The online racing simulator
Need advice on FOX (replay inside)
(55 posts, started )
Need advice on FOX (replay inside)
hello, had S2 about a month now, and love it, but am getting closer and closer to just jacking it in because im not enjoying it anymore because i feel like im not getting better anymore, if anything im getting worse.

here is a replay from me on blackwood, its just me driving about, my PB is high 1:11 something, but it would be pointless showing you perfect laps from me, as i hardly ever do them.

the problem i have is that on certain corners i feel like the car slides WAY too much, i hold off the throttle but its annoying that everyone else can go round these corners about 10mph faster.

i know my lines are in consistent but thats because the car is all over the place the whole time, can anyone offer some pointers.

i have only just started using manual gears as well btw.
I know people will say "just practice" but im finding myself getting more and more annoyed as i lose the backend on the same bloody corners everytime (the worse being the one you see at the end of the reply, 2 out of 10 times ill spin there)

thanks in advance

EDIT: also, i just watched the WR replay, and it really annoyed me, his car sticks to the track i swear, he goes round the corners flying and he doesnt slide at all, i really dont understand
Attached files
ScarySquirrel_BL1_FOX_11265.spr - 89.5 KB - 348 views
I don't know if I am good enough to say this, but how about this: finish braking earlier and get on gas through the corner. That'll stabalize the car and you'll get more speed at the straightaways. I think just generally speaking, you carry too much speed into the corner entry, and thus you need to do some balancing work on the exit, that sacrifices a lot of straight line speed.

Hope it helps.
From the sound of your post, try adding some downforce. Also, the setup i got from most people for that track was EXTREMELY slidey. It sucked. I attached a setup that i found the best to control. I forget the name of the guy i got it from, but he seemed content with me sending it to other people.
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FORMULA XR_BL GP Better.set - 132 B - 342 views
spend some time learning to set the car up to your liking. if the rear is sliding out, a few things can help. lower accel value on lsd (high values aren't very important in the fox because it's so low powered and grippy) less rear roll bar, lower rear tyre pressure, more rear camber, more rear downforce.
A setup you can drive well will get you far better times and consistency than a setup someone else is fast with. You should be able to get into the 1:10's at least without a setup that's hard to drive.
thanks for the help guys, ok ill test that set out, appreciate that. Also ill have a look into learning how to setup a car myself, its just one thing ive never been good at in driving games, im sur ei can find a guide though.

about finishing braking earlier, surely if i do that ill carry more speed into the corner?
Quote from ScarySquirrel :about finishing braking earlier, surely if i do that ill carry more speed into the corner?

To finish breaking earlier you also have to start braking earlier

The purpose of this is two things:
1) You don't do as much tailbraking (which provokes oversteer).
2) You follow the principle of slow in, fast out.

It's generally faster to come into a corner relatively slow, but then exit it fast and stable. See, the important thing is not speed at corner entry, its the straight after the corner. Having a fast exit can change the laptime by seconds, having a fast entry by at best tenths of seconds, if not making you slower because of crappy exit.
1:11 is a pretty quick time mate! Not bad at all for 1 months practice. Just keep racing that circuit, have fun and you'll keep knocking little bits off that PB of yours without even trying.
Well, a number of things stood out at me.

At T1, change down earlier and use the gearbox to help slow you down. Your line isn't bad through there, but as you put the throttle on you've got to let the car move around a bit underneath you - it's hard to explain, and hard to do, but the power oversteer can set you up nicely for the chicane.

In the chicane, you really can do it flat quite easily (with most setups), just let the car move a bit and don't try to fight it too much. That just unsettles the car.

In T3 you're braking in the right area, but you're not committed enough. You've got to turn in and then hold the car on the throttle to balance it. Again, it'll come with time and trust in the car.

Esses: I always take quite a wide entrance, and try not to go below 90mph. Again, I can be on the power quite early to balance the car.

