I tested the clutch today with my Logitech G15 keyboard (Blue version, not red one) on LFS Patch X33. I made a clutchmacro (Check attachment screenshot). Interesting results i got on draglane with Button Control Rate set at 10

I almost did 12 seconds flat. Default setup did 12:49.

I cant clutch like this in a race because it will worn out my clutch very fast this way. But it can hold on the draglane.

I also added my replay and dragset for FBM so you guys can test it out if you want with wheelclutch , mouseclutch or other clutchmethods.

Shiftpoint at 9000rpm.
Attached images
Attached files
«Øs»ÐRäGK!NG»_AU3_FBM_FINISHED.spr - 8.1 KB - 309 views
FBM_Finaltests.set - 132 B - 1078 views
To the guy who posted above me.
I would myself count this as spamming or flaming.

Dude your name is pathetic "DragKing" ? Jesus. lol.
i count it as clutch-testing. nothing wrong with that.
Quote from mathew4445 :To the guy who posted above me.
I would myself count this as spamming or flaming.

Dude your name is pathetic "DragKing" ? Jesus. lol.

Wait a second...

You give another user a hard time about their name and call them pathetic, but HE is the one who's spamming/flaming? Pot. Kettle. Black.

His post was constructive and informative. Yours was simply trolling.
Great patch LFS crew!
Am really enjoying the BF02, and other improvements.


Quote from Cue-Ball :Wait a second...

You give another user a hard time about their name and call them pathetic, but HE is the one who's spamming/flaming? Pot. Kettle. Black.

His post was constructive and informative. Yours was simply trolling.

aww, you've beaten me to it
i ran test consisting of 12 ai's racing 1000 laps of the chicane route.

only two finished.

the ai's drove very carefully, but every so often one of the ai's would take a flat, and usually hit the wall right after. they would then burn up their clutch trying to get going again. any other ai's that hit them or spun trying to avoid them would suffer a similar fait. it was like a contageous disease. glassy clutchitis?

it seems the ai's don't know how to limp the car along when the clutch is hot, so if they get into any trouble at all they are doomed.

of course the old ai's would have crashed each other out long before any of their tires were worn, so i'm certainly not complaining! :P
AI on Kyoto Oval with XRR

I try to race with AI on the Kyoto Oval track on XRR
But ... the AI break on T3.... funny no ?
edit: moved to real topic sorry
Quote :
Quote :
Originally Posted by mathew4445
To the guy who posted above me.
I would myself count this as spamming or flaming.

Dude your name is pathetic "DragKing" ? Jesus. lol.

Wait a second...

You give another user a hard time about their name and call them pathetic, but HE is the one who's spamming/flaming? Pot. Kettle. Black.

His post was constructive and informative. Yours was simply trolling.

Actually, it seemed to me that he was admitting that HIS reply was spamming/flaming as he was making it!
In any case, back to the clutch issue...last night we were racing LX4's at SO Chicane reversed over 5 laps, and people were having major problems keeping the clutches from overheating. Admittedly, among these people having trouble were a bunch of n00bs from a team called Afri Cola Racing (acr) [just kidding about the n00b bit guys! ]..My point is, if THESE guys are having problems, what chance have the others got??
Quote from steve :Can we please get window while connecting turned off by default? lol.. every patch. Is it possible to get a bigger speedo for the analogue? like the diameter..

No, some Firewalls think that as the size of LFS.exe has changed it could be a virus or whatever, and so block access to it
only the good ones jakg . yes the windowed mode can be annoying but it's there for a reason.
Quote from Bladerunner :In any case, back to the clutch issue...last night we were racing LX4's at SO Chicane reversed over 5 laps, and people were having major problems keeping the clutches from overheating. Admittedly, among these people having trouble were a bunch of n00bs from a team called Afri Cola Racing (acr) [just kidding about the n00b bit guys! ]..My point is, if THESE guys are having problems, what chance have the others got??

Very good chanche. All they have to do is to practise driving with the car that has clutch heating modelled. Just like they have done so far practising driving without overheating clutch. Just like when the first car damage physics came in.
Quote from askoff :Very good chanche. All they have to do is to practise driving with the car that has clutch heating modelled. Just like they have done so far practising driving without overheating clutch. Just like when the first car damage physics came in.

The point is, a RACING car (whether it be formula, touring, or rally...FFS..even STREET racers!!!) have UPGRADED HEAVY DUTY CLUTCHES that can take a bit more abuse than a standard road car.
If you take a REAL Caterham/Lotus 7/Whatever onto a track, no matter HOW hard you push it (UNLESS you 'ride' the clutch for the entire distance!), you would expect the clutch to last a bit more than 5 laps before it fried!!!!

Just to clarify, I am not whinging personally, but it is an obvious glitch..it doesn't worry me if it is improved or not..in fact it gives ME (and all other G25 users) a definate advantage...there is no way on this planet that I should be faster over 5 laps than Freeliner and Sir.Pingo.
Quote from Bladerunner :The point is, a RACING car (whether it be formula, touring, or rally...FFS..even STREET racers!!!) have UPGRADED HEAVY DUTY CLUTCHES that can take a bit more abuse than a standard road car.
If you take a REAL Caterham/Lotus 7/Whatever onto a track, no matter HOW hard you push it (UNLESS you 'ride' the clutch for the entire distance!), you would expect the clutch to last a bit more than 5 laps before it fried!!!!

Just to clarify, I am not whinging personally, but it is an obvious glitch..it doesn't worry me if it is improved or not..in fact it gives ME (and all other G25 users) a definate advantage...there is no way on this planet that I should be faster over 5 laps than Freeliner and Sir.Pingo.

