Well, ive been testing it.. I guess the look keys are ok.. but autolift and autoblip.. bit of work driving is, i have so large degree of range in my pedals that its very hard.. i might have to add curvature to the axle function so that lifting gets bit easier. I do like the fact that game is harder but my ankle refuses to agree so far, after all the controllers are so different from real cars.. i need a shifter! 
I will heel and toe more as soon as progressive brake pedal for sims is brought for me.. Ive done it in GTL for example but it never comes natural braking with range of axle. I personally was able to kill the clutch in LX6 withing 8 laps of short track, too hard to be precise with lifting changing gears with bloody buttons.. point of my post.. there propably aint one.. but im sipping my morning coffee and had a tickle in the fingertips. :throwrose

I will heel and toe more as soon as progressive brake pedal for sims is brought for me.. Ive done it in GTL for example but it never comes natural braking with range of axle. I personally was able to kill the clutch in LX6 withing 8 laps of short track, too hard to be precise with lifting changing gears with bloody buttons.. point of my post.. there propably aint one.. but im sipping my morning coffee and had a tickle in the fingertips. :throwrose