Turn 6 - I think this is the hardest corner on blackwood. You've got to brake deceptively early (about 65m from memory) and turn in quite early. It's off camber on the entrance and can kick the back out very quickly. Smoothness off the brakes and onto the steering is the key here. Once you're on the apex you can be hitting full throttle again and let the car walk to the outside grasscrete.

Turn 7 - I lift/dab the brakes just after the pale patch of tarmac on the left ends, and turn in pretty much at the same time in either 4th or 5th. If you turn in too early I find you can just steer less to compensite and the slightly iffy mid corner line that causes is corrected by the uphill exit and the steep but relatively safe kerb on the exit.

Basically, don't correct every little squirm the car does, and don't be tempted to let off the throttle for those squirms either. With power and speed the car has got a cast amount of grip and balance.

This is my setup I use (and used during Vixen Challenge) and a quick replay I just did. It's the first time I've played LFS in a while after my 'time' with rFactor, and I must say LFS is heaven. Not too much grip, not too little. Can feel the car moving, not just sliding, but the tyres stretching underneath you. The FFB is lovely and subtle without rFactors cannedness. It's good to be back. And I wasn't too disappointed with my time in the end, although I thought I'd lost it in the last turn :S
Attached files
tristancliffe_BL1_FOX_10993.spr - 56.2 KB - 327 views
FORMULA XR_BLGP.set - 132 B - 375 views
Quote from ScarySquirrel :EDIT: also, i just watched the WR replay, and it really annoyed me, his car sticks to the track i swear, he goes round the corners flying and he doesnt slide at all, i really dont understand

What I look from WR replays are the braking points, sometimes the lines when I'm unsure and the points when they get on full throttle on corner exit. That chicane at blackwood is great example of right acceleration technique. Also checking the speeds they have at corners can help you do almost the same.

Some corners take courage to take them as fast they sould, like the chicane or the 2 last corners at blackwood. I'd suggest you look the WR replay again, with looking at those small details and trying to remember them and learn why it works.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
#10 - Jakg
Quote from tristancliffe :Well, a number of things stood out at me.

At T1, change down earlier and use the gearbox to help slow you down. Your line isn't bad through there, but as you put the throttle on you've got to let the car move around a bit underneath you - it's hard to explain, and hard to do, but the power oversteer can set you up nicely for the chicane.

In the chicane, you really can do it flat quite easily (with most setups), just let the car move a bit and don't try to fight it too much. That just unsettles the car.

In T3 you're braking in the right area, but you're not committed enough. You've got to turn in and then hold the car on the throttle to balance it. Again, it'll come with time and trust in the car.

Esses: I always take quite a wide entrance, and try not to go below 90mph. Again, I can be on the power quite early to balance the car.

Turn 6 - I think this is the hardest corner on blackwood. You've got to brake deceptively early (about 65m from memory) and turn in quite early. It's off camber on the entrance and can kick the back out very quickly. Smoothness off the brakes and onto the steering is the key here. Once you're on the apex you can be hitting full throttle again and let the car walk to the outside grasscrete.

Turn 7 - I lift/dab the brakes just after the pale patch of tarmac on the left ends, and turn in pretty much at the same time in either 4th or 5th. If you turn in too early I find you can just steer less to compensite and the slightly iffy mid corner line that causes is corrected by the uphill exit and the steep but relatively safe kerb on the exit.

Basically, don't correct every little squirm the car does, and don't be tempted to let off the throttle for those squirms either. With power and speed the car has got a cast amount of grip and balance.

This is my setup I use (and used during Vixen Challenge) and a quick replay I just did. It's the first time I've played LFS in a while after my 'time' with rFactor, and I must say LFS is heaven. Not too much grip, not too little. Can feel the car moving, not just sliding, but the tyres stretching underneath you. The FFB is lovely and subtle without rFactors cannedness. It's good to be back. And I wasn't too disappointed with my time in the end, although I thought I'd lost it in the last turn :S

a. find that when using the in car view the steering wheel covers up the gear indicator, meaning i often end up in neutral, which is quite annoying! and in t7 i always find that i take it to easybecause im used to driving the XRT around here!
Just watched your replay and I can fully agree with tristan. Full throttle through the first chicane is pretty important, try to go as far right as possible over the first right curb, that makes not stepping in the sand on the second right curb way easier. T3 has a good bunch of potential (apply throttle earlier!), as has the next chicane. Maybe try the 4th on the latter... the 5th seemed a bit low (if you go faster 5th may be good enough)? Finally, on T6 use the grass strip.

