To be honest i'm too tired to argue right now, but if you checkout that list there's some real clunkers in there, as well as some real beauties.
And as always it comes down to the eye of the beholder. Old doesn't intrinsically mean classic, i'm old, but you'll not find a sane person on the planet that considers me a classic. (classic pillock maybe ?)
I'm sure there's a list of requirements somewhere than designates what can and can't be called a 'classic' car, although if i'm wrong i'm sure someone will mention it.
Arrgh, i could go on but i just can't be arsed right now (sorry, i'm tired and hungry). But, In my opinion only some of those cars i would call a classic, the others i'd simply call old and knackerd. You may well disagree, and thats fine by me, it's a free world after all, as i think Tristan said in another thread 'one mans shit hole is another mans stinky toilet' or something like that ? but you get the picture anyway.