I caught massive air in my Charger in the [NPC] Hazzard Cruise server. It's the every car is a real car and the police make road blocks and have guns and my name is Bo Duke mod
I hit someone else headon, no offset, both of us were going about 85. Glitchy physics sent me flying up, the other guy got launched into a wall. IT was hilarious.
I noticed it flying straight up and said "Ain't noone gonna believe it if I don't take a screen."
I have'nt saved them with anything. I think its because i just upload them to photobucket as .bitmaps, then when photobucket converts them to .jpg, it does so with crappy results. Alot of it is down to the fact i cba to open photoshop and save as jpegs. Oh well, it will do for now. :P