Haven't found to clutch being a problem on LX cars on tarmac really, with autoclutch it is easy to slip it a lot and there is slipping if clutch bar has even a little visible.

XFG on gravel is much worse, you can't keep throttle floored on single gear at gravel sections and I don't mean jumps.
i dont know, i got slightly used to the clutch on lx4 by now, but still, much more than 5 laps doesnt really work for me. im using autoclutch btw, would love to have one of these nice g25 or another real clutch, but...

anyway, imo it just cant take enough, either that or im a total noob. i havent driven any car where it would burn that fast. i have to lift quite long until the gear finally switched and then have to be very careful with applying throttle again, just dont think its "right" at the moment.
it`s so cool that u listen opinion of people, and then make some good changes.
Quote from JasonJ :I think he (MaxH) and some others are just trying to say that maybe we could have limited viewing angles in Cockpit view only and the custom view allows us to look back as before in all cars. Then if people want to race against people with the same limited vision disadvantage then the FCV server's can accomodate that. It's almost like we are heading that way, well I hope so anyway, 'cause at the moment we can have people in chase view racing against people with limited views.

If this happens then possibly eveyone is happy, Both the "Hard Core" and "The Leisure racers/cruisers/drifters/draggers/police/robbers etc"

I hope I'm not sounding too ungrateful, I love LFS and would have paid tripple for what I have so far got out of it. Even learning the new clutch has been nicely frustrating, (like a new game level :schwitz

Yes, thats what i mean totally fnkz for clearifying that!

I'd do the same really, LFS is the reason my computer exist!

(<-- now owned by tabbed browsing)
Quote from JTbo :Haven't found to clutch being a problem on LX cars on tarmac really, with autoclutch it is easy to slip it a lot and there is slipping if clutch bar has even a little visible.

XFG on gravel is much worse, you can't keep throttle floored on single gear at gravel sections and I don't mean jumps.

I did some testing this morning with both XFG and XRG on BL Rallycross. The XFG clutch does indeed heat up pretty fast there, faster than the XRG does for sure. I found a couple of things that really make it cook.

- Flooring the gas between shifts. If you feather onto the gas between shifts you're fine. FWIW, I don't floor it between shifts in my "real XFG" (Mazda hatchback) either, for the same reason.

- Standing on the gas when going from a lower friction surface to a higher friction surface (i.e. from dirt to tarmac or from air to dirt). Not that I get airborne IRL, but I do feather the gas when going from snow to tarmac, for example. Again, feathering the gas keeps the clutch cooler.

It's not just the big jumps where that's an issue. There are plenty of little bumps that get one or more wheels off the ground temporarily.

The XRG will eventually heat up the clutch from the same situations described above, but not as fast as the XFG. I'm not sure if the clutch is weaker in the XFG or it's a symptom of being FWD.

If it gives the XRG an advantage over the XFG on Rallycross, I'm all for it.
Quote from Barn :Good,
so now WE have established that the XFG clutch is faulty, can we please get the damn thing fixed,lol

some people actually like to do more than 4 laps in bl2.....................................

http://www.airattack.co.uk/clu ... topic&p=315366#315366

I didn't say it was faulty. I said it overheats when you do things to it that you wouldn't do to your own car. How it reacts to abuse compared a real clutch in an underpowered FWD car - I don't want to kill my real clutch to find out.

I was able to complete 15 laps of BL2 in an XFG without roasting the clutch simply by feathering it during upshifts and when landing from jumps and bumps.
Quote from Danke :I was able to complete 15 laps of BL2 in an XFG without roasting the clutch simply by feathering it during upshifts and when landing from jumps and bumps.

Nobody is saying it isn't possible to work around the issue. The point is that we shouldn't have to, because it wouldn't be an issue at all if it acted realistic.

One of my cars is a 140hp FWD car that weighs about 3200lbs (portly, I know). I drive that car very hard, including flatshifting it every so often. It's got over 80,000 miles on the stock clutch and not once has it ever slipped. Never. And this is a car that has to have the clutch ridden just to leave an uphill stoplight. My Mustang had over 100,000 miles when I sold it. It was running over 300ft/lbs of torque through the stock OEM clutch. I powershifted that car, did burnouts, did hard launches, etc. Again, the clutch never slipped. Not once.

So why is it that we have cars in this sim that are burning up clutches - heavy duty racing clutches - in the dirt!? It doesn't make any sense, it isn't realistic, and it's ruining the immersion and enjoyment for a lot of people.
I just drove 5 laps with XFG in BL2 using G25. It realy feels like the clutch is slightly too weak for the rally course. I think it shoudn't overheat so easily although I can't say if clutch in real car would do so in similar situation. I would prefer to have stronger clutch in XFG.
How should this situation to be resolved? Just learn to drive more carefuly?
Quote from Cue-Ball :Nobody is saying it isn't possible to work around the issue. The point is that we shouldn't have to, because it wouldn't be an issue at all if it acted realistic.

One of my cars is a 140hp FWD car that weighs about 3200lbs (portly, I know). I drive that car very hard, including flatshifting it every so often. It's got over 80,000 miles on the stock clutch and not once has it ever slipped. Never. And this is a car that has to have the clutch ridden just to leave an uphill stoplight. My Mustang had over 100,000 miles when I sold it. It was running over 300ft/lbs of torque through the stock OEM clutch. I powershifted that car, did burnouts, did hard launches, etc. Again, the clutch never slipped. Not once.

So why is it that we have cars in this sim that are burning up clutches - heavy duty racing clutches - in the dirt!? It doesn't make any sense, it isn't realistic, and it's ruining the immersion and enjoyment for a lot of people.

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TEST Patch X30 (to X38)
(1444 posts, closed, started )