Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )

Poll : I Prefer To Have An Option Of

Digital Speedo, Needle Type
Needle Type
Digital Speedo
No Speedo
Some might say that the numbers on the tacho and the clock should be the only ones a racer concerns themselves with Some might even go further and say bugger the tacho - shift by ear

Regardless of the car I always tend to get distracted by my speedo anyway, constantly comparing exit speeds, mid-turn speeds etc. When I turn it off and just concentrate on my lines I tend to drive with a lot more rhythm anyway, which, if not making me faster, at least makes me more consistent. Meh, maybe it's just me being used to GPL with it's complete lack of telemetry In GPL, you have your dash with fuel guage and tacho (and a couple of other dials that don't matter) and your pitboard - which only flashes as you approach the line and only shows your time, position and gap from your previous lap Us geezers like stuff like that. Now get off mah lawn! :geezer:
Tell you the truth, I'm so concentrated on heel-toeing and braking, I don't have time to worry about anything else, be it the speedometer, or turning even, LOL.

I've gotten to the point where I'm almost ok with the actual motions of heel-toe. It's just that, now, I'm inconsistant with my brake pedal pressure, thus I go skidding past the turn quite frequently.
Quote from mrodgers :Bob Smith uses a proper perspective because he is using 3 monitors to get the same FOV you do. If you would reduce your FOV down to see a proper perspective with your point of view, your speedo would be properly huge as well.

I have no problem seeing the speedo in any car on my 17 inch CRT.

Not all of us have 3 monitors
I don't think reducing FOV is the answer as it affects driving too much.
By reducing FOV you (at least I) won't see the things that are heppening on your left (I know you can turn your head but still) and with 90 degrees os FOV you can see better how your car is acting than with 70 degrees os FOV for example.
Increasing numbersize of the speedo by 5% is a better compromise I think.
I use the same FOV like you and it´s really messy. I can´t read the Speedo. It makes Pitstops nearly impossible now. Maybe I should develop my PocketLFS Tool further just to be able to pit properly in Cars which don´t have a Pit Limiter.

So, no Pitstops for me now in Patch X32. Either I am too slow or too fast (Penalty)
Racing against FlintFredstone last night (hello mate), I had a drive through penalty for creeping on the grid (my mistake).

On my 19" monitor, at 1280x1024, with 4xAA, and the FOV at ~85° in the XFG (in cockpit view, seat slightly back to see more mirror), I was able to sit, quite happily at between 47 and 49mph in the pitlane (and successfully completed my penalty).

Unless someone is using a stupid view setup, I don't see how not being able to read the speed is a problem.
I can't wait for the angry posts when that bloody gear number on the dash finally disappears. Thankfully it's normally off the bottom of my screen anyway.
Just turn all gauges off and drive few days like that, then turn it back on if you like and you have learned to judge your speed by ear, which is much better method than using eyes as you need eyes to spot pit location and other cars leaving pits.

It is new skill that is worth of practise

Should help for some of problems, I think?
It would be a lot easier in the pitlane if the was some kind of colored mark on the speedo... (like a red line or whatever).
Quote from three_jump :It would be a lot easier in the pitlane if the was some kind of colored mark on the speedo... (like a red line or whatever).

Yellow would be best, I believe, I think some Mercedes cars have had such?
Quote from Bob Smith :I can't wait for the angry posts when that bloody gear number on the dash finally disappears. Thankfully it's normally off the bottom of my screen anyway.

Well that should be optional as well?

Or does it hurt your race experience when someone will use it as optional on the dash?
Funny how people now want LFS to be as stripped as possible

@ JTbo:

There are numerous car manufacturers that are using it. It's related to the speed limits if I remember correctly.
Yes it would help pitting quite a bit ... 00secamg_dash_572x430.jpg
I did not say that there should not be digital option, didn't I?
I think we should have an analogue gear indicator, no?
I was talking about the line on the analog speedo
Quote from AndroidXP :I think we should have an analogue gear indicator, no?

That would be gear stick that is in correct position
But you have to think of the poor guys who don't have a physical H-gate shifter! Why does nobody ever think of them? *sobs*
Quote from AndroidXP :But you have to think of the poor guys who don't have a physical H-gate shifter! Why does nobody ever think of them? *sobs*

Well I thought, I really did, there should be gear stick in car that our virtual driver puts into correct positions, graphical thing 3d model stuff
Hmm, good idea. Then we just need a look at gearstick button
Quote from AndroidXP :Hmm, good idea. Then we just need a look at gearstick button

Yes, it would be just like IRL, you look gearstick and while you look at it you can't see much outside, there is no problem I can think of
Quote from AndroidXP :I think we should have an analogue gear indicator, no?

Similar to that of the FPS mater in non-turbo cars? Would look daft but for the 'cheesyness' value, +1.
You're telling me you have to look at a silly number on the dash to know what gear you're in? In the years I've raced without an H shifter I've never needed to look at it (when racing), change up when you see the rev limiter, after a couple of laps you only need to remember how many changes downs to make before each corner. I couldn't tell you off hand what gear I enter corners at in any car, I'd just tell you how many lower it was than whatever gear I reached before braking.
I think its perfect as it is in every car except the RAC. It is actually impossible to read it with a normal FOV (>70)
You have to remember that you are not everyone. Someone always wants to look at those gears. I don't think that gear indicator is there without purpose.

If you're pro and can concentrate on what gear you're on that's ok but you have to remember that there are players who can't for many reasons.
I remember/feel what gear Im on but Im not thinking that every is like me or should be.
Some people are forgetting this fact nowadays.
Quote from Bob Smith :You're telling me you have to look at a silly number on the dash to know what gear you're in? In the years I've raced without an H shifter I've never needed to look at it (when racing), change up when you see the rev limiter, after a couple of laps you only need to remember how many changes downs to make before each corner. I couldn't tell you off hand what gear I enter corners at in any car, I'd just tell you how many lower it was than whatever gear I reached before braking.

I use the speedo to check my speed out of a corner. Just to see if I managed to do a little bit better.
Quote from JTbo :Just turn all gauges off and drive few days like that, then turn it back on if you like and you have learned to judge your speed by ear, which is much better method than using eyes as you need eyes to spot pit location and other cars leaving pits.

It is new skill that is worth of practise

Should help for some of problems, I think?

I must say usually thats the way i do it in sims, but the engine sounds in LFS make it actually very difficult.. ive found myself shifting way too late often if i only go by the sound.. might get time to get used to but definitely dont come naturally like it usually does.
Quote from Drunken Predator :I must say usually thats the way i do it in sims, but the engine sounds in LFS make it actually very difficult.. ive found myself shifting way too late often if i only go by the sound.. might get time to get used to but definitely dont come naturally like it usually does.

Could be that I'm all too used and that is it feels pretty natural.

But now with X33 speedo reading are HUGE, even blind bat will see them now Reminds me of dials of Hudson Hornet a bit, of course numbers are bit different.

Can't wait to get hdmi -> dvi adaptor so I could test it with big picture, I bet each number is 50mm

But not a problem, maybe those with 17" screens and big fov will find it readable too so we don't need to express our opinions clearly from that one anymore

Bring Back Digital Speedo!!
(193 posts, started )