I dunno your settings, but for downforce I use 9° front and 15° back, my current PB is 1:10.00, after 160 laps. A high enough rear wing especially helps for the fast corners.

Personally I still hate T1, it's very easy to lose your end there on corner exit. The rest is second nature, after I learned that just stepping from the gas is enough for some corners
Quote from Jakg :a. find that when using the in car view the steering wheel covers up the gear indicator, meaning i often end up in neutral, which is quite annoying! and in t7 i always find that i take it to easybecause im used to driving the XRT around here!

I don't think I even use 2nd on a lap, let alone 1st, so hitting neutral for me (no h-shifter) isn't gonna happen.

XRT is great round T7 - get it right and you can be on full throttle well before the apex and not break traction.
wow really appreciate all the input guys, best gaming community i have come accross.

i had a quick go before work this morning, and really noticed a difference with that set that Vendetta gave me, it felt like it stuck to the road more, and i got a new PB, low 1:11 i think it was, although its not consistent. It feels at the moment that there is a bit too much understeer but ill have a play with it all.

thanks for the info on all the turns tristan thats really helpful, and again ill try your set out and see how it goes, just about to go on and have some fun

cant say it enough, thanks for all the help

EDIT: just got 3 new PB's in 3 laps in a row, ended up with a 1:10 something, well chuffed, just had to quit so as i seemed incapable of completing a lap without spinning, so punched the monitor and quit
Quote from ScarySquirrel :EDIT: just got 3 new PB's in 3 laps in a row, ended up with a 1:10 something, well chuffed, just had to quit so as i seemed incapable of completing a lap without spinning, so punched the monitor and quit

Heh, pretty similar what I do when I'm trying to learn a new combo. First 10 laps I'm all over the place ready to explode and kill...(then find myself locked in the cellar... ). Then if I just continue, my next laps will be awful, but then suddenly it gets better. Suddenly I can steadily drive good laps near my pb all the time. Luckily I don't like hotlapping otherwise I would be pissed all the time when playing LFS

Congrats for your new pb
#15 - dzac
Hi !

Please tell me what "The WR Replay" is !
I want to know ! Give me a link !! ))
Thx !
#17 - dzac
thank you, i appreciate your fast reply very much !
#18 - dzac
i dont get it, the link you gave me is the wr for another car, isn't it ?
i'm i totaly fool ? :]
You're right, I think he meant that one

E: Uhh, as a demo user, can you actually view those replays?
Quote from Hyperactive :Luckily I don't like hotlapping otherwise I would be pissed all the time when playing LFS

Whenever I hotlap I always get a little heated. And sometimes "a little heated" is an understatement! What's worse is that I'm still far too slow.
#21 - dzac
thanks for the correct link !
yes, i can, even as a guest you can.
Quote from dzac :thanks for the correct link !
yes, i can, even as a guest you can.

No, I meant like, view them in LFS
I tried to watch a replay of GTR's once back in my demo days, and it didn't worked... If nothing has changed with the patches he still shouldn't be able to watch replays of licensed cars as a demo racer...
I hate to hijack a thread like this but I hope you don't mind Scray.....

I was mucking around with the FOX at Greenwood a day before you posted this thread. After reading through everyone's advice and watching Tristans replay and downloading his set up I was able to take 5 seconds from my lap times in 4 laps!! I really wasn't giving the FOX the credit it deserved, it has soooo much grip. Much more work to go but I thought I'd share my success so far and thank you all for helping out
Pleasure (no really it was, if you read that bit about coming back to LFS after rFactor you'll see that doing those 3 ish laps (and a few out-takes :S) was actually brilliant fun!)