6 computers.

So, if you have had any problems with the auto updater, please post the exact error message here.

"Couldn't Save" might be a hint for a write-protected file or folder, maybe you are using some tool that is still running, and prevents other apps from writing a file in the lfs directory?

These posts belong here btw (you didnt tell about your OS btw )
That wasn't directed at you, Bladerunner There are others who manage to somehow fry their clutches even with sequential gearboxes or flatshift all the time or generally don't know how they are supposed to use their pedals... and then complain about it on these threads.

After reading about BL2, I gave it go myself (not really keen on rallyX, so probably would have never tried otherwise). In 10 lap race against 5 AI my clutch bar first turned red in 4th lap and after some more careful laps it finally started to slip bad on 8th lap - I was still trying to go fast and was fighting for the 1st place. One AI also fried his clutch, while others were ok.
Again, I wouldn't think that loose surface (gravel) can generate enough grip force (even after landing from jumps, thus increasing load on tyres) to overpower the clutch . IRL, 1.7 t 530d after slight 110 mph jump (on a long straight road with sudden rise) bounces of the revlimiter and screeches its tyres upon landing on dry asphalt -don't want to try that ever again
Quote from MarioX :That wasn't directed at you, Bladerunner There are others who manage to somehow fry their clutches even with sequential gearboxes or flatshift all the time or generally don't know how they are supposed to use their pedals... and then complain about it on these threads.

No offense

Quote from MarioX :
After reading about BL2, I gave it go myself (not really keen on rallyX, so probably would have never tried otherwise). In 10 lap race against 5 AI my clutch bar first turned red in 4th lap and after some more careful laps it finally started to slip bad on 8th lap - I was still trying to go fast and was fighting for the 1st place. One AI also fried his clutch, while others were ok.
Again, I wouldn't think that loose surface (gravel) can generate enough grip force (even after landing from jumps, thus increasing load on tyres) to overpower the clutch .

See what we mean?? A clutch _SHOULD_last more than 4 SHORT laps on gravel!
I don't know what the problem with the clutch is - I recently did 32 laps rallycross with the RB4 (completely manual shifting/clutching), the only thing that broke were the tyres (yes, I didn't think it was neccessary to replace overheated tyres ), the clutch was still fine, even after spinning out a few times.
Try that with XFG and see how it goes
Meanwhile, I'll have to take RB4 for a spin there....

EDIT: no problem with clutch at all in 15 lap race on BL2 with RB4, while really abusing the car (only completely overheated tyres). However, it was really funny watching AI trying to drive to pits after race - they make a complete mess there every time.

Might as well go to AI bugs thread: (hate megaupload, but couldn't think of some other site...)
1) Formula cars spinning out of control whilst under braking for entry into pits (Westhill).
2) AI inability to overtake a slower marque in a corner (on the outside)
3) Slower AI need to sense when they're being blue-flagged and not stick to the racing line so the faster car can overtake and lap them easier.
4) General carnage in the pits with cars entering crashing into ones trying to leave, or pit exit blocked by cars having spun and burned out their clutches.
Well I made .spr that may show the clutch problem that Cue-Ball, MarioX and others were talking about. The clutch is too weak now. That just won't happen in real life because either those wheels would be spinning or the engine would stall.

Sorry for bad english and hope that .spr shows the problem
Attached files
weird clutch action.spr - 10.5 KB - 273 views
(Breizh) DELETED by Breizh
Quote from al heeley :3) Slower AI need to sense when they're being blue-flagged and not stick to the racing line so the faster car can overtake and lap them easier.

I always thought the blue flag is there to tell you there is a faster car behind you, not telling you to make room for it (with the exception of formula 1)
I am not happy with the new patch, i cant understand what an improvement it is that the cars are slower than before! I love the open wheelers and its less fun that the cars have an earlier rev limit! Althogh you have a big tyreoverheatingproblem even with r2s in the fox and r3s in the f08 on tracks like KY3! That seemed not realistic to me, and it decreases the fun with that cars! But I like the new clutchsystem :-)
Wait, so every improvement to LFS' realism should make the cars faster?
Thats not the thing, ure right, but i think a race car like the fo8 or the fox should be able to rev higher. At least it will be nice if u can set the rev limit at ure own risk in the pit. If u have oiltemperature, u will be able to push a few laps. That gives races more strategy and fun AND realism!
I don't see what's wrong with the rev limit in the cars. They seem about right really.
Agree about rev limit. It was silly in some cars before.

It seems to me that most moaning about the new patch boils down to people getting slower lap times or need to do things some other (and probably right) way.. Like always with games; its the same in the realism FPS-world. People say they want realism, but when something is made more realistic or some exploit is fixed - they complain since they don't get kills anymore..
w00t double norwegian post ;)
Wonder if this will get released in time with all this whining

Really hope the devs make it...
Quote from TheBandit_92 :Wonder if this will get released in time with all this whining

Really hope the devs make it...

It is always worth waiting for a job to be done properly, rather than rush it out unfinished to meet a deadline..
After all, This IS LFS we are talking about, not bl**dy Test Drive Unfinished!

As for whining, go have a quick race against some AI's in an XFG at BL2..10 laps should be enough to change your mind about people 'whining'
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TEST Patch X30 (to X38)
(1444 posts, closed, started )