Hello, this is not very important so I can't spend too much time on it now. But maybe it's simple and someone knows the answer.
The problem is the LFS icon appears everywhere correctly (on the file itself and on the task bar) but doesn't appear on the top left of the window.
Does anyone know why that might be? I am loading the icon from resources using the LoadIcon function, just before I call RegisterClass with a WNDCLASS structure which includes the hIcon result from LoadIcon.
Should I be using LoadImage instead? Or what am I doing wrong? Thanks!
The problem is the LFS icon appears everywhere correctly (on the file itself and on the task bar) but doesn't appear on the top left of the window.
Does anyone know why that might be? I am loading the icon from resources using the LoadIcon function, just before I call RegisterClass with a WNDCLASS structure which includes the hIcon result from LoadIcon.
Should I be using LoadImage instead? Or what am I doing wrong? Thanks!