The online racing simulator
Skins Help
(6 posts, started )
#1 - AMB
Skins Help
I have uploaded skins and as soon as i go onto the game to use them it doesn't appear on the game it's not even there even though i have uploaded them onto lfsw, i have got the default skin etc but it doesn't seem to be on game am i doing something wrong?

[KR] Lups
#2 - joen
#3 - AMB
Sorry just thought it would be easier for people to see.
#4 - joen
Quote from AMB :Sorry just thought it would be easier for people to see.

Smart. What if everyone would do that, there would be three versions of every topic.
People will see your topic when they do and help if they can. I really don't understand the impatience some people have.
#5 - AMB
Quote from joen :Smart. What if everyone would do that, there would be three versions of every topic.
People will see your topic when they do and help if they can. I really don't understand the impatience some people have.

thanks, and you obviously have nothing else to do than to correct people, why don't you let me make my own mistakes? and leave me alone.
bad habit IMHO

Skins Help
(6 posts